Politics and Religion

Facebook “Fact Checkers” are now unemployed.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 75 reads

As Nicky refused to admit a few days ago, “fact checkers” have never been about checking facts. It was a system of censorship put into place to silence anyone who disagreed with the propaganda mill that Obama wanted to promote. A lengthy and fascinating article was posted here about this a couple weeks ago. With the re-election of Trump that propaganda mill has now been destroyed. And with it, comes another domino falling. Facebook will no longer be using them. Their “fact checkers” all got fired and Facebook will move to a Community Notes style system similar to what Elon put in place at X. The old neo-liberal world order is falling down all around you. Always remember, Trump did that.

ALL intelligent people KNOW filthy maga traitor cunt CONVICTED FELON CRIMINAL trump is the biggest LIAR in the HISTORY of the POTUS.  Documented 30,000 LIES in the first term alone.  What alternate reality stupidity is this filthy dirty magamoron idiocy? Again, how FUCKING DUMB are you filthy maga traitor cunts?

Good gawd, what a waste of time reading that drivel.  The author is correct on one topic - the 'feedback loop' that's been created by the radical alt right of FOX SPEWS LIES, the 'republican' (magamoron) party and 'X' - the radical alt right cesspool of racist idiocy formerly known as Twitter has successfully created a 'mind virus' of filthy magamoron stupidity.  

Sorry I couldn’t find a version written with crayons.

nah, it was just an obvious radical alt right delusional piece.  Might as well go watch 40 mules of delusional fucking moronic idiocy.  The fictional alternate reality of the filthy maga traitor hoard of delusional sycophants gets dumber by the day, hour, minute...

when he passed Trump's 4-year mark during his first year.  

more alternate reality delusional stupidity and LIES from the filthy maga traitor hoard of filthy maga sycophants

what was considered a "Biden Lie."    Because he wasn't all there, the media started saying that it's NOT a lie if Biden believed it and thought it was true when he said it.  However, they would never give a pass like that to any Republican.  

Sure.  what a rambling fucktard of a news conference by douche boi donnie yesterday, huh?  How many fucking LIES did that lying commander in chief spew yesterday?  Too many to count.  The alternate reality of the dumb filthy maga traitor cunts is comedy in action.  And gets DUMBER by the day, hour, minute, second.  

If douche boi donnie were to tell CDL the CUCK DOUCHE LIAR - to go fuck your own Mom in the ass and then feltch out and drink your own cum - CDL the CUCK DOUCHE LIAR would jump up and ask douche boi donnie - "How many times, Mr. trump, sir - your holiness !???!?!  How many times must I do it to please you sir, my god king!?!?!?!"

This is no hope of return to normalcy.  His brain is fried.  

Sure thing CUCK DOUCHE LIAR - we all know your a CUCK for donnie douche boi. What ever donnie douche boi says, CUCK DOUCHE LIAR does.  Too funny

How about a link?
Oh, right. CDL doesn't do that.

It just proves that "CDL" is just another lying magamoron filthy traitor cunt.

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