Politics and Religion

Single payer?

Trump and his cronies are slowly but surely throwing a deep fuck into the poor..the elderly and the middle class with this " so called " health bill..if you voted for a dumbfuck..you deserve to get fucked..

St. Croix388 reads

Is access to Health Care a RIGHT or a PRIVILEGE? That answer alone dictates whether or not health care remains in the private sector, or we transition all aspects to the government sector.

So is your point Matt that "Medicare has lower administrative costs than private insurance therefore Medicare is MORE efficient"? I didn't see a bucket for fraud, abuse and waste in the article, did you? Is fraud, abuse, waste allocated in the administrative overhead cost bucket, or since the "FRAUDULENT" claim has already been paid, it's buried in the other buckets? I've read a number of studies where fraud, abuse and waste runs anywhere from 8% to 10%. $60B, $80B or $100B, but I guess if we transition to Health Care as a RIGHT, do we really give a shit about more waste?  

No liberal has given me an answer on how they would significantly reduce and control Medicare/Medicaid fraud, abuse and waste. So why would I agree to a Single Player system?  

Now, if you want to transition to a true Universal Health Care system, and move the complete Supply Chain of healthcare to the government, maybe as a result fraud, abuse and waste disappears. But then you needed to vote for that old fart who proclaimed himself as a taste great less filling Democratic Socialist.

This argument will continue long after you and I are DEAD. So I hate to be a bit selfish, but I may have to go along with any plan that returns all those (60+) Obamacare taxes to their rightful owners, like ME!

-- Modified on 3/9/2017 5:00:00 PM

It's two questions. First; does having universal health care benefits us as a nation. Second, do the benefits out way the costs. It seems most developed countries answer yes, and yes!

... was a disaster wait till the new Ryancare goes in to effect.    You will be thumping your ass in disgrace!

TwoMints279 reads

How medicare works?  When they refuse treatments, cut off payment for drugs and limit access to specialists. I know my parents pay out of pocket for a lot of stuff. Is that the universal care you want?

I get it, leeches want free care.  The rest of us want the best care we can afford and are willing to pay a reasonable amount for that coverage.  Obamacare fucked a lot more people then anyone talks about. The increased premiums, increased deductibles and in many cases the loss of choice.

The simple steps that should be taken are Tort reform and selling across state lines. These two steps would reduce premium a massive amount.  Why doesn't this happen? The lobby/the swamp.  Cuck Ryan and Mcconnell have no intention of ever getting these items passed. They talk about the first step, 2nd etc... They might pass the 1st, they need 60 votes to get the 2nd and 3rd which won't happen. To many people in our congress are beholden to big donors. It really is disgusting.

If Trump had the right plan, he could stand at the podium weekly and shit on Congress until they passed it. He could call out every person in congress that didn't pass it. Put the spot light on them to explain why they are against Reform and choice. Maybe he'll get the message.

Both are/will be very popular, especially when the R's hammer home they will bring down cost. Remember, there are 23 Dems up for re-election, 10 in states that Trump won, in 2018.

They need to show there right leaning constituency they are "reasonable" and cant just tow the Dem party line with every vote as that will get them tossed out of office.

We don't need any of them, if the Dems don't use the filibuster, but we will garner enough to either overcome one or we will get close enough that the politics would so be on the R side, the senate could change the rules to make it a straight up or down vote.

JakeFromStateFarm401 reads

This sentence is an abortion: "They need to show there right leaning constituency they are "reasonable" and cant just tow the Dem party line with every vote as that will get them tossed out of office."
1) Not "there right" but "their right."
2) "cant just tow the Dem part line" vs. can't just toe the Dem party line.  So in one single phrase you have a punctuation error, a typo and a misnomer ("tow" vs. toe.)  
These egregious errors lead me to urge you take a hiatus from posting while attending some remedial communications classes. I will be happy to school you but, please, do NOT attempt to negotiate a lower fee.  Extreme sanctions will then be in order.

You seem to know nothing about how medicare works! I've had 3 major operations, and one long series of radiations treatments. I pay a nominal amount for a supplementation plan. I've seen the best doctors of my choosing, at one of the best hospitals in the country, and not paid a penny for services. Come back when you personally know what you are talking about! ;)

TwoMints358 reads

I'm glad it's working for you.

All I know is when Dad calls and says he's got to outlay money for my mom's medication I guess I just believe him.  That's because they aren't indigent or illegal they get shafted. I don't know myself, I can only pass along what my dad tells me. I'm sure he's lying now that you've corrected me.  

I'm heartened to know that we're (tax payers) dropping 100's of thousands to keep you alive..

Posted By: mattradd
You seem to know nothing about how medicare works! I've had 3 major operations, and one long series of radiations treatments. I pay a nominal amount for a supplementation plan. I've seen the best doctors of my choosing, at one of the best hospitals in the country, and not paid a penny for services. Come back when you personally know what you are talking about! ;)

Sorry, but I'm not going to feel too badly, though it sounds like you'd like me to. Since, I put my life on the line serving my country, worked hard all my life, and paid into social security since I was fourteen, I think I've paid my dues. I dare you and the Republican party to tell the Millennials "I'm heartened to know that we're (tax payers) dropping 100's of thousands to keep you alive..", and see what happens to this country! ;)

You, as a taxpayer, do know how Medicare works don't you? ;)

Poor guy is letting his parent die and he doesn't know it...is that some form of elder abuse??

Mr.M.Johnson211 reads

Someone claimed "$millions of waste fraud and abuse on Medicare - share some evidence please.  $654 billion was Medicare expenditures last year.  Had that been private insurance it would be 20% higher due to United Health Care etc. getting 20% on top of services for admin and profit.  20% of $650 billion is $120 billion.  There certainly ain't $120 billion in fraud...

The other $number is $10,000 - that's what it costs now per person on average per year for healthcare.  This is why poor and low earners couldn't afford insurance w/o ObamaCare.

Somebody asked "is healthcare a right or privilege."  This misses the point.  People w/o insurance show up at the emergency room for free healthcare.  Emergency room healthcare is NOT preventive - it's "I'm really fucking sick now and I desperately need help."  It's way the hell more expensive to treat "desperately needing help," than prescribing an antibiotic.  And those with insurance are paying for these "desperately needing help" people - insurance companies ain't gonna eat those costs - they pass 'em onto people like me who have United Health Care etc.

BTW, I love P.Ryan's response to the question of "high earners get large tax breaks, agree?"  His answer: "we don't wanna discriminate."  That's verbatim quote!

So, again, how do we provide healthcare for poor/low income people?  If we say healthcare is a "privilege" we're  saying "fuck 'em."

I don't hava horse in this ObamaCare/TrumpCare race - I have private insurance.  It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.  Right now millions will lose insurance which is the opposite of what Trump "promised."


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