Politics and Religion

So Sad
Drumsticks 90 Reviews 1067 reads
1 / 32
Nago8 4 Reviews 1498 reads
2 / 32

Im the most liberal fucker alive but Im elated that motherfucker's dead.

Drumsticks 90 Reviews 1235 reads
3 / 32

Or maybe for a few months to let more people have a chance at him.

mattradd 40 Reviews 1139 reads
4 / 32

to say that, and that "he had become irrelevant," to the faces of those military, intelligence and counter-terrorist personnel who have been fighting the war on terrorism, particularly against Al Qaeda.

President Obama made that one of his promises and top priorities, and there are many people from the full political spectrum rejoicing at Bin Laden's death.

If nothing else, our hunting down and killing bin Laden shows our enemies that they will not get away with attacking us on our own turf! That's an extremely important message to send our enemies. An important message to send in order to protect our citizenry, and important in supporting those who fight, for us, our war against terrorism.

LuckyIrishPrick 6 Reviews 1185 reads
5 / 32

I heard my neighbors jubilantly screaming...I thought they were watching a ball game or something. At the gas station down the street an elderly black woman was dancing at the counter singing ding dong Osama's dead. Yeah, people are happy.

It is good news but...I dunno...I don't seem to feel as excited as everyone else. It ain't over till it's over and this kind of makes me realize that it is never going to be over. He's dead but he still had his way - he changed the world for ever, and not for the better.

mattradd 40 Reviews 1375 reads
6 / 32

If it was your ass tracking him down, and his gun was aimed at you, I bet you'd feel it was "justice served."

G2 1185 reads
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BunnyPhallus 4159 reads
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remylively See my TER Reviews 1286 reads
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BelleSt.Claire 1333 reads
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Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1471 reads
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nycad 20 Reviews 905 reads
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This development, while it is wonderful, it is just symbolic....

For many it serves as some measure of closure to a tragic event.

Yes, the threat of terrorism still exists, but for those that lost loved ones on that fateful day, it should bring about some small amount of solace that justice was served in the name of their loved ones.

God bless the brave men and women of the military that risked their lives or made the ultimate sacrifice in pursuit of this justice.


MohammedsLimpDick 1314 reads
14 / 32

I love that song, too.  But don't you understand it's a parody?  God!  (Oops, I mean, Allah!)  do you have any idea how lame you are!  What a fucking joke!

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1367 reads
15 / 32

Even at this moment when everybody else is happy you are being a troll.  tisk, tisk...

inicky46 61 Reviews 1911 reads
16 / 32

It's great that we were able to finally get this fuck.  But the reality is, he had become irrelevant.  The changes sweeping through the mid-east have shown the people want democracy.  They reject Al Queda's belief that Islam should try to take Muslims back to the 13th century.  We should all support the brave people of Syria and Iran in their sacrifice for liberty.

inicky46 61 Reviews 2972 reads
17 / 32

You wouldn't know a troll if it bit you on your fat ass.  You have mistaken mindless idiocy for patriotism. You are pathetic.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 970 reads
18 / 32


Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1145 reads
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inicky46 61 Reviews 1351 reads
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It is true...you are very sad.
PS:  I'm also offended as I listen to Democratic Congressman Gary Ackerman on CNN talking about how Bush couldn't kill Osama but Obama did.  Fucking Gross!  This is no time for celebration or partisanship but to thank the people who accomplished this and honor the people who died.  Their families still grieve.

BreakerMorant 1639 reads
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vet1960 1296 reads
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he was tried in court, convicted and punished... Killed in combat is not "justice served"!

STPhomer 176 Reviews 1026 reads
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Please don't pull comments that might pop up on different regional boards.   This transends politics.  I suspect the Mods that have been at ground zero or the pentagon will understand.

Timbow 1346 reads
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GaGambler 907 reads
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Don't get me wrong, I am glad we got him and the quick death he received was too good for him, but I don't feel any of the exhuberant joy that other seem to be enjoying at the news.

Osamba death is only symbolic IMO, the "war" goes on and we are not are bit closer to ending it than we were yesterday. My apologies to any Pakkies or Afghans out there, but wiping those two places off the face of the earth seems like a good start. lol

I truly wish I could get "jumping up and down type happy" over the news, but I just can't seem to muster that much joy as others seem to.

mattradd 40 Reviews 1230 reads
26 / 32

"Yes, but!" I'm in no mood, now, for a "Yes, but."

P.S. Give me a fuckin break. I know exactly what the Navy Seals say. I was in the Navy, and I've known plenty of Navy Seals.

-- Modified on 5/2/2011 11:21:08 AM

mattradd 40 Reviews 955 reads
27 / 32

but ended up getting very very fucked in a very very bad way???  ;)

vallen 11 Reviews 1503 reads
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inicky46 61 Reviews 2843 reads
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Let me be clear (and anyone who'd carefully read my posts on this should have gotten it).  I'm glad he's dead.  When I said he was irrelevant I did not mean it wasn't a good thing we got him, simply that he was less important in the scheme of things today than the push for democracy in the mid east.  Get it?  I'm very proud of the people who got it done.  I guess you must have missed my quoting the Navy Seal motto.  BTW, that really IS what they say among themselves.

inicky46 61 Reviews 999 reads
30 / 32

Or you'll be branded as an Un-American spoil-sport.

inicky46 61 Reviews 919 reads
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Any trial would have been a circus and also a platform for Osama to push his views.  Then we would have had to pay for his keeping for years.  As I see it, there is no death vile enough for the guy.  I'll settle for his just being dead.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1000 reads
32 / 32

Was it really 24 SEALS?  I'm amazed it took that many.  24 SEALS would probably be able to take the whole damn country.

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