Politics and Religion

Riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is NOT a qualification to be president.
holeydiver 113 Reviews 3584 reads

General Clark is exactly right.  You have to be born in the USA and 35 years old or over.  Those are the real qualifications to be President of this great land.

Wesley Clark once said he believed we would one day travel faster than the speed of light.  

This guy is brilliant.  I would rank him just below George W. Bush and just above my favorite hemorrhoid, Bleedy, in both intelligence and political savvy.

Good to see they don't just give anyone 4 stars.  I'm emailing Bar(eb)ack to see if there is any chance he could start a "Leave no General Behind" program.  Lets put 'em on planes that travel at the speed of light and let the VC sort 'em out.

-- Modified on 6/30/2008 3:54:44 PM

... you are my spaghetti western hero.

A Fistful Of KY Jelly2199 reads

both are appropriate to my original comment, cumm to think of it.

Tusayan5455 reads

It' really not that hard to understand what General Clark meant and he is exactly right.   McCain has been campaigning on the idea that his service in the military somehow qualifies him to be the leader of the free world.  General Clark correctly pointed out that military service by itself without serving in any leadership role or command  deployment has no bearing or special value for someone running for President.

How about being in House of Reps and the Senate? Clark should know that the military by itself doesn't qualify you, since that was all Clark had going for him when he threw his Democrat hat in the ring a few years back.

Tusayan1315 reads

You're absolutely right. Clark does know that simply serving in the military doesn't add any special qualifications to be President.  But the type of service does.  As an example, compare McCain's military career with Clark's.  McCain never had any significant excecutive level command postions and retired as Navy Captain.  On the other hand, Clark was a four-star general with extensive command experience, including as CINC of US Southern Command, and positions with the Joints Chiefs and extensive experience as the military representative on diplomatic missions. Clark's military experience, command assignments and executive level experience is comparable to General Colin Powell's while McCain can't claim anything close.

to think that clark's experience somehow enures to FlimFlamma

mccains experiences confir more ballpower than prettyboy clark will ever know and i think hes a fuckin sissy for even thinking about bringing it up

these are the types of doooshbags curious geo surrounds himself with though...sorta like RUObessedWBK2


I was going to give you a day off today, but man oh man.

The very least you could do is research Wesley Clark. Go to Wikipedia or something man.

That way at least you wouldn't appear to be as uninformed as you really are.

Plus, you should also watch the broadcast carefully in which Clark made those comments. He didn't bring it up. It was a reply to a pointed question.


More incredible misinformation.

This may be a characteristic of Republicans, maybe. But, moreover it's just ignorance.

Again with the Wikipedia.

Wikipedia is to information as MSNBC is to news.

(For those of you on the left, this means both sources are bogus, biased  bullshit.)

the question before he answered it. By the way Gen. Clark do not allow others to call you Wes. You are four star General, act like one. When you allow others to call you Wes, you disrespect the uniform.

RightwingUnderground1925 reads

1) “Riding in an airplane”

         He was a PILOT, not some passenger.

2) “Getting shot down”

         Getting shot down is hailed as an accomplishment as if to ridicule McCain for being so inept as to get shot down.

The real testament of McCain’s military service is the 5-1/2 years he spent as a POW. He was tortured and survived while other’s around him broke and died. He was offered an early repatriation (presumably because his father was an Admiral) and he refused it, only to face more hardship and torture.  

I personally believe that it is his POW experience that demonstrates that McCain contains a tremendous amount of courage and character. Direct executive experience, no, but these two attributes are great foundations for any Commander in Chief. Maybe they don’t mean anything to you.

-- Modified on 6/30/2008 6:55:28 PM

he will not allow anyone to attack his paTriotism and service to his country yet stage a surrogate i.e. Gen. Clark to attack an American hero. SEN. McCain in that POW camp learned more about leadership and teamwork than all the Harvard MBAs or Yale Lawyers put together.

Obama talks about change but he is another IVY LEAGUE Lawyer. I forgot, what are Obama's leadership accomplishments?

Oh yea, he has NONE. What a phony.

Remember not too long ago it was these same Moron.org crowd that was challenging everyone on the board here that supported the Iraq mission "when did you ever serve, chickenhawk"?!

THen they'd trot out HanoiJohn and all these morons would line up behind him for cover.

Now, Mr. DoNothing wants to be CIC and they are starting the campaign RIGHT NOW to denegrate military servive again

Military service: A diminished campaign asset?
Retired general says not all tours of duty should lead to the White House

Clark defends McCain comments
July 1: NBC's Andrea Mitchell talks with retired Gen. Wesley Clark about his comments that John McCain’s military experience didn’t necessarily qualify him to be president.


bunch a fucksticks...

attack on SEN. McCain was preordained by Obama himself. It's smart. Have a surrogate i.e. Gen Clark, attack your opponent then admonished him/her for a smear you do not have the balls to say yourself. By having Gen. Clark attack Sen, McCain, this allows Sen. Obama to coveniently announce a speech in Independence MO on patriotism and to hide his greatest character weakness....his lack of love for this country.

Sen. Obama apparently has learned the fine art of character attacks from the Clinton's and it's working.

. . . people who have the experience to be president who are eligible to be president:  Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush.  There is no one else on earth who has the "experience" to be president of the United States.  It is OJT every time.

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