Politics and Religion

Re: You miss the point. . . .
Asfaloth54 8 Reviews 445 reads

It's pretty simple.  What does Jesus say about abortion?  Especially in light of the fact that the bible features the use of abortifacients in the OT?  Further, bible god not only does not count fetuses as human beings worthy of being counted - he doesn't even count actual babies until they are 30 days old.  This 'right to life' movement is not scriptural.  It's just a make believe, feel good activity so that evangelicals can feel like they're going to heaven.  It's like prayer - a way to do absolutely nothing and still pretend that you're helping....

Hey, here's a link where the video producer is forced to admit that he LIED when he presented a stillborn baby as if it was aborted.


Do you support this dishonesty

That's what many people see in the Republican's knee-jerk reaction, particularly Republican politicians, to believing in the Center for Medical Progress's fraud, entrapment and creative editing, regarding Planned Parenthood. Particularly, when those politicians move to defund Planned Parenthood, without any further investigation. When they do investigate, they find, in the vast majority of cases, exactly what this article describes. No wrong doing!   ;)

And what does "creative editing" even mean? Every single video on every single network news program every single night is edited. I have never heard you complain about MSNBC or ABC or CBS "creatively editing."

The difference with CMP, as opposed to those news organizations and virtually all others, is that they have the entire UNEDITED videos on their website and they point that out every time I have ever seen them interviewed.

They actually WANT people to see the full videos.

I dont see any deception in that, Matt.

-- Modified on 8/16/2015 8:28:42 PM

STATE investigations showed no evidence of wrong doing found thus far in Georgia, Indiana, Massachusetts and South Dakota?

Never mind that the videos released thus far were made at PP locations in California, Colorado and Texas.

I think you and HuffPo should get back to us later.

They investigated based on the videos.  They found no wrong doing because they actually bothered to watch the entire videos and realized they are nothing more than witch hunts by unethical people hiding behind their religious ignorance and bigotry.

Get back to us when someone actually submits an honest, fact-based claim against PP, instead of these blatantly and transparently dishonest videos by people who want to return to back room abortions because of their contempt for both women and fetuses.

3% of PP's activities involve abortions.  Further, their contraceptive serviced PREVENT some 800,000 abortions annually.  How many abortions do these self-righteous misogynists prevent by lying?

Indiana, Georgia, Massachusetts and South Dakota can't investigate crimes that may have been committed in California or  Colorado. OK, so these 4 states have not found similar practices in their own states. What does that prove? It proves nothing in regards to California or Colorado or other potential states. It does indicate though that enough later term abortions are performed in just a few states that satisfies the existing research demand without spreading this practice to all the States.

Your lack of knowledge regarding the complete videos and lack of knowledge or mis-characterization of the motives of pro-life people demonstrates your own probable motives.

The 3% number is an internal PP statistic. I have never seen PP disclose how they arrived at it and blind acceptance of it is just silly.

-- Modified on 8/23/2015 3:15:54 PM

If your own knowledge of PP wasn't so deficient, you'd know that their practices are consistent nationwide.  There simply isn't any evidence of criminal activity anywhere in the PP structure.  The videos make that clear to anyone who bothered to actual view them for comprehension rather than speed.

I'll be delighted to match my knowledge regarding the complete videos against yours, as I took the time not only view them but to read the entire transcripts.  Virtually every objective person that has done so readily admits that there are no statements by any PP employer that even remotely implies any unlawful or even unethical activity.

This again is a witch hunt, and an egregiously dishonest one at that.  Do you even know anything about this 'group of journalists that report on medical ethics' that is releasing the videos??  It's one fucking guy in a 200sf office.  Lol.  And he's an obvious shill for the anti-woman crowd.  Have you bothered to research him?  I doubt it.

Why hasn't he released all of the several videos he claims to have?  Because his orders are to keep this dishonest story in the news throughout the election cycle, to stroke the angst of the sheep so they bleat the mantra 'Defund!'.  It's an effective strategy - if devoid of integrity.  But clearly, integrity means nothing to right wing misogynists looking for a way to feel better about themselves and their loving concern for fetuses and piously claim to be 'pro life' while they work to bring back the deadly realities of back room abortions.  Why?  Because of their ignorant, religious based contempt for women.  Jesus weeps at their hypocrisy.

This story is no better than McCarthyism.  Those behind it should be ashamed, but of course, they are not.

So we've gone in an instant to nothing to see in 4 States to nothing to see nationwide. I see you're stooping to the tactics of their other defenders; rather than actually addressing the content of the videos you choose to attack the video producers and their supporters as not being objective. I suggest if you truly want to help combat this latest effort to save lives the place to start would be to actually understand those you attack. Believing the right to life movement has contempt for women does you and your efforts a total disservice.  

Abortion's not going anywhere. This is about changing hearts and minds.

No sir.  My point is that everyone I know who actually viewed the entire videos knows that the charges leveled are spurious.  It's not even debatable.  Therefore, if you claim you have read the transcripts and still maintain that there is even smoke much less fire, then I have no choice but to conclude that you are either unable to parse the clear results of the videos, or you are being disingenuous.

Let's review.  The videos clearly show no wrong-doing.  This raises the logical question of what motive the producers would have for the contemptible allegations they make against an organization that prevents over 800,000 abortions each year.  That leads one to research the producers, which reveals them to be shills for the anti-woman cabal.

One can hardly believe there is an actual 'right to life' movement when they not only have to pander to and support lies in order to further their agenda, but also engage in pogroms that will not reduce the number of abortions, but will simply put more womens lives at risk through unsafe and unlicensed procedures.  That is not respect for life.  It's the sanctimonious evil of self-righteous Neanderthals that think they will secure the bribe of heaven if they spit on Jesus while following the misogynistic ramblings of 3500 year old goat herders.  It's a shameful hypocrisy.

Sp now you've traversed from the 4 States found no "wrong-doing to a simple flat out assertion there was no wrong-doing. While some are claiming laws were broken and some things and places still are under investigation (which BTW was my singular and original point, the point you missed), I have never asserted that any specific law was broken. But sticking to the known facts as clearly observable in the videos, your use of "wrong-doing" obviously leads to interpretation and conclusions by not just those you deem unworthy of debate but also by middle of the road persons, some on the left and even the head of Planned Parenthood to agree that the videos clearly illustrated some "wrong-doing". I get it you believe there has been no shame attributable in the more than 50,000,000 U.S. deaths since Roe. I can only hope that one day you will rectify your error.  

BTW, in spite of the issue to defund PP, this isn't about birth control. Doing good deeds does not excuse other deeds that are not, except in your world I think. pps. Do you REALLY hold the opinion Jesus is/would be OK with our abortion history and practices?

It's pretty simple.  What does Jesus say about abortion?  Especially in light of the fact that the bible features the use of abortifacients in the OT?  Further, bible god not only does not count fetuses as human beings worthy of being counted - he doesn't even count actual babies until they are 30 days old.  This 'right to life' movement is not scriptural.  It's just a make believe, feel good activity so that evangelicals can feel like they're going to heaven.  It's like prayer - a way to do absolutely nothing and still pretend that you're helping....

Hey, here's a link where the video producer is forced to admit that he LIED when he presented a stillborn baby as if it was aborted.


Do you support this dishonesty

It's good I don't base any of my objections to almost all abortion based on religion. Based on what little I do know about Jesus, I probably wouldn't start with the Old Testament to begin a discussion about his possible thoughts. You brought Him up not me. Not everyone against abortion is who you think they are. A feel good activity? Yea, I feel pretty good when someone doesn't die.

So it looks like maybe someone at CMP screwed up in their footage and they admitted their error. Interesting how that gives you justification to discredit all their work yet not for once do you seem to consider that PP is not pure as the driven snow in all this

Yes, you must feel giddy about the 11 year old rape victim in Paraguay who was forced to deliver her rapists child.  Truly a day to celebrate, is it not?  11 year old rape victims make the bestest mommies, don't they?  And of course, men are the best judges of that, aren't they.

CMP did not make an error.  You would have to be horribly obtuse to think that.  They calculated their move to fan the flames of the lemmings and simply got caught in yet another lie.  Just like the lies the videos tell by heavily editing to imply criminal activity.  It's a shameful and dishonorable tactic.  PP has been a target for decades now - and this smear campaign simply highlights the desperation of those who think women are too stupid to make valid decisions for their bodies.  Steinem had the right of it - "If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."

It’s apparent you’ve completely lost all rationality for discussion, skipping over points you won’t or can’t address, while insinuating I’m an unobjective, rightwing McCarthyite misogynist, lacking integrity with ignorant contempt for women and pleased they get raped.  I have no idea how you could believe that anyone, let alone me, would feel joy in the plight of any rape victim.  Until now I’ve treated you with respect but it’s obvious you’re one sick fuck. There is one person I have less respect for than a fetus. You

IOW, you have no cogent rebuttal to the fact that a despicable witch hunt is being promulgated by a guy that is an obvious shill for the anti-abortion cabal, who has to LIE in order to forward their anti-choice agenda.  You cannot provide any better evidence of this bogus allegation of criminal activity on the part of an organization that prevents over 800,000 abortions each year while (gasp!) educating our society on how to prevent unwanted pregnancy.  You lack the integrity to admit that the Paraguay rape situation is the logical result of the contempt for women that has "leaders" like Huckabee re-iterating that there can be no exceptions for rape or incest.

I get it.  You have no argument.  You're dismissed

Other than you're wrong? Other than properly describing your mental attitude in my last post I wasn't the one throwing invective in my direction. Despicable? Witch hunt? Shill? Those are all your opinions not supported by the evidences of the several hours of video. The evidence of the videos speak for themselves. Simply because their are portions where the persons who were the truly despicable ones later make claims that let them off the hook for possible crimes does not make them any less despicable.  

BTW, I never made any claims that crimes were committed. You have no idea who I am yet you call me all sorts of names. You claimed I was giddy over the rape of this girl and the consequences she went through with no evidence that is at all true. I previously told you as much yet no apology, only backpedaling from you and more unfounded accusations regarding my integrity for not admitting what you see as absolute truths.  

I can honestly say I do understand your position regarding abortion and that you feel the unborn have no rights and are not human. On the other hand it's obvious you have absolutely no clue or insight into those that disagree. You can only justify your own opinions by declaring the other side is evil. Not much actual logic going on there.

You have no moral authority or logical justification to dismiss anyone. All you have is self serving emotion. I'd typically say I felt sorry for you, but it's not true. You're not dismissed. I hold you accountable for your actions. Too bad you have no idea what that means.

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