Politics and Religion

"You need to come with us and explain your religious beliefs."
sappybullfighter 1848 reads

These days it's not "OK" to be a Christian in America, as this article attests:


Right wing religious Jesus Freaks are paranoid enough as it is. After 9/11 you could have told them that Osama bin Laden lived in their toilet, and was waiting to bite their asses when they were doing their business, and they would have tossed a grenade into their thrones, and spent the next 6 years shitting in a hole in the ground.

I actually read this link, and it's pretty hysterical. Real news articles have a universal format. Every journalist learns that the first thing they teach you is to tell the most important part of the story first. Here, the most important part of the story is the supposed psychiatric evaluation of this guy. But that doesn't show up until near the end of the article. Rather the author spends the first 3 paragraphs trying to shore up his credibility.

If you spend that much time trying to assure your audience that you have credibility, then that tells me that your credibility is lacking.

For all we know this story could just be made up out of whole cloth. Or, perhaps this guy is a paranoid schizo who's psychiatric evaluation was previously court ordered for committing a crime. Or, the whole damn thing could have been a hoax played on this rinky dink radio program.

What I do know is that millions of Americans both go to church and are gun owners, many in my own family, and I have never heard of a single one of them being forced to have a mental evaluation for the shits and giggles of it. I work in a field where I deal with people who are often have to get a mental evaluation, and I have never heard of any such thing.

If this was really happening in this country, then people who are untrained as educators, and who have delusional religious beliefs wouldn't be allowed to home school their children. Rather, we give such people plenty of encouragement to do so. We allow churches to operate tax free so long as they stay out of politics, and they enter the political realm regardless without penalty.

I wished we lived in a world where religious people were forced to get a mental evaluation. You don't have to look very far into history to show that delusional religious people can be quite violent and destructive. Whether it's flying planes into buildings, throwing acid into women's faces, or blowing up women's health clinics or setting off pipe bombs at the Olympics, religious people have delusional beliefs that propel them to behave in a destructive manner.

I knew a paranoid schizophrenic who once told me that the squirrels in her back yard where spying on her for Uncle Sam. She knew this was true because she could see that they had on "listening devices". I don't see how this is very much different from thinking that God is talking directly to your head.

mrnogood277 reads

when you spend post after post trying to convince us it's real..LMAO

...at least in the USA.

Since Oklahoma City, over 75 attempted Christian terrorist plots have taken place, or one attempted every 3 months for the last 17 years.

Right wing Christian terrorists have bombed medical facilities, bombed the Olympics, blew up federal buildings, flown planes into IRS buildings, and carried out targeted assassinations.

The fact of the matter is that they ARE a threat. The only reason why it bothers you that the feds do anything to prevent Christian terrorist attacks is because you sympathize with the goals and aims of those terrorists.

followme136 reads

Another one of your

Left wing liberal conspiracy theories.

Hurry up go re-supply the bunker.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

...is that you're in desperate need of a thorazine drip.

It's not a secret that the NYPD has had problems with corruption, but if you think that means you need to hide under your bed, then, well, be my guest.

But even if we assume your stories are true, which I doubt, since you're posting shit from Glenn Beck's website, then it doesn't prove that these are anything but isolated incidents.

I could create the same kind of hysteria you're suffering from Space Cadet, just by posting a few news articles about people who got struck by lightning, and claim that God is trying to electrocute us all.

Until that happens, here's a little ditty for you to sing, Space Cadet.

Do you want to find yourself in some gulag somewhere, Space Cadet? Shush! Before it's too late!

GaGambler162 reads

at least ng is basically harmless, fun to laugh at, and probably means well, in his/her drug induced kind of way.

I wish I could say that about the latest batch of trolls.

Oh  yes.  First, willy trots-out the old horse that the information I linked to in my OP could not be credible  because the person who wrote it did not adhere to the rules of composition as laid-out for Journalism 101 students.  willy followed that with a little name calling directed a Christians and totally misconstruing the main point of the story (being dragooned by uniformed thugs and held in extrajudicial coersion and deprived of his civil rights without due process).

And then, creating a facade of credibility willy linked to an article detailing 75 examples of supposed "right-wing terrorism," published by a front group associated with the Southern Poverty Law Center-a group totally bought and paid-for by the same folks at the helm of the construction of the American ploice state.

willy's clumsy attempts to demonize white people, Christians and conservatives would probably be highly praised by the SPLC and the ADL because it so faithfully follows a script produced in 2009 by the Department of Homeland Security that characterizes military veterans, gun owners and conservatives as  domestic terror threats.

The FBI has controlled violent white supremacist groups since the 1960s through a systematic program of infiltration, financing of these groups and providing firearms and explosives. For example, under COINTELPRO, the government subsidized, armed, directed and protected the Ku Klux Klan and other right-wing groups.  Racist groups were used to create a strategy of tension by attacking groups on the so-called left, including anti-war, Chicano and Puerto Rican activists and nationalists.

willy should shove Saul Alinsky's head up his wonkoid ass and leave it there.

I even read Ward Churchill's book on the subject.

And yes, I find the article you posted to be not credible in the slightest. Show me a 2nd or 3rd source. Otherwise I can only assume it's made-up bullshit.

If you think groups like the Army of God isn't interested in murdering doctors or for that matter, anyone who isn't a Christian like them, then you've got another thing coming.

Few people who deride that DHS report bothered to read it. Feel free to read it in full here at the bottom of this article.


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