Politics and Religion

Obama and holder shred the first amendment ...and then some
followme 1486 reads

by ordering an investigation of a reporter on trumped up charges and getting a search warrant under false pretences.  


Yet they let criminals  go


2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

DA_Flex227 reads

but this behavior is indicative of and "at all costs" mentality that has been growing like a cancer in our government since 911. Our executive branch has taken a fast and loose interpretation of the execution of our laws.  G.W. Bush set the standard as far as "signing statements" were concerned and established bogus legal interpretations of the law all in the name of "protecting the homeland".  This administration has done the same.  Compounding the problem is the polarization of our legislative branch,  The ineptitude of the congress has strengthened the executive branch, because their oversight role has turned into partisan theater instead of real oversight.  Additionally, this partisan brinksmanship has bled into the judiciary, where the party in power places pure ideologues in the federal courts systems instead of professional judges who interpret our laws and apply constitutional theory to the application of the law. Furthermore, the judiciary, like congress, has reneged on its responsibility to reign in the executive branch.  The give far too much deference to the executive branch in national security matters.  Since when does our Supreme Court rule that citizens cannot sue the gov't because they cant prove the gov't harmed them because that would expose national security secrets.  We have far too many 5-4 decisions coming from this court and it's harmed the institution and this country.

All branches of our constitutional republic are ailing right now and it's our fault for letting things get that way.  Guess what, the political parties want it that way. No one wants to take responsibility for the problems that exist in our country and no one really wants to work toward their resolution.  That would be run counter to the extreme thinking that that occurs in our heavily gerrymandered congressional districts that give the extremes in both our parties far too much influence in our political process, pushing out the real people that want real solutions for our country.   Just look at the dialogue on this board.  I can practically count the number reasoned arguments on one hand.  Much of it can be pulled straight out of talk radio.  Sad actually

...calling 'followme' "melodramatic."  His post contained nothing but conclusory statements with no facts to back them up.

'followme' says that Obama and Holder got a search warrant under false pretenses.  Did 'followme' read all 41 pages of FBI Special Agent Reginald B. Reyes's affidavit in support of the application for a search warrant?  If so, how did he determine that the charges were trumped up?

Why doesn't 'followme' have a problem with the federal judge who APPROVED the search warrant?  For all we know, that judge was appointed by Reagan or Bush I or Bush II?

It's very easy to throw out accusations when you are anonymous.  You can say anything you want.  But after a while, when you see a poster who makes claims without proof, you dismiss his posts because he lacks any credibility.

Once again, good job DA.

-- Modified on 5/21/2013 11:55:53 PM

followme280 reads

..."It's very easy to throw out accusations when you are anonymous.  You can say anything you want.  But after a while, when you see a poster who makes claims without proof, you dismiss his posts because he lacks any credibility."

You describe laffy perfectly.

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2014 = GOP Senate and House

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