Politics and Religion

Re: Willy isn't actually that dumb, "except" of course
no_email 3 Reviews 2662 reads
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Gerry mandering, is a complete hoax, an empty talking point of fantasy created by the left.

-- Modified on 3/24/2013 10:15:36 AM

GaGambler 551 reads
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but I agree that is is by no means party specific.

I do find it amusing how the left will in one breath dismiss the GOP as a bunch of illiterate imbeciles, and in the next give them credit for being mathematical geniuses capable of dividing the country up into districts that give them an electoral advantage right under the noses of their own democratic leaders.

inicky46 61 Reviews 650 reads
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Apparently not.  Here's what it says about redistricting, a/k/a gerrymandering, after listing the other reasons why most incumbents of both parties are usually returned to office (which is not exactly news).

"Finally, there’s redistricting and the fact that vast numbers of incumbent Congressmen find themselves in districts that are so heavily tilted in the direction of one party that defeating them in a General Election is often next to impossible."

I can't wait to see what lame-assed "logic" you resort to to explain this away.

no_email 3 Reviews 764 reads
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I don't need to explain away "gerrymandering" because it is not the mojor deciding factor, in an incumbent re-election victory.

GaGambler 653 reads
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Ok, yes he posts some really, really dumb shit at times, but if we are going to get into a left/right competition of "dumb" posters. I'll call your Big Vern, and raise you Daffy, AF, Jeff, and Makwa.

Now if you really want to continue the hand and say throw in FM from the other side of the aisle. I have one word for you. "RichardHeadIII" 148 posts on this board, and not a cogent thought in any of them. Game, set and match. Or do I need to throw in Trannyboy for you to see how weak your hand is? lol

I think you might want to quit while you are behind, the list of idiot lefties just goes on and on.

GaGambler 519 reads
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In spite of his propensity for attaching dumbass cartoons and welching on bets. Oh yeah there was that thing about correcting the spelling of others when he ran out of legitimate arguments.

I do have to believe that the rest of the lefties secretly wished that Pri would have defected to the other side so they wouldn't have to claim them as one of their own. Kind of like I wished that liorr and nuguy would not ocassionally make posts that I agreed with, I truly hated being on the same side as them on anything.

inicky46 61 Reviews 500 reads
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But in the current political calculus it's relevant especially in the House, where many Tea Party Republicans are so entrenched all they need do is keep voting for a far right agenda most of the country opposes.  But they can easily remain in office because redistricting has made them invulnerable to a challenge from the center, let alone the left.  Their only fear is straying to the center and getting challenged in the primary from someone even further to the right.
Does this mean Dems aren't in similar districts?  Of course not.  But it's a major factor in the gridlock in DC right now.
For the record, I just find it hilarious that the OP cited an article he said proved gerrymandering was a non factor but didn't read his own article far enough to notice it was cited as an important factor.  Then he tried to minimize it by saying it was the last thing mentioned.  Gaga, the guy is a true dumbass.  Not the worst raving righty  on the board but a dull tool nonetheless.

GaGambler 548 reads
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when you get him talking about anything to do with money, on those subjects he is as clueless as anyone who has ever graced this board.

Oh yeah, his idea about "direct democracy" and modeling our electoral system around an American Idol vote off, is pretty fucking stupid as well.

I will concede Willy and I do agree on several other things. Religion and the 2nd Ammendment are just a couple that come to mind.

Truth be told, I left a lot of people off my list, I wanted to save something in reserve just in case you wanted to play "which side has the dumbest posters?" lol

I will confess, the game is/was stacked pretty much in my favor, not because righties are any smarter, just that there are so few of them left on this board, I mean besides BV and FM, the only regular poster I can think of that anyone objective would call a righty would be Snowman, and I don't think that even too many of the lefties who dislike him would go so far as to call him stupid.

marikod 1 Reviews 587 reads
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I have to say that cartoon was pretty funny, particularly with the "OP" caption.

Ah, Pri if only you had been a little more (okay, a lot more) selective with your use of visuals.

But let's give Big Vern a break - he means well. He just, as you say, didn't bother to read his own link LOL.

Gerrymanding is real.

I think "hoisted on his own petard" is the pertinent expression here, if I may be permitted to quote the Bard.

no_email 3 Reviews 593 reads
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I read the whole article...The article was pointing out how gerrymandering favors incumbent Democrats, along with Republicans.

If you want, you can show an example of what pro Tea party legislation has been voted in to law.

GaGambler 616 reads
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and I will concede that she is not the sharpest light bulb, or was that the brightest knife in the drawer?

She has that New Age naivety to her, but while that can be a bit endearing or even sexy in a twenty something. A woman can no longer be called naive when she is that dumb in her forties, at that point she is just dumb.

I will disagree about mrnt being dumb, I think he just lowered himself to be on par with the rest of the morons from both sides of the aisle. similar to what a certain, rather annoying little rodent did a few months back. If I had to judge that little rodent strictly on what he said under that handle, I would have to say he could join the long list of idiot lefties, but we both know that particular poster was a lot smarter than his board posts would inidicate.

no_email 3 Reviews 529 reads
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and with the bar set as high, all one needs to do is trip.

inicky46 61 Reviews 600 reads
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Who challenged anyone to a "dumb-off" of board posters by political affiliation?  Not me.  And I didn't even label BV a raving righty, just a dumbass.
Also, why isn't Willy on your list?  Have you finally fallen for him?  I guess if you wing enough bricks at a guy's head you develop a soft spot for him? LOL!
PS:  I think "You are laffy's bitch" is cogent as hell!

inicky46 61 Reviews 749 reads
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I will concede that most of the stupidest righties have fled the board.  Mr.NT being a prime example, as well as nuguy (whom you did mention).  Where Madison fits into any list is hard to figure.  Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier but hard to label on the political spectrum.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 636 reads
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...can we lay off Madison? There are very few providers on the ole P&R, and I'm happy that Madison regularly contributes around here.

Whatever you may think of her, or her politics, she certainly doesn't deserve to have her intelligence insulted.

If someone like say a liorr or a nuguy, or a jeff EARNS the title of fuck-tard, you won't get any complaint from me calling them out on it. But talking shit just to talk shit is just mean-spirited. I'm just sayin'.

GaGambler 607 reads
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but she is, and always has been, a bit "out there" and I suspect she always will be.

Does this make her a bad person, like lets say Daffy? Of course not, but no one can really take most of what she posts seriously, anymore than we did with TJloonytunes. At least MO doesn't yell at everyone when she goes into Chicken little mode.

and don't worry, I am not around here anywhere near enough to chase Madison off the board, nor would I want to. Truth be told, I prefer her to most of the posters that now dominate, or maybe a better word is "infect" this board. Of course things are so bad here as of late, I actually prefer YOU over most of the posters here presently.

How is that for a sad state of affairs?

GaGambler 579 reads
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and I believe he would have been contained there if not for CYNIC launching a full out campaign to get him banned, which ironically ended up with CYNIC getting banned himself.

Except for his rather annoying habits of making a dozen unanswered posts, and doing the same with PM's, that and his unwillingness to post in anything but gibberish and textspeak. liorr was rather harmless, annoying but harmless. Truth be told Pri's efforts to get rid of him, just like CYNIC before him were ten times more annoying than liorr himself.

but if I am  going to be honest, and label the right wing trolls the same as I do with the left wing variety, liorr has to come in somewhere close to the top of the list, right along with Nuguy and GOPGeezer for those of us that have been around that long.

and yes, liorr was quite a whore monger. I just wish he could have called them something besides his "hunnies", but I guess that is nitpicking on my part.

GaGambler 710 reads
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I referred to him earlier as "FM".

Although I doubt this needs clarification, I will do so anyhow. By "true righty" I mean not only a fiscal conservative like myself, St Croix, and a few others, but a full fledged, wave the flag, hate's fags, abortion is murder, we need to return God into the schools, Scott Akin type conservative.

BTW I am a vet and I got over being insulted decades ago. I've got a lot more things to be worried about than symbolism.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 513 reads
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BTW who was the dumb fuck that has the handle 'followme' and posted the thread about vets being insulted a few days back?

GaGambler 441 reads
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I used Scott Akin as an insult, not as someone to aspire to.

You may actually be further to the right than me.

I disagree about BB ammendent, I agree in priciple, but it's not a political reality

Agree about across the board spending cuts

Agree about abortion, and not necessarily with parental consent.

Agree on death penalty

Agree about Gays having equal rights, including marriage, but not having "special rights"

Agree about gun rights

Partially agree about "corporate welfare" depending on what you define it as.

Completely agree about Obama care.

I hate religion and bible thumpers even more than you, try living in the bible belt for a few years.

So please go back and reread my last post, especially the part where I purposely EXCLUDED myself, St Croix and a few others from the beliefs held by "true" conservatives like FollowMe, maybe it would have been clearer if instead of "true conservative" I would have said "true right wing nut job" instead? I didn't think it was necessary to make the distinction, but I guess you didn't get my nuance.

Funny, we probably agree on about 70% of the issues, but ended up voting differently. I held my nose and voted for Romney, you held your nose and voted for Obama.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 560 reads
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Fuck man,how far to the right you need to go dude?Scott Akin conservative?ANYONE to the right of me politically is flirting with Fascism and shouldn't be voted into office---they should be limited to posting on a msgboard being made fun of.Another question,what are you far righties like you and FM doing on a fuck board that promotes what YOUR KIND says is CRIMINAL and should stay such?That's what I would like to know.

You would think someone like myself politically speaking---balanced budget amendmentist,slash gov't spending across the board from the pentagon,SS to getting rid of the NEA,pro-abortion(w/some restrictions like parental consent),pro-death penalty,pro-gay rights(except marriage;support DOMA)pro-gun rights(background checks though),slashing corporate welfare to Wall Street,give tax breaks to working class by expanding EITC,deregulation for small business and lastly NOT a supporter of ObamaCare when we're running TRILLIONS in the red.Now being all that,you would think the GOP would gladly embrace someone like this as a voter or an elected official but you'd BE WRONG!I ended up voting for Obama because the GOP has people like you filling its ranks.People who cry---let's get rid of amendments to the constitution(17th,16th and who knows how much of the 14th);church and state don't exist,it's a Christian nation;cut gov't programs(education,law enforcement at state level)to the bone but then implement unaffordable tax  subsidies to corporations and the wealthy w/the excuse 'to create jobs' which doesn't;that pregnancy from rape was 'something God intended'.....etc,etc.,etc. It's a no wonder I voted Democrat,not because I wanted to,I HAD to.

GaGambler 736 reads
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He buys what the right is selling hook,line and sinker. He doesn't pick and choose which parts he likes, he buys into the entire Christian, flag waving, jingoistic right wing bullshit. Hence, a "true" and complete righty IMO, but I certainly don't mean it as a compliment.

I don't have any more respect for that type of conservatism than I do for those that buy into the entire left wing agenda. Nor do I have a lot of respect for those who claim to be independent thinkers, but then regurgitate one party's platform, talking point for talking point. You tend to fall into that category, but I will grant you, you have stopped making much of a pretense of being independent once you started following Daffy around like a little puppy dog.

As for Daffy, he actually is more independent by his opinions on the actual issues than most here, he makes up for it though by being a completely vile human being, and I still have no intentions of interacting with him, even if he agreed with every word I wrote.

FWIW in re to Followme, I call him a "true" righty in the same vein as I would call tusayan or Makwa true "lefties" none of them have any independent thought, they simply parrot what they are fed. Whether they are fed their lines by Rushbo or Hannity on the right, or Bill Maher and Michael Moore on the left makes very little difference to me.

mattradd 40 Reviews 503 reads
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he's quick to call others commies and pinkos, and end the message with some jingoism. That's smacks of fascism to me. It's not being part of the extreme right, to me, that makes a person a fascist, but what I just mentioned in regards to FM.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 534 reads
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I do have a tendency of scanning through these posts(even skipping them),so I apologize for the error with no problem.As for you assessing my being further to the right than you,it's rather amusing I call you(accidently)a fascist...oh the irony.As for voting for Obama,holding my nose to that fart wasn't easy.If Romney actually ran as he governed in Mass. and when he earlier ran for the senate in the 90s against Ted Kennedy instead of flip flopping to fit Tea Party dynamics,damn straight I would of gone for Mitt.It would be better if you used 'wingnut' to describe people like FM because true conservatism in the form that Reagan used as president in the 80s has morphed into something that even Reagan himself would have a hard time in identifying.

ed2000 31 Reviews 505 reads
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Sure, he wore his politics on his sleeve, but he was honest and real. Also, he was not malicious or mean.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 612 reads
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any provider or female voice on here in a sea of male posters.It's great that someone like Madison or London in the other sections post on a regular basis.Be more stale if it were just us guys all the time.

RichardHeadIII 507 reads
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Snowman39 711 reads
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Neither said can bitch about it, because THEY BOTH DO IT!!!

The message to the left, quit whining about it!! First stop your own party from doing it!!
Gerry mandering is the result of who wins elections. Just like liberal or conservative justices being picked for the high court.

Feel like you are being cheated by this system? WIN MORE ELECTIONS!!

GaGambler 640 reads
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but there are so few righties around, and so few of them are drooling idiots similar to AF, TrannyBoy and the like.

BTW I detest Gin, Scotch OTOH..........

and if you are talking about what, and where I think you are, thanks.

GaGambler 638 reads
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He did qualify as a "right wing nut job" however.

Truth be told, there have been very few right wing trolls here, at least not many that I can remember. I count liorr, nuguy, and then it gets tough. There have been some over the top, racist, bigotted posters of the right wing variety, Tall&Dim is a good example of that, but very few outright trolls. I wonder why that is?

As for Geezer, while he was honest and real, his politics were circa 1940, you could tell by his tone at times when he wished that niggers and fags would have just "kept their place" in the world. He tried to tone it down to keep credibility, but it came through at times.

and while I am giving a bit of equal time to bashing the right, we've had our share of "christian" posters here, whisch I find the height of irony, especially since so many of them had reviews. How you justify not only fucking hookers as a married man, but bragging about your conquests on a public forum, in detail for all to see? There are many left wing hypocrites here, but nothing hits my "ironic button" like a born again hobbyist. lmao

followme 524 reads
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You are about half right.

Yes I do consider myself a righty, conservative, republican. I am not against gay rights, I do not say we need God/prayer/the Bible back in schools, and I think you mean Todd Akin not Scott Akin I do not agree with him. As for taking my cue fromrush and hannity, you are wrong there too. I do not buy in to all that you mentioned, in another post.

As I’ve mentioned a number of times the lefties, libs, democrats or whet ever they refer to themselves as are nothing more than entertainment for me. I play them like a fiddle. I post something and sit back and watch them wet their panties, have temper tantrums, get all upset and have themselves a cluster fuck. They are like watching monkey trying to fuck a football.

As for my sign off  I did explain that in a reply post to one of yours the other day.

Bottoms up
GaG = Scotch & Gin

BTW; I notice you are a mod. Congrats on that

GaGambler 607 reads
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The "moderate" candidate is nominated, ostensibly because he is more "electable" and then the candidate instead of moving towards center and the independents and undecideds, he takes a hard turn to the right in some misguided plan to "prove" that he is a "real" conservative. Or at least a "real" conservative in the eyes of the right wing kooks who never wanted him in the first place, but who would never vote for the opposition.


As for Reagan, despite my issues with organized religion, he was the last POTUS that I voted for enthusiastically. This country was every bit as fucked up as is is now when Reagan took over, and under Reagan there actuall was SOME fairness in taxation, even if it was only fleeting.

Some idiots like Willy think that Reagan gave a tax cut to the rich, but that is the furthest thing from the truth, Reagan lowered rates, but closed loopholes that prevented almost everybody from "zeroing out" and brought millions of "rich" people back onto the tax rolls who hadn't paid taxes in decades.

It wasn't long before rates inched back up, but the reopening of loopholes more than made up for it and here we are thirty years later with a tax code every bit as complicated as the one that Reagan inherited.

followme 478 reads
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laffy got a hold of the football…..again.

it is funny how he and his pals often take what I say  put their, dishonest, spin on it and just say it back .

A while back he announced that he put me on “ignore” yet he often replies to my posts. He no doubt reads most if not all my posts,  and is obsessed with me and stalks me, and it sure seems that he is obsessed with and stalks you too.

Bottoms Up
GaG = Scotch & Bourbon

Yes I am talking about what and where you think I am

mattradd 40 Reviews 531 reads
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"....once you started following Daffy around like a little puppy dog."

Yes, I've agreed with Laffy, here on the boards. However, I doubt that I've done so much more than I've agreed with you; though I know I've disagreed with you more often than agreed.

And, I hate to break it to you, but what one posts on this board does not make a person and independent or not; it's how the person votes that makes him an independent. On the local and state level, the issues and character of the people running for office can be much different than on the national level.

So, your hyperbole, and evaluation of my political standing is really just meaningless commentary.

GaGambler 639 reads
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and I do like the little temper tantrums Daffy throws when I won't play with him, but to call him a fiddle is an insult to fiddles.

As for Mattgina, he tried so hard to pretend that he was an independent and equally hard to pretend that he thought for himself. That was of course when he considered himself outnumbered and was afraid to take a stand. Now that he can follow Daffy's lead, he has dropped all prentense of being anything but the bootlicking liberal he has always been.

As for that other thing, Thank you.

mattradd 40 Reviews 524 reads
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