Politics and Religion

Right wing Parties win in sweeping landslides all across Europe.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 288 reads

You feel that? The entire world is rejecting woketard globalist nonsense. In Argentina. In El Salvador. And now in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, and Belgium. Everyone is rejecting mass migration, open borders and the attack on national sovereignty by the woketard left wing globalists. The globalist world order is crumbling. And the next domino to fall will be the USA when Trump becomes the next President. Assuming Biden makes it that long.

...or a stupid liar.  Where's your link that says "sweeping landslides?"  All the links I found said the right made "gains."

willy's links are so stupid - they don't even know how to spell "Luxembourg."  And riddle me this, willy:
How is the "first ever seat for ADR" considered a "sweeping landslide?"  Just when I thought willy couldn't get any dumber...

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: willy's either stupid or a liar...
...or a stupid liar.  Where's your link that says "sweeping landslides?"  All the links I found said the right made "gains."  
 willy's links are so stupid - they don't even know how to spell "Luxembourg."  And riddle me this, willy:  
 How is the "first ever seat for ADR" considered a "sweeping landslide?"  Just when I thought willy couldn't get any dumber...
Soooo BigP adopts the hairsplitting and “yer sooo dumb” bit of his fellow blue koolaid hot tub dwellers.

post some links showing “sweeping landslides” across Europe by right-wingers.  If you want to be a white knight do it right; don’t just give lip service…to Willy’s dick.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: OK, white knight, why don’t YOU…
post some links showing “sweeping landslides” across Europe by right-wingers.  If you want to be a white knight do it right; don’t just give lip service…to Willy’s dick.


willy must be enrolled in Poetic License 101 at CDLU.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: "Far-right gains" are not "stunning landslides"...
 willy must be enrolled in Poetic License 101 at CDLU.
What are you icky with the hairsplitting?  

Back to me
You do
Miles on the treadmill Jabba 👍

PS I’m just
Doing it for your health  🤞🤞🤞

facts, justice, the Constitution and everything that's decent about America.
So naturally, Looooser isn't part of it.
He hates it because he's an anti-American, pro-Russian bot.
A complete fraud.
A Putin tool.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: What Loooooser calls "hair splitting" is actually
facts, justice, the Constitution and everything that's decent about America.  
 So naturally, Looooser isn't part of it.  
 He hates it because he's an anti-American, pro-Russian bot.  
 A complete fraud.  
 A Putin tool.
Tsk Tsk ickster there ya go again, trying to seek legitimacy.

Lefty play book page 2. Page 1 is look at us aren’t we great as we burn and loot and riot!  

Anyway, lefty play book page 2 says.

Admit to nothing

Deny everything  

Make counter accusations  

It’s what you fucks do 🤷🏻‍♂️

I'm trying to shit on your head. And in that I have succeeded.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: "trying to seek legitimacy?" Not hardly.
I'm trying to shit on your head. And in that I have succeeded.
and you haven’t susceded at anything but making it planely obvious your pushing the koolaid agenda 🥶 super duper hard.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Looooser hasn't "susceded" at spelling the word right even when I showed him how.
It's "planely" obvious you are an ignoramus.  
 But Trump loves you.
Your laughable easy to wind up GN 🤣🤣🤣

But spelling !!! 🤣🤣🤣

But TRUMP!!! 🤣🤣🤣

Pathetic attempt at a twofer with deflection  

On the BigP scale Of deflection I’m giving you a .87 👎

And your still pissed that the blue 🥶 gooo ain’t being embraced on mass.  

Wake up lefty America! Your wrong!

So you left me with your two egregious spelling errors. And in such a short post.
That was an accomplishment I simply had to recognize.
Blue goo!!! Blue Goo!!! Blue Goo!!!!
You're the only one to embrace it. Over and over and over and over.

-- Modified on 6/12/2024 3:02:08 PM

“If we are to have another [civil war], I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon’s, but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition, and ignorance on the other.”

superstition, ambition, and ignorance on the other
It’s hard to gage based on Twitter impressions, but I get the sense that it’s libs more than conservatives fretting over some hypothetical civil war. Keep in mind that any far right whack job thinking about taking up arms is already on an FBI watch list, if not already in jail.  There seem to be many more libs posting about “F15s beat AR15s” than I see conservatives posting about aiming their AR15s at the Feds. From that perspective, it’s the libs who are superstitious and ignorant.

He thinks "it's the libs who are superstitious and ignorant." as if they imagined groups like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers in a fever dream. There are NO leftists groups that match up.
Poor ChicKie...

Posted By: inicky46
Re: As usual, ChicKie is totally selective and wearing blinders.
He thinks "it's the libs who are superstitious and ignorant." as if they imagined groups like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers in a fever dream. There are NO leftists groups that match up.  
 Poor ChicKie...
Yer kidding right? 🤣🤣🤣

Hummmm let me See?



Those are two stinking rotting albatrosses hanging around the Left’s neck.

First of all, BLM is lots of things but one thing it isn't is an armed, paramilitary group. Neither is Antifa, which is just an unaffiliated group of anarchist loons.
As usual, Looooser is a vaporing fool.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Loooooser is unhinged.
First of all, BLM is lots of things but one thing it isn't is an armed, paramilitary group. Neither is Antifa, which is just an unaffiliated group of anarchist loons.  
 As usual, Looooser is a vaporing fool.
And how many Proud boys or oath keepers have ever killed anyone? Let me see? 🤔 zero? Yeah ZERO!  

How many people have BLM “mostly peaceful protestors” or ANTIFA killed?  


How do you know none of the cops injured on Jan. 6 (or those that later died) weren't assaulted by a Proud Boy or an Oath Keeper?
Put up or shut up.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Prove it, Looooser.
How do you know none of the cops injured on Jan. 6 (or those that later died) weren't assaulted by a Proud Boy or an Oath Keeper?  
 Put up or shut up.
Because if they had this FBI would have found them and charged them. Only one cop “died” and his death was ruled natural causes. The FBI tracked down the two people that pepper sprayed him and neither was a proud boy or oath keeper nor were they charged with murder.

"Pezzola was also found guilty of assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers and robbery involving government property." Pezzola was a Proud Boy. And there are plenty more like this, making you a blatant liar. And a Looooooser.
Now read this. Then go fuck yourself.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: You really HATE facts, don't you, Liiiiiiiiiiiiar?
"Pezzola was also found guilty of assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers and robbery involving government property." Pezzola was a Proud Boy. And there are plenty more like this, making you a blatant liar. And a Looooooser.  
 Now read this. Then go fuck yourself.
I asked how many Proud Boys or Oath keepers actually killed anyone? I’m going to add, in any riot not just Jan 6? I’m not aware of any.

Meanwhile the number of dead from the BLM RIOTS is a number they can’t even put a cap on, 25? 27? 29? I’ve seen all of them and now I love the oh there were deaths that are now being called deadly crimes that occurred near the protest from criminal acts… go fuck yourselves you lefty fucks!

-- Modified on 6/15/2024 10:00:02 PM

So it only counts if they killed someone? But assault and battery is fine? Sedition is fine? How come so many of them are in jail? Oh! I know!!! They are "political prisoners!" Waaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!

Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are ACTIVIST groups that promote their neo-Nazi ideologies through speeches, policy statements, organized protests, social media, etc., etc.. Those activities have an effect on non-members to act violently.  
Stochastic Terrorism: targeted political violence that has been instigated by hostile public rhetoric directed at a group or individual. (This can occur along with more direct incitement to violence, e.g., "Hang Mike Pence!") A key element is the use of social media and other distributed forms of communications where the person who carries out the violence has no direct connection to the users of violent rhetoric.
Kyle Rittenhouse killed two people and wounded one other.
"... On January 30, 2020, Rittenhouse attended a Trump rally in Des Moines, Iowa, seated in the front row. ..."
"... Rittenhouse was adopted as an informal mascot of the Proud Boys and was photographed surrounded by members of the group after he was released on bond. ..."

Posted By: LostSon
Re: Icky is nuts! 🙄🙄🙄
Posted By: inicky46
Re: Loooooser is unhinged.  
 First of all, BLM is lots of things but one thing it isn't is an armed, paramilitary group. Neither is Antifa, which is just an unaffiliated group of anarchist loons.  
  As usual, Looooser is a vaporing fool.
And how many Proud boys or oath keepers have ever killed anyone? Let me see? 🤔 zero? Yeah ZERO!  
 How many people have BLM “mostly peaceful protestors” or ANTIFA killed?  

The Proud Boys are not Neo-Nazis. Far from it. Your Rittenhouse connection is tenuous at best.

Posted By: cks175
Re: Icky is nuts! 🙄🙄🙄
The Proud Boys are not Neo-Nazis. Far from it. Your Rittenhouse connection is tenuous at best.
Rittenhouse was never a proud boy and the pics they took with him was a set up by a former lawyer who got fired for doing that!

Nice try though impy…

Posted By: cks175
Re:  when he said this... (re Civil War and Superstitious Libs)
superstition, ambition, and ignorance on the other
It’s hard to gage based on Twitter impressions, but I get the sense that it’s libs more than conservatives fretting over some hypothetical civil war. Keep in mind that any far right whack job thinking about taking up arms is already on an FBI watch list, if not already in jail.  There seem to be many more libs posting about “F15s beat AR15s” than I see conservatives posting about aiming their AR15s at the Feds. From that perspective, it’s the libs who are superstitious and ignorant.

Exactly! All these idiots like Rachael Maddow and AOC going on tv and saying they are scared Trump is going to lock them up.

🤣 🤣 🤣

It’s hard to gage based on Twitter impressions, but I get the sense that it’s libs more than conservatives fretting over some hypothetical civil war
Case in point: Nicky. Willy’s OP is about a shift to the right VIA THE BALLOT BOX. How does Nicky reply? Introducing musings on a coming civil war.

He then posts a very interesting article from Jan of 2022, primarily about Michigan militias, titled “Citizen Militias in the U.S. Are Moving toward More Violent Extremism”. The author, Cooter, points out that prior to 2020, the ratio of benign “Constitutionalist” militias to violent   “millenarian” militias”

the early 2000s militias in the U.S. were about 90 percent constitutionalist groups and 10 percent millenarian groups, and most posed LITTLE THREAT of violence
She then estimates that by the 2020’s, the ratio had tipped and that the majority of militia members were the prone to violent rhetoric millenarian types.  But even if her estimates are correct, the paucity of actual violent militia events leads us to believe the overall number of militia members actually likely to participate in a violent act is very, very low.  In fact, an unarmed liberal is far, far more likely to become the victim of a common criminal than they are of ever even coming face to face with a violent millenarian Militia member.

That’s where my observation comes in, based on Twitter comments and reinforced by Nicky’s paranoid postings, that it’s liberals who are more focused on some boogey man civil war scenario than any of us more intelligent conservatives are.

Or that Trump didn't incite it as part of a plan to disrupt the electoral count?
Anyone who is concerned is FAR from paranoid. Anyone who's in denial about it, like ChicKie, is a delusional fool. And a partisan hack.

Are you walking back your “civil war” rhetoric and shifting it to “a six hour insurrection” rhetoric? And trying to tell us you honestly believe that the riot was coordinated and planned by members of the Trump administration?

Yes, there was a riot at the US Capitol on January 6th.  If Trump incited the riot with the goal of disrupting the electoral count, why hasn’t he been charged with that? Why hasn’t Mark Meadows been charged? Or Ginnie Thomas?  After 4 years of intense investigation, the DOJ couldn’t flip ONE of the rioters to testify against Meadows, Trump Jr or even Trump himself? No, they couldn’t.

Why? Because there was no administration plan to incite a riot, let alone the fucking civil war you libs on X have been fretting about.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Your entire post is.....
All it deserves is this. Again.
Your post is .9 on the big P scale of deflection. You didn’t rebut one thing he accurately explained about Jan 6. CKS is right, if there was even the tiniest shred of evidence Trump coordinated planned or thought up Jan 6 they would have found it and charged him with it.  

Fuck they turned timed out misdemeanors into felony’s in an attempt to “get Trump” in New York and that’s blowing upon their faces. Face it ick your blue 🥶 goooo is staining your lips as well as your brain.

Doesn’t post one rebuttal, is reduced to posting an ad hominem image. Weak sauce.

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