Politics and Religion

Same thing happening in Springfield Ohio.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1 reads

They’re handing out driver’s licenses to Haitians like it’s candy. They can’t read the road signs and don’t understand the traffic laws so they just ignore them, sometimes running over geese, pets or the random pedestrian.

of 20 years why my car insurance is up over 40% from two years ago.  He told me that they are getting hit with a massive amount of uninsured motorist claims.  

"Biden and Harris opened the borders, Gavin Newsome is giving the illegals drivers licenses, and they are acquiring cars and getting in accidents without insurance of their own, which is against California law, but laws don't mean much to the illegals."  I think more blue states are going to have the same problem.  

They’re handing out driver’s licenses to Haitians like it’s candy. They can’t read the road signs and don’t understand the traffic laws so they just ignore them, sometimes running over geese, pets or the random pedestrian.

Can be hazardous to your health and your insurance.You're in that "Red Line" area as insurances like to say.
May I recommend staying away from that area. Your insurance cost will drop..promise you.

Not just his insurance agent, who wouldn't know this. There's also his Mexican maids who tell him all about illegal migrants. And there's his random sample of storefronts.
CDL is a font of useful info. LOL.

CDL is a font?

Posted By: inicky46
Re: CDL has so many sources of (bogus) information.
Not just his insurance agent, who wouldn't know this. There's also his Mexican maids who tell him all about illegal migrants. And there's his random sample of storefronts.  
 CDL is a font of useful info. LOL.
I think of him as an emoji:

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