Politics and Religion

Romnesia: A Fox News transmitted disease like Ryanobia and afflicts up to 47% of the population.teeth_smile
salonpas 1858 reads

Romnesia is a positional disorder that causes sufferers to lean dangerously to the right and then to the center and back again many times, causing vertigo.

Symptoms include a shrinkage or complete loss of principles, underdeveloped empathy and a pathological inability to speak the truth.

Ryanobia can transmitted by those suffering from Romnesia and involves cognitive dissonance, where reality and stated beliefs have no connection.

Ryanobia can also involve the inability to achieve successful elections and symptoms may include an over-developed sense of self-love, resulting in exhibitionist behavior, such as posing in gyms or soup kitchens.

Treatment includes removing flip flops, waiting for elections to pass and laying down in a dark room for the next four years.

I start out in the middle of an issue. Then I move progressively to the left. Then a run as fast as I can to the far right of said issue. After that I gracefully skip back to the center. This process usually takes about six days. Sometimes this prevents me from sleeping at night, on the plus side this keeps me fit and trim.

Could I actually be Mitt Romney?

ChowderICantHearYou162 reads

Did the Obama Campaign Steal ‘Romnesia’ From a Tweeter Who Calls Republicans ‘Traitors’ and Uses Homophobic Slurs?

Campaigns that are losing tend to behave as, well, losers. They flail. They grasp at straws. They come up with meme after meme and fling them at the voters, hoping something sticks. They say crazy things. They just don’t look like things are going their way.

The Obama campaign has accused Mitt Romney of murder, of being a felon in business, and they have turned the nation’s lonely eyes to Big Bird and binders. And then they briefly revisited the non-drinking, non-smoking Mitt’s felonious past. None of these have done anything but make the president look smaller and less presidential. He’s starting to look like a punk teenage truant standing next to Romney.

Today, the Obama campaign graced the political world with a new gotcha on Mitt Romney: “Romnesia.” President Obama’s official twitter feed and his campaign peeps have led the charge.

But Sooper Mexican traced “Romnesia” back to its probable origins: A tweeter whose handle is BatCrapCrazy 4 Obama, @SECrapp. “SECrapp,” an obvious twist on the name of conservative pundit S.E. Cupp, has photoshopped “ROMNESIA” into photos of Romney signs at campaign events. Har har.

BatCrap also enjoys a good prison rape joke at Tagg Romney’s expense.


The sooner the O-douchebags are flushed out of the public square the better we'll all be.

ChowderICantHearYou160 reads

The more we see of Obama the bigger punk he becomes.

Binders? Big Bird? Now "Romnesia"


The cleverness of a 7th grader!

Timbow215 reads

Posted By: salonpas

Romnesia is a positional disorder that causes sufferers to lean dangerously to the right and then to the center and back again many times, causing vertigo.

Symptoms include a shrinkage or complete loss of principles, underdeveloped empathy and a pathological inability to speak the truth.

Ryanobia can transmitted by those suffering from Romnesia and involves cognitive dissonance, where reality and stated beliefs have no connection.

Ryanobia can also involve the inability to achieve successful elections and symptoms may include an over-developed sense of self-love, resulting in exhibitionist behavior, such as posing in gyms or soup kitchens.

Treatment includes removing flip flops, waiting for elections to pass and laying down in a dark room for the next four years.

ChowderICantHearYou192 reads


Prolly the same dopes paying daffy to post here. Back to Walmart after the election!

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