Politics and Religion

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 2369 reads

Brace yourself this horrific, grizzly video of a Guantanamo Bay interrogation.  As an American I am ashamed of this brutality. We have to shut down this bloodbath immediately!! I heard they edited out the part of the tape where he has to write "I WILL NOT THROW HAND GRENADES AT US TROOPS" 100 times on the chalk board.

moethebully1890 reads

I did not see anything brutal in that video. And the accompanying article doesn't even give examples of how this guy was so badly tortured or even mistreated.
Writing something repeatedly on a chalkboard is something all kids endure in detention.  Does this mean we all have been tortured before?
Next time when someone feels sympathy for a terrorist or a 'suspected' terrorist, think about 9/11 and what those people in the towers must have felt (imagine the physical pain they must have endured where choosing to jump out of a building would be a relief) before they died.
Remember, these terrorists or 'suspected' terrorists are enemy combatants, not identifiable soldiers in uniform that would be accorded conventional POW treatment.  I don't see the U.S. beheading anyone in front of a camera and broadcasting that for the world to see.

johnhuntback1532 reads

There's not a one of these folks in Gtmo that wouldn't re-create 9/11 if he had the chance. What kind of treatment are our troops receiving if they get captured? Oh, that's right. The insurgents don't take prisoners. They kill American troops whether they can fight or not, whether they are armed or not. What about the tax dollars that have been spent buying copies of the Koran for these animals and making sure they have the type of food they are used to eating? Sympathy for them? I think NOT!!!!!!

GaGambler1809 reads

Personally I think the family of Army Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Speer of Albuquerque, N.M., recently deceased, should have been allowed to perform the interrogation.

I'll leave you to argue it out with yourself, Moe.  Tell me who wins. lol

I assumed the "chalkboard" comment was the big clue as to how I really felt about this whiny kid who was acting like he was sent to the principle's office.  Compare the video to all of the lib rhetoric and you realize the Democrat's have no concern for reality.  They are a party with one lone, defining characteristic:  Their hatred of George W. Bush.

johnhuntback1485 reads

Yes, you're right. Sorry I didn't recognize the sarcasm for what it was. I guess I'm just fed up with all the bleeding-heart liberals that want the military to protect the country, but be politically correct when they do it. They don't realize that we're in a war against people who don't fight by rules, don't care about tolerance and understanding, and would cut their heads off in half a heartbeat.
jhb (Retired navy and PROUD of it!!!)

This is yet another example of just how slanted the media has become.

I can't remember which news show it was now, but about a year ago they did a story on this kid. What this article fails to mention is that the "alleged" grenade incident was following a protracted battle. The grenade thrown at the American soldiers came from under a pile of rubble - where this kid was lying, and was the only one alive. Gee, kinda hard to figure out whodunnit.

Also, there are recorded video clips of this kid making what appears to be a training video. Of what you might ask? How to assemble an IED. Nifty information for any would-be terrorist.

This kid has the blood of Americans on his hands, and I frankly don't give a rat's a$$ how old he is. They want me to feel sympathy for him? Not one ounce.

Oh, almost forgot, some of these wounds he talks about are allegedly self inflicted during his time in Guantanamo. If I were forced to choose between this kid, and the personnel at Gunatanamo, I think I'd pick the personnel at Guantamo before I believe a word out of this kid's mouth.

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