Politics and Religion

Russia backs down on a syrian/Iranian invasion after we gave them 7 oil rich islands off the coast
mrnogood 2003 reads

of Alaska.. Apparently these islands were also oil rich


The usa showed no regard for ANY of the people living on the islands

""Russia turns its back on Iran and Syria, giving the green light for a military invasion while freezing Iran embassy accounts.
Russia has backed away from is hardline stance of standing behind Iran and Syria against a western military invasion, following weeks of warnings to respect the sovereignty of those nations.

Iran’s state TV is reporting that Russian has frozen Iranian bank accounts at the same time Russian officials change their stance on Syria, back the UN and saying they will not intervene against a military invasion."

War with Syria, may be as soon as next week now.. Gas up folks

-- Modified on 3/3/2012 4:24:07 AM

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