Politics and Religion

The idiot, government minion fucktards are trying again.confused_smile
RRO2610 51 Reviews 3127 reads

Another "Jury summons".

  Veiled threats of incarceration for not showing for "Jury Duty".

 Untill the courts dispense with the wholy blasphemus "Security" search station I REFUSE too voluntarily waive my 4th Amendment RIGHT against Unreasonable Search & Seizure.

  If they don't like it they can come to my door where I'll be wearing my 10mm; Cocked & UN-locked.

 Fuck BOTH the Dems & Repugs. I'm a card carrying Libertarian Constitutionalist.  

Good luck with that.  Especially if all you're packin' is a 10mm.  WTF is that, a pea-shooter?
PS: Where does the Constitution say you have a right to carry a weapon into a court room?  Geesh! Take a pill.

Unless you're one of the paid police with the common pathology of bullying going back to kindergarten.

I make it a strict rule too only carry at home or my private business.
I remove the clip and seperate it from the gun when transporting it to the range. Just like their nice rule book says too.

Two years ago a close friend only 4 miles from me suffered a three thug, armed invasion robbery; complete with pistol whipping. I have NO compunction regularly carrying while at home.

...what kind of 10 mm do you have? I've never shot one before, but a friend has a 10 mm Glock that I'm gonna try out at the range next week.

The original G20, and the new generation compact G29 that I fitted with a Crimson Trace laser sight.
Decidedly more recoil/flip than my sub-compact G27 (.40S&W); but not excessively so.

Ammo; especially affordable target practice variety is sparce. And they sure don't 'give away' the name brand defense rounds when you find em'.

followme1879 reads

If you are WEARING that 10mm cocked and un-locked you may just literally shoot you self .

Kind of like what you just did figuratively in your post.

You’re Welcome
2012  =  28

I hope you enjoy your time in jail!  
Assuming you are not stupid and try to pull the gun on the cops!

I've considered getting one, since the ammo has some advantages over a 45, or so I've read, but ammo is too hard to find.

I would just do the jury summons though. They gotta pay ya, and as civic duties go, it's not that much to ask. I once heard of a guy getting out of jury duty by wearing a "millions of dead cops" t-shirt to court. Use your imagination, and you'll be home in no time.

It REALLY gripes me the legal contradiction.

  Why should I allow them too mandate me to waive my 4th Amendment?
I’ve done nothing wrong.
I haven’t even been “ticketed” with an infraction.
I’m not needing entry so too conduct any of my own business at the clerks office.
They’re “SUMMONING” me on good faith/guilt trip as law abiding, community concious citizen, and then expecting me to waive a cherished “Right” and be searched like thug being held under arrest.

  In my letter to them I stated “Remove the security station, and I’ll happily honor your Jury duty summons.”

 Yes; I do vent; but I’m not unreasonable.  :D

...but I think court rooms are one of the few places where real gun control makes sense, for obvious reasons. I think another place where it makes sense is on a plane, where the use of a gun could bring the entire plane down. I don't even think US Marshalls should be able to have a gun on a plane for the same reason.

I firmly believe in the right of self-defense, but in a few instances, the pressence of a weapon can be dangerous to everyone. It can't be used in self-defense, it can only endanger everyone.

So as a "presumed innocent" tax paying property owner being asked to donate his time etc; Is it too much to ask that I as well as other civically conscious juror participants be allowed entry without the indignity of PROVING our civility?

followme1800 reads

When you go through the security screening, you will then become a proven innocent person. who will then be allowed to do and get paid for your jury duty.

Is it not better to be proven innocent by law enforcement of your peers, than to just be presumed?
Being presumed always has that shadow of doubt over it, whether it is warranted or not

Thank you
2012 = 28

BTW Glock does make some very nice weapons. Kinda like my colt 1911 too

and recently vindicated by "Citizens United".
 You can benignly apply some of the principles and machinations elsewhere in life to your amusement and advantage.

Unless you have been "served" or something like that with a jury summons, then you didn't get it.  If you answered it, then you got it.  If you really don't want to go, put it directly in the trash, and think nothing more of it.  No judge is going to issue an arrest warrant for you, because you didn't get your mail.

I also know two people who were robbed and beaten at gun point.  One of them was beaten so badly, he went into a coma and suffered permanent brain damage, now his daughters have to take care of him for the rest of his life.  This happened in a city that doesn't allow its citizens to carry concealed weapons.  You would think that criminals would know by now that it is illegal to carry concealed weapons in those "gun free" cities.  I guess those gun control laws really don't work after all.

If you ignore a jury summons a WARRANT for your ARREST will be issued!  If you ever stopped or questioned by the police for any reason, you will be arrested on your outstanding warrant.  
When you get to court the judge may let you off with a warning.  But you may be spending some time in jail before you get to court!

That is an old wives tale.  I have thrown away maybe 4 jury summonses, and nothing ever happened.  I know for a fact that I don't have a warrant for my arrest either.  If the court wants the summons to have the force of law that you are talking about, the summons has to be served in person.  If they just mail you the summons, it is not served, until you acknowledge that you have received it.

Posted By: Makwa
If you ignore a jury summons a WARRANT for your ARREST will be issued!  If you ever stopped or questioned by the police for any reason, you will be arrested on your outstanding warrant.  
When you get to court the judge may let you off with a warning.  But you may be spending some time in jail before you get to court!

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