Politics and Religion

If providing had been legal, and Cain just went to brothels, would there still be controversy? eom
DontMentionHitler 6118 reads


...sexual assault (or battery) is still sexual assault, even if you do it to a hooker.

Besides, it's not like politicians don't regularly visit providers. DC is one of the better towns for the hobby for a reason. Just ask David "Diapers" Vitter.

Look, despite the fact that I agree with most of Cain's viewpoints on policy, I'm still trying to be open minded about this latest 4th female.  Try as I might, I don't think he did anything wrong even if every word she said in her public speech with Gloria is true.  Remember, the media is claiming sexual harassment.  As such, there is a legal definition for that offense, and nothing she said even comes close to meeting that standard.

1.  She was not an employee of Cain's.
2.  She asked him if she could fly to Washington to discuss how he might help her.
3.  She went on a dinner date with him
4.  She accepted a room upgrade without questioning why he did that.

5.  While parked in a vehicle, he put his hand on her leg slowly moving upward.  Simultaneously, he pulled gently on her head to show what he wanted.  So, she now understands his intention, tells him to stop and he did.  She asked him to drive her back to her hotel, and he did.

6.  She went home, no complaints reported with cops, or with Cain's superiors.  End of story.

Folks this is nothing more than a male/female alone together and he attempts to get to third base, just as any two people might do when there is a physical/sexual attraction.  And he responded perfectly by stopping his advance the moment she asked him to.  There was no sexual assualt, there was no attempted rape, there was no sexual harrassment.  In short, it's a non story, hyped up by an ambulance chaser and the scum of the earth media.

Geesh, based on the standard portrayed by the media, I'll bet 99% of the male population is guilty too, and the other 1% is gay but maybe guilty too.

Ya, no doubt some will swallow the whole story and run for the hills.  Just goes to show one more example of whey the First Amendment and the very liberal interpretation the courts have given it, may just be the root cause for the destruction of America.  Just for sake of discussion, let's just assume that Cain would be the perfect POTUS with regard to his policies.  Let's just say that unemployment would drop to 0 under his watch.  War would disappear, etc.....   Wouldn't it be a damn shame for us to miss out on such a perfect POTUS because the "media" destroyed his reputation over something that wasn't even a crime, and something that just about every red blooded American guy does routinely every fucking day?  Geesh, even a raging liberal ought to be outraged over the way the media has attacked him on this one issue.

Priapus532627 reads

GOP establishment instigated this.

First, try to be a little more open minded. Secondly, be intellectually curious and honest. If you had bothered to look it up, you don't have to be an employee of someone to get sexually harrassed. There are laws in place that forbid the sexual harrassment of people applying for a job.

But that's not the serious part of this allegation. The serious part is the sexual assault part. I have yet to hear from Phil or Mari about what the legal definition is of sexual assault and sexual battery, but I'm going to assume grabbing someone by their head and forcing it towards your crotch against their will is sexual assault.

pwilley, conservatives tend to have a serious problem with believing in the infallibility of their political leaders. They view them as a kind of semi-deity. No matter how badly Bush fucked up, they stood by his side and defended him to no end. Cain hasn't yet been crowned the Holy Commander in Chief yet, but your comments alone show that you're already developing your faith in an idiotic pizza man who likes to sexually assault women.

So let's separate those feelings of faith and infallibility for a moment. Suppose for a moment that YOUR daughter was sexually harrassed by some random and married black man, who tried to grobe her crotch and force her to suck his cock.

Would you:

1) defend this black man, and wonder if there was really a crime involved, and that it was just an innocent event of trying to get to 3rd base and failing?


2) Call the police, file a lawsuit, or possibly grab a 12 gauge?  

I'll await your intellectually honest response.

You don't find it odd that she (or boyfriend) did none of that. And then states she never told her boyfriend or close friend about any of the details because it was too upsettng? And after the alleged incident accepted a ride home from the "assaulter"? Gimme a break. I got some swampland I'd like to sell you.
Could it be that all of this was and is a set up and extortion? Could it be Mr Cain believed (foolishly I admit) that the truth was on his side and would prevail?
You have already convicted the man with no actual facts other than there was some sort of settlement.
I await your intellectually honest response.
(you're not high again are you?) LOL.

You are master of the obvious aren't ya?
The fact that you know how to copy and paste does not impress me or most here.
Herman is a good guy who didn't deserve this smear but he was a long shot to begin with.
You obsession with it is interesting. One hand on the keyboard and the other on your infant sized dick.
Must be at that government job today, eh? You are suck a joke.

(had to fix a typo for ya' dickapus. We know you have nothing better to do.)

-- Modified on 11/8/2011 11:39:18 AM

Priapus531357 reads

Head over to the TS board where you belong.

Snowman391187 reads

I think we should be more like the Europeans in this one regard. When heads of states are buried, their wives are on the front row and their mistresses in the second.

We lose too many really qualified people just because we still live in teh 17th century when it comes to sex.

Priapus531610 reads

on its face, the allegations here seem to be trvial bullshit; OTOH, check source of the article : The Washington Examiner, a far right newspaper. Just seems to prove all this is being instigated not by Dems or "liberal media", but by
GOP establishment.

NathanBedfordForrest2034 reads

The same building !!!!! Her response; I used to see him (Axelrod) in the gym but that's it. In her interview she called him, Cain, "Herman" in a tone that sounded a lot like she had that C**K in mouth often and it also sounds like Cain ditched her way back when. These 1960s Chicago tactics will blow up in their face.

Priapus532193 reads

Talk about oxymorons.

GOP is behind this, dude; get rid of your Cain buttons & find someone else to support

Priapus532302 reads

Or will you pussy out again? Straight bet, yes or no? No BS "counter bets" from you.

You already promised everyone on the board that you would refrain from bring up this ridiculous bet and yet here you go again...

You're a flip flopper and I'm recommending that you be fined $100 or in lieu that you forfeit all rights to quote a poll or graph for the next 7 days.

Pri did promise to drop this stupid fucking bet. So what of it Pri? Are you or are you not good for your word?

maybe Lee Marvin who said something to the effect that, "when you find out a guy is a liar and a cheat, is it nay surpise he's also a thief"?

We already know Platipus53 is a liar, a welcher, and a coward. What more evidence do you need?

I really can't argue your point.

Pri, speak up if you have an argument to the contrary.

Or is this where the man who instigated not one, but two "popularity contests" and lost them both, claims that he doesn't care what the rest of us think?

NathanBedfordForrest1496 reads

You know what. I  have more respect for the jihadists in my SRB than I do people like you.

If two people want to make a bet and want an impartial, trustworthy person to hold the money, yes I might be willing to do that if asked, just for shits and giggles. "Book" a lousy hundred dollar bet? In my world a hundred dollars is a tip, not a bet. As a matter of fact I don't think even my bookie who does this shit for a living will even accept wagers as small as a hundred bucks.

Pri, you are really going off the deep end as of late. You do remember publicly promising to drop this stupid bet, don't you? Again I ask you. Are you, or are you not a man of your word?

NathanBedfordForrest2022 reads

Just my nature to call a spade a spade. I'm too busy enjoying flood of 19s and 20s flooding ATL anyways.

Priapus532340 reads

Excuse me for living------now, what were we talking about ?!-------;)---------LMFAO !

mrnotrouble has been calling your veracity in these matters into question for some time now. I would hate to have to admit he was right. Your silence on the subject is deafening.

Priapus531215 reads

I think false child molestation & theft charges bear this out.

As I said yesterday, I went out for several hours------this is distancing myself ?!

Lastly GaG, if you agree with this loser, GFY---:)

lying welching coward.

---------LMAO!!!------------at your cowardice.

-- Modified on 11/9/2011 7:30:23 AM

We can debate his ethics, etc at another time.

You still haven't answered whether you are good for your word or not. I am still waiting.

Priapus531150 reads

which is as good an indiction of any about my "word". WTF, do you want, a "Mafia" blood oath or something ?!

GaG, enough of this pointless blather------go fuck a hot CR chica or something------LOL !

I really could not care less about fifty bucks, MP67 lost a hundred to me on last years superbowl and I never bothered to give him an address to send it to.

You did however publicly promise to drop this stupid Cain bet, you seem to have gone back on your word. and you also seem to be doing your best to avoid aswering for it. Nothing pointless about this, you  have broken your word and now don't even want to discuss it, has all the time you have spent around Willy now have his dishonesty rubbing off on you?

-- Modified on 11/9/2011 10:57:49 AM

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