Politics and Religion

So, now the truth starts to come out....sad_smile
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2312 reads

...as it turns out, Colorado didn't need to enact a single new gun control law. Nope. None at all. The only thing that really needed to happen was for the police....

Everyone of these killers has had red flags that should have been addressed before the shootings. If he threatened his doctor they should have arrested him and taken his guns, charging him with the crime. Surprised it actually got released and not covered up to protect the university and police from lawsuits.

St. Croix397 reads

is one level up from security guard. Someone that is fat, slow and stupid. This actually brings up an interesting question. Are the various university police departments independent of adjacent city and/or county law enforcement agencies? I wonder if they are part of a Fusion Center, which would have shared this information across multiple jurisdictions immediately. Fusion Centers were created by Homeland Security.

They are seperate entities I believe, different states/schools might have different laws/rules but most of them are seperate. Many of them still overlook rape because they dont want to tarnish the schools image, its gotten better and some states have passed manditory reporting to the real police but still it happens.  
   Any and all threats should be taken seriously if they are confessed to a psychiatrist and they report. Its fucked up that it wasnt, if someone is already seeking help because they are having trouble coping and they start making threats its criminal not to take it seriously. Esp if something happens.

DA_Flex391 reads

But you don't get arrested in this country until you actually commit a crime. I don't know all the details but until a threatened person files a restraining order or presses charges...what is LE supposed to do...and I'm not talking Campus Police either.  I know these crime or horrific, but can you imagine a country where you can be arrested for a perceived threat?  It's already bad enough to travel on an airplane...imagine that three fold across this country all in the guise of making us safe.

You did read the atricle right? It was a mental health professional following the law and reporting a threat she obviously took seriously. With threatening text messages as well it should be criminal that the cops didnt even question him, or forward the information to the real police. People are detained all the time and questioned. You can be held up to 72 hours and never charged with very little evidence actually. If he told his psychiatrist this information theres a very good chance it was a cry for help and he very well could have admitted his intentions to the police when questioned. It borders on criminal for the campus police to have done nothing and if it was any other man on the street who had this information and did nothing they would be charged as an accomplice.  
      There have been to many restrictions on personal freedoms in the name of our safety to ignore an issue such as this. I believe the law on the books makes it a crime for his psychiatrist to not have reported the threats, shouldnt the same be true for the police if they dont take an hour to question the guy in over the next month?  
       Hind sight is always 20/20 I get that. But its not like he made one small statement to a friend. He was talking to a mental health professional and if she took it seriously the police dam sure should have.  

Posted By: DA_Flex
But you don't get arrested in this country until you actually commit a crime. I don't know all the details but until a threatened person files a restraining order or presses charges...what is LE supposed to do...and I'm not talking Campus Police either.  I know these crime or horrific, but can you imagine a country where you can be arrested for a perceived threat?  It's already bad enough to travel on an airplane...imagine that three fold across this country all in the guise of making us safe.

docs for the meds.  Some are legit Dxs and the majority aren't. And a whole shitload of them stockpile guns and are running to the gun stores for more and are idiots who believe the black chopper syndrome as well as that the Federal gov is "stockpiling" LOL upon LOL ammo.

All this sound and fury for nothing. The gun lobby and NRA will make sure that the congress they own won't pass shit and the death by gun stats will soar.

is suicidal thoughts. I doubt that homocidal, and suicidal thoughts are that far removed from each other. I also believe Holmes was suicidal, body armor or not, I don't believe he thought he would survive the police response to his actions.

How come the murder stats have dropped nationwide since the early 90's than by roughly 33%? gun laws havent changed much and more people than ever have conceal and carry permits. Evryone one points to suicides as a viable gun stat. Its not, Many other countries with no public ownership of firearms have higher suicide rates. Japans is twice ours. 2/3's of all gun deaths are suicides. How do they do it in japan without firearms....?

Posted By: JeffEng16
docs for the meds.  Some are legit Dxs and the majority aren't. And a whole shitload of them stockpile guns and are running to the gun stores for more and are idiots who believe the black chopper syndrome as well as that the Federal gov is "stockpiling" LOL upon LOL ammo.  
 All this sound and fury for nothing. The gun lobby and NRA will make sure that the congress they own won't pass shit and the death by gun stats will soar.

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