Politics and Religion

Trump plans to deport 15-20 million illegals...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 107 reads


What is the Over/Under for how many people Trump will legally deport in the next four years?
I'll put it at 2 million...and I'll take the Under.

But in order to do that, he’ll have to do better than Deporter In Chief Obama, who peaked at just over 400K  deportations in his best year.

By the numbers: Under the Obama administration, total ICE deportations were above 385,000 each year in fiscal years 2009-2011, and hit a high of 409,849 in fiscal 2012. The numbers dropped to below 250,000 in fiscal years 2015 and 2016.

Under Trump, ICE deportations fell to 226,119 in fiscal 2017, then ticked up to over 250,000 in fiscal 2018 and hit a Trump administration high of 282,242 this fiscal year (as of June).

It's not much of a gamble to take the Over when the Over/Under is 2 million.  I deliberately set it very low because I don't think Trump can even deport that many.  You could have said the Over/Under should be 10 million.  That's a reasonable number because it's half of what Trump promised to deport.  Oh yeah, I forgot - you didn't vote for Trump so you think he's full of shit too.  ROLMAO!!

You don’t know much about gambling. You’re betting under 2 million. Why would I bet against you with an over 10 million when over 2 million is an available wager?

You’re right I didn’t vote for Trump. But then again I didn’t vote for Kamala either.

You know even less about gambling than you do about politics.  You're not betting against ME you fucking moron, you're betting against the LINE.   A book sets the line to attract an even amount of money on the Over and the Under.  A book doesn't give a shit if the Overs or the Unders win; a book makes its money on the "vig."

Please keep posting about gambling; you are the dumbest fuck I've ever seen when it comes to gambling.

Once again, BigPapasan displays his gambling ignorance. Why would a gambler looking to bet the over at 10M when an over is available at 2M? Bottom line BigP, if you think 2M is too low, just admit it.

....and speaking of gambling I got real nice plus number on President Trump winning the popular vote. I bet real money on two things leftist, college football and Oaklawn Park racetrack. The election play was more for fun and the price was right LOL! So please don't try to educate anyone about gambling fat fuck....

You round up the illegals. Pack them tight as cattle onto cargo planes and then just drop them off in Ukraine. That way the chickenhawk neocons in the Dem party can be happy. Liz Cheney will be well pleased when she hears we’re putting boots and taco trucks on the ground there. Send Pigbapa there and the Mex-rainians will use him as a weapon, as Pigbapa eats Putin with a side of guacamole.  

...for me success is 5 million illegals deported and deporting 10 million illegals would be a resounding success! Bottom line a closed border and even 500K illegals deported would be acceptable vs. 20 NEW illegals in a would be Harris first term,

Trump could give plenty of incentive to self-deport.  For instance, perma-ban for any that are caught and deported.  Anyone who leaves voluntarily can have the option to come back in legally.

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