Politics and Religion

REVOLUTION: sheriffs unite to protect counties and states from feds
mrnogood 2219 reads

-- Modified on 12/4/2011 3:04:51 AM

ScamsRus921 reads

We’ll need support from our local Sheriffs to help deal with the latest of our troop deployments.  We are now deploying 20,000 troops within our own borders to: “deal with terrorist attacks” or “civil unrest following an economic collapse”.


Is our so called “Messiah” hedging his bets?  I thought he had made us all so much safer with his “bold moves” within our HLS?  I thought if we followed his “sage economic advice” he would save us from an economic collapse?   Of course the CATO Institute is attempting to “calm the waters” by stating that these troops will not have the ability to arrest us.  I guess arrest and “detain indefinitely” are two different things.  Just ask those Japanese American citizens rounded up in 1942.

It seems strange to me that the only bill that our Congress can “come together” and pass with an over whelming majority is to restrict more of our freedoms and liberties.  BAA…BAA…BAA


Priapus53682 reads

A serious question that you failed to answer last time.

Once again, if you answer "yes", you you have my solemen promise that I will no longer bother you on this board.

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