Politics and Religion

RFKjr off ballot in Michigan and North Carolina
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 62 reads
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Appeals courts have pulled RFKjr off the ballot in both Michigan and North Carolina at RFKjr's request.
In Michigan the appeals court said the Michigan had no legal standing to ignore RFKjr's request and that it wasn't too late.
In NC the case may still be in appeals.  More than 2 million ballots have already been printed.  If new ones have to be printed it could delay sending them out for a couple weeks.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 10 reads
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Governor Faked Her Own Kidnapping in Michigan will have to work over time to steal the election from Trump in Michigan now. She probably won’t want to because she wants to run in 2028.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 9 reads
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it looks like the ONLY swing state Kamala will take is Minnesota.  That would make it a landslide for Trump.  

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 11 reads
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Wouldn’t surprise me at all if they write his name … watch 😂😂

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