Politics and Religion

Riddle us this, Wanker. If the Haitians got "30K in food stamps"
inicky46 61 Reviews 1 reads

How come they have to eat cats? The fact that Wanker and CDL still believe this Big Lie despite it being recanted by the woman who started it, proves how desperate they are.

That’s the racist righties code word for the N word, which is what Higgins really wanted to call Haitians.  But his fellow racist righties will hear the dog whistle loud and clear

-- Modified on 9/25/2024 8:55:07 PM

PigBapa obviously can’t stand living in a first world country filled with white people, and says he’s desperate to move to Haiti so he can enjoy the local delicacy of roast cat.

Still pushing "They're eating the cats" line long after it's been debunked.
Doesn't Wanker get it that pushing this line just makes Trump look ridiculous?

…into small town America after Haiti had a political crisis because the locals started to engage in cannibalism. I’ve seen video of Haitians biting the dicks off of dead bodies.

A Liar? Or a Dimwitted Liar?
In case he missed it, the Haitians weren't "dumped' into Springfield, they were INVITED there by the town and local businesses who needed workers.
So not only are they NOT eating the dogs and cats, they are paying TAXES.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: The only question is: is Wanker A Dimwit?
A Liar? Or a Dimwitted Liar?  
 In case he missed it, the Haitians weren't "dumped' into Springfield, they were INVITED there by the town and local businesses who needed workers.  
 So not only are they NOT eating the dogs and cats, they are paying TAXES.
Debunked debunked debunked you love that word right up till it gets applied to you… 🤷🏻‍♂️

for having to be White Knighted by one of the Stupid Twins.

…a NGO specializing in human trafficking made a deal with a business who was allowed to double dip at tax payer’s expense to hire cheap labor and have the rest of their benefits paid by the taxpayer, including getting 30k in food stamps and others gifts from the taxpayer while the citizens of Springfield struggle with suppressed wages, higher crime and getting their pets used for meals by these foreign invaders. Everyone involved in facilitating this should be punished by public hanging.

How come they have to eat cats? The fact that Wanker and CDL still believe this Big Lie despite it being recanted by the woman who started it, proves how desperate they are.

Haitians don’t eat cats out of desperation. They eat them because they *want* to. Bob or Jill might want to get some chicken nuggets at lunch. But Haitians might want to have cat nuggets at lunch. See? There’s a difference between these two people which is why Haitians should live in Haiti and Americans should live in America. Because DUH!!!!

I don't believe a single thing Wanker posts. He's basically a Russian bot.

There is no way a town of 40,000 people suddenly needs 20,000 "workers" unless they are going to take the jobs away from the citizens who already have them.   They can't pay taxes without a social security number, and the SS office is so small in Springfield there is only room inside for 5-6 people at a time, served by the 3 employees.   They have a tiny office within the VA building. Meanwhile, since THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH JOBS for 20,000 Haitians, most of whom do not speak English, they must eat dogs and cats, ducks and geese from local parks and watershed areas, and the occasional sheep they steel from a farmer after all of the Haitians have fucked it.

City had a population of 80K around 2015, A slow decline in manufacturing had people leaving that city. Post Pandemic, Honda and Dole open up their manufacturing and warehouse/distribution center. Those companies, along with a few others needed the labor. Alot had all ready abandon Springfield. The city couldn't supply the labor needed so word out out. Gradually the Haitians heard about the jobs and then they migrated to Springfield. Word of mouth spread and now ...voila..here we are.
I get a kick how its framed that over night 20K Haitians got dropped off...but people believe that shit so here we are.

Sure, people who are so poor they eat mud and cats heard about great jobs available in the rust belt of all places and bought plane tickets to Ohio. It’s amazing how Happy Gulag Guy even knows how to wipe his own ass.

In Wisconsin but failed...no Foxconn, no jobs no nada....So why doesn't trump abandoning Springfield surprised you? It what he does, over promise under deliver..surprised you're not use it by now.
And don't ask who bought that land and what is going to be done with...you'll loose your shit.

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