Politics and Religion

Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga) agrees with Todd Akin about...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1790 reads

...pregnancy resulting from rape.  Akin infamously said that when a woman is raped, she usually doesn't get pregnant because "the body has a way of shutting that whole thing down."

Dr. Gingrey, an OB/GYN for over 35 years (!!!), believes that adrenaline released by a woman during rape prevents pregnancy.  He compares rape to infertile couples who can't conceive.  He thinks the couple is too tense so he advises the woman to "have a glass of wine and relax" in order to facilitate pregnancy.  I better sell all my stock in IVF clinics before this gets out.

-- Modified on 1/11/2013 7:45:10 PM

GateCrasher204 reads

I wrote him a couple of years ago about a specific question on list a hospital in his district makes you fill out ( how many guns are in your home ) and I got back a form letter about Obama care.

GateCrasher240 reads

It's one of about 20 questions on a general questionnaire given to all patients at check-in. And it's not the mental health ward. Go for any reason and you're given the questionnaire.

Docs remain free under Obamcare to ask patients about gun ownership but the ACA prevents docs from recording -i.e. writing down - the answers. The NRA does not want any empirical evidence out there as to the relationship between gun ownership and suicide rates. But it remains perfectly legal under federal law to ask these questions as part of a wellness or prevention program. Sadly, the ACA bars what seems common sense to me – raising premiums because of gun ownership. Another strike against Obamacare.

      The Docs against Glocks litigation is a separate matter, involving a state law that restricted doctors from discussing gun issues with patients. That is not part of Obamacare.

Massacres like Newton and Aurora will proliferate. We'll see many many more of them in 2013.  There are a million ways around this, and if an MD deems someone harmful to self and others, they can involuntarily commit them for evaluation.

A large percent of the clearly crazy individuals think banning combat assault rifles infringes upon Amendment 2.  Most of them haven't read Amendment 2, and couldn't spell Heller if they had to.  They are among the most stupid people in a stupid country.

-- Modified on 1/14/2013 6:53:54 AM

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