Politics and Religion

Sap, I was being tongue in cheek about the nuts, Quayle & hankerchief bitsteeth_smile
Priapus53 202 reads

Just goes to show how remarkably obtuse you are; you also need to Google "Put-on" & "Irony".

What this is an obvious example of is how ANGRY sap gets when a loony conspiracy theory is challenged, like the Alex jones nonsense of above. This crazed indignation is highly symptomatic of Bi Polar disorder. You see him do the same thing when mrng is "challenged ; the touching way he rushes to his defenese is a "mancrush/bromance" of the highest order only rivalled by tini's "homoerotic fawning" of mrng. I suspect that the "nude & interconnected Conga line" that Sap, ng & Tini perform at the Bridal suite of a Motel 6 would rival any production # that the Village people would perform; hopefully, they brought a tub of lubricant------ugh.

But what do you expect of a poster that changes his name after a "psychiatric hiatus" from the board & names the fey Joe Besser his fave stooge ?! Meshugganah indeed.

Lastly, in re to Rutabaga his graph chart shows him to the right of Atilla the Hun; couple that with his penis obsession & he could be a 4th party in the Sap-ng-tini "diasy chain"------:(

-- Modified on 8/28/2012 8:44:19 AM

Priapus53184 reads

& please sassy, cut the "Alex Jones tinfoil hat conspiracy bullshit", else me & my lefty friends will find a video claiming that Mormon Mitt Romney is a polygamist tax cheater.

I thank you for that spelling correction,  these darn computers can make such errors today  LOL.    You must have zipped right through that video and extracted what fit your personal view and that's OK, but Sir,   please, you don't need to become "retaliatory" it is not becoming of a gentleman,  of which I'm sure you are.

GaGambler185 reads

it will drive him completely nuts. lol

Priapus53201 reads

& keep in mind, "Dear Sassy", things will be civil if asinine "conspiracy theories" are kept out of the mix--------if you wanna say BHO is wrecking the economy, etc. fine, but let's keep the conspiracy nonsenese out of this from BOTH sides.

BTW, Pri is ALWAYS the "perfect gentleman " with providers-----when I CIM, I always bring a hankie for the lady to wipe off her chin & if I feel the need to "pass wind", I make a hasty exit to the bathroom-----;)-----ROFLMFAO !

LOL The Fertility God bringing a hanky,  I thought he wanted to spread his seed.  LOL  

But now,  Mr Fertility God,  let's face fact here the video was all conjecture on Mr Gilbert's part but of course  by virtue of the provocative nature of the matter,  it can and will certainly stir up intense emotions on both sides.   But hey,  Mr Fertility God (sorry,  I have to play with you) you have to admit President Obama certainly looks a lot  more like Frank Marshal Davis than he does Barack Obama Sr.  

Its a wonderful day in paradise

Priapus53175 reads

Deos that mean Quayle fathered me?!-----ROFLMFAO !

It's a swell day for me in Sin City-----:)

-- Modified on 8/27/2012 7:43:03 PM

2 words, Pri-"Authoritarian," and "Right."  Not to mention your frequently displayed obsession to correct the spelling of other people ("potatoe?")

Quayle and Pri-Separated at birth/Joined by Shared Ideas?

Since you are always on the ready to prescribe Thorazine to me and anyone else that disagrees with you, I thought it might come in handy about now for the treatment of the bull-goose asshalo of P+R.  Sauce for the Gander, and all that.

You would make a better impression upon your provider in the "Preux Chevalier" department if your practice of bringing a hanky to your appointments used the aforementioned hanky (how gay is it to refer to a handkerchief as a "hanky?"  I don't know and don't care-just putting it out into the universe) to wipe the residue of brownish grease off of your own starfish after your impromptu, hasty retreats to the bathroom to execute your private, fart breaks.  In the future, maybe you can stay in the room, play a rousing game of "Pull My Finger," and THEN go wipe off in the bathroom.  The possibilities are endless.

Each of the assertions made by Filmmaker Joel Gilbert in the presentation of "Dreams from my real father," have been researched, and verified to be factual.  On the other hand, everything that the public thinks that they know about Obama is the result of meticulous nit-picking by propagandists and spin doctors to arrive at a narrative designed to have the highest "Q" factor with the best degree of plausible deniability, to be impossible to independently verify, and to provide the target audience with a warm and fuzzy, "Gee Whiz! His dad was a Kenyan goatherder. Ain't America wonderful?" moment.  Of course, you are free to believe whichever of these two renditions of Obama's life you choose.  

Fact versus fantasy-your choice of "conspiracy theories."

Priapus53203 reads

Just goes to show how remarkably obtuse you are; you also need to Google "Put-on" & "Irony".

What this is an obvious example of is how ANGRY sap gets when a loony conspiracy theory is challenged, like the Alex jones nonsense of above. This crazed indignation is highly symptomatic of Bi Polar disorder. You see him do the same thing when mrng is "challenged ; the touching way he rushes to his defenese is a "mancrush/bromance" of the highest order only rivalled by tini's "homoerotic fawning" of mrng. I suspect that the "nude & interconnected Conga line" that Sap, ng & Tini perform at the Bridal suite of a Motel 6 would rival any production # that the Village people would perform; hopefully, they brought a tub of lubricant------ugh.

But what do you expect of a poster that changes his name after a "psychiatric hiatus" from the board & names the fey Joe Besser his fave stooge ?! Meshugganah indeed.

Lastly, in re to Rutabaga his graph chart shows him to the right of Atilla the Hun; couple that with his penis obsession & he could be a 4th party in the Sap-ng-tini "diasy chain"------:(

-- Modified on 8/28/2012 8:44:19 AM

GateCrasher150 reads

nope, you're a douche bag.

I have checked out Alex Jones before and had to dismiss him as an annoying fear monger.  While I do believe there is so kind of cover-up of the truth.  I think it is from both sides, and the only thing they let leak out is controversy to keep us divided.  I am not a religious person at all, but feel we may be going through some kind of evolution of awaking to our freedoms and rights disappearing in the name of fighting terrorism.  A boogey man that is invisible, almost like the Christians invisible boogey man, the devil.  A war we can't win.  Like if the Taliban wanted to come over here and kill off our few loonatics that carry guns and shoot innocents in theatres.

Please pardon Pri.  He doesn't like when people research and have to answer questions for themselves.  Maybe he is just mad at escorts in general over money or taxes.  If that be the case, he might want to consider voting for fair tax.

I am very tired and couldn't bear to listen to Alex Jones annoying voice again.  But I have listened before and he offers no solutions only more questions.


mrnogood185 reads

His presentation does more to hurt the cause than help it... He's a shill..

Their is a lot of great alternative news out their though

Try blacklisted news, the guy who owns that site, owns a radio station called oracle broadcasting.. Good alternative to Alex jones

Priapus53141 reads

Btw, how's you research going on the "evil Cabal of Jewish bankers" & "U.S Fema concentration camps" ?

Please give us your findings ASAP-----:)

just enough to stay away from Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase Citibank and know that Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan helped create this mess.  just enough to know to stay debt-free and handle all of my affairs in my family without a bank or credit.  Now excuse me, I have an estate sale to deal with today.  Thanks for letting me distract myself from the fact a nursing home will only be giving my loved $50 a month after taking ALL his retirement and SS.  Take care.


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