Politics and Religion

Lemme see...righties, what bothers you the most? Open Borders, or School shootings??
Hpygolky 207 Reviews 188 reads

In my usual curious self, I'm gauging the audience...don't all chime in at once.
My guess is that its open borders (election year) and that it's ok for kids to be slaughter in school..but I could be wrong
I'll take your calls off the air.
Gonna soak up some rays...

Interesting yet....Guys was "maybe" about law and order and the whole protect the blue. And yet...he wanted this shoot out.
But gotta hand it to him...he had his hats on..
Yeah, so there isn't a gun problem....it must be them "open borders"

I would say it's between open borders and Americans being killed by illegals who came here as a result of the open borders.  The number of homicides by illegals far exceeds the number of incidents of school shootings.  Granted they are both a problem, but it's a false narrative to make open borders an issue without including the "WHY" it's an issue.  Wait until September when the commercials start by the RNC showing all of the Americans killed by illegals that came here under Biden's border policy.  Meanwhile, when was the last school shooting?

"The number of homicides by illegals far exceeds the number of incidents of school shootings."
Prove it.
I say CDL is pulling shit out of his ass again.

I'd argue that 1 homicide by an illegal is one too many. The amount of illegals entering the US now is by far the most we've ever seen in our lifetime. I'd expect crime in general as well as homicides by illegals will continue to increase...... due to the crime rate will take time to catch up with the illegals who have entered. Basically the rise in the rate of crimes committed by illegals will be behind. Sort of a....It's going to get worse before it gets better....kind of thing.

Oh! I don't think it's made up at all. I believe that to be 100% accurate. I haven't looked for data numbers or even know if that data exists. But, at the rate that we have gained illegal population, I just don't think there's any way around it.

But no proof. None.
Pardon my skepticism but you're new here and CDL has a LONG history of just pulling shit out of his ass and never backing it up.
So you might want to check your blind belief in what he says at the door.

Yes as stated, I haven't looked for data or even know if it exists, I just don't believe there's any way around it. When it comes to illegals and crime, I'm afraid we're about to see a rise like we've never seen before.  
We (the US) must control its borders better than this. Period.

I guess the “party that supports women” has some explaining to do.

It is all horrific.  None of it is OK.  

Also all the illegal aliens who are murdering, raping, torturing and slaughtering Americans especially women and children thank you for your support.  


2024 = Trump 270+

So that lets you just make shit up and you don't have to prove it.
What are you, CDL, Jr.?
Semper Lie, fraudster.

Crime statistics are kinda funny. We have a few standards that we use in this country. One standard is that every year the FBI compiles a list of crimes that are fed to it from every police department in America. How the FBI compiles that data can be contentious, but are a necessity. For instance, a crime must meet a certain set of uniform definitions, otherwise it’s just comparing apples to oranges. A couple years ago some feminist activists took issue with this in how rape was defined and demanded an expanded definition, which ended up increasing the reported number of rapes.  

A potential problem that can arise in this data collection is if you have Soros funded DAs who aren’t prosecuting crime then will they still get reported? Probably not.  

A separate way to measure crime prevalence is to measure it through surveys. The National Crime Victimization Survey conducts this every year, and uses extrapolation and mathematical modeling to measure out overall rates of crime. While criminologists do admit to limitations with the NCVS, it’s probably the best model we have to go by. The surprising thing about the NCVS is that when you compare the crime rates under the NCVS and the FBI data you find a massive disparity in the numbers. What it suggests is that the vast majority of all crimes go unreported. Of course, the more serious the crime the more likely it is to be reported, but minor crimes are often not reported at all.  

The question is whether this disparity has grown since Biden opened our borders. I would imagine yes, but I haven’t checked the data. I’ll report back what I find. It would be surprising if it hasn’t grown as crime skyrocketed during Covid (something that was unique to the USA, every other country saw crime plummet during Covid). While overall crime has gone down since it exploded during the lockdowns, crime is still at historical highs. Overall, crime has steadily gone up since 2012 and BLM came onto the scene.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Oh, so there's "a fuckton of crime" (whatever that is) but it's "unreported."
So that lets you just make shit up and you don't have to prove it.  
 What are you, CDL, Jr.?  
 Semper Lie, fraudster.
VDH has done a great deal of reporting on this but you won’t believe it. Your TDS just won’t let ya look at it.  

So here is a different source.  

From the article

“The obvious place to start the analysis is that that we don’t know what we don’t know. If a crime isn’t reported or if it isn’t prosecuted, how could we begin to measure what the real criminal impact of illegal immigrants has been? For that reason, we’ll not be able to pin down a hard number of total crimes committed although there is extensive research available that will be able to help us get close to the real numbers.”

Let’s revisit the federal governments Criminal Noncitizen Statistics. Here are the number of criminal convictions of “noncitizens” by year starting with the Trump Administration only now we can add in the estimated total number of crimes committed using the victims survey information:  

2017: 8,531 (reported); 22,000+ (estimated)  
2018: 6,698 (reported); 17,000+ (estimated)  
2019: 4,269 (reported); 11,000+ (estimated)  
2020: 2,438 (reported); 6,000+ (estimated)  
Criminal convictions of noncitizens declined by 71% during the Trump Administration. Here are the first 3+ years under the Biden Administration:  

2021: 10,763 (reported); 28,000+ (estimated)  
2022: 12,028 (reported); 31,500+ (estimated)  
2023: 15,267 (reported); 40,000+ (estimated)  
2024 YTD: 10,337 (reported); 27,000+ (estimated)  

This is eye opening information. There already has been over 225% more crimes committed by illegal immigrants under the Biden Administration in under 3.5 years compared to the entire Trump presidency. More eye opening still is this comparison. By the end of the Trump Administration total estimated crimes committed by illegal immigrants totaled about 16 per day, most recently under the Biden Administration we’re up to 110 crimes committed by illegal immigrants per day. Aside from how clearly dangerous the Biden Administration's open border policies have been this also speaks to another dynamic that’s in play. How much more likely illegal immigrants who’ve come into the United States since Biden became president are to commit crimes.  

You won’t believe it though.

But he still had to regurgitate an entire novel to make that clear.
Thanks for proving my point, Looooser.
Semper Lie.

It amazes me, there is not other country in the world that would allow boarder crossings to occur in their country, this is just insane and has no common sense.  I work in a small business and we refuse to hire any undocumented or illegal aliens.  We hire only US citizens.  I am tired of getting swarmed by these illegals, every time I go to Home Depot or 7-11 for coffee.  All small businesses need to make a stand and make a statement they will not hire these people.  Unfortunately, it is too late because we already have 10 million of them here thanks to Biden and his crew.

From Wanker's article:  
"It wasn’t immediately clear, though, what the young woman’s immigration status was."

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