Politics and Religion

Since we are getting ready to flush the toilet...
FatVern 301 reads

On this pile of shit, of an election season.

What have you learned?

I have learned(or at least instructed to believe) that race is the most important issue for the American Citizen.

FatVern99 reads

Have you been watching a different election, or do you have a legitimate learning disability.

With your obvious personal experience, I wouldn't be surprised.

we all need someone new to ridicule..i think the Donald has run his course..

FatVern83 reads

Hillary is so dirty, she could only win by running against the Donald.

JakeFromStateFarm131 reads

Can you imagine how Romney feels?  I'm sure Mitt is thinking, "If only I'd waited another four years to run I'd have been a shoe-in!"
You are now free to return to your usual inane babblings.

Luv-Kitty125 reads

"HRC is a godsend opponent to us, and we have to nominate our weakest contender."

The blame game will start the morning after. Hannity already blasted those #NeverTrump Republicans.

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