Politics and Religion

Re: sure! Wow, say it ain't so.
sappybullfighter 1732 reads
1 / 18

Food for thought just slightly ahead of the time when the felons running our government will insert their gloved iron fists further and harder up the collective rectum of America's healtcare industry (doctors and patients, alike) thanks to the Grand Socialist Miracle of Obamacare.


marikod 1 Reviews 165 reads
2 / 18

Into medical school if you bought one.

No, wait, that's me.

Okay you have zero legal skills..

No, wait, that's pwilley.

Then you must be a feckless buffoon.

No, that is mr no trouble.

Who are you?

JeffEng16 22 Reviews 130 reads
4 / 18

99% of the links that buffoons Sappy, Mari, Nuguy, and NeedleBufoon  post are from right wing buffoon websites not media with a reputation because that's what right wing buffoons do.  It's a lot like Romney and Ryan running from even Fox when asked to explain how they are going to pay for the $7.2 trillion bill for extending tax cuts and doubling the defense budget.

The .jpegs are analagous to 3 year-olds with coloring books rather than Pulitzer winning cartoon satirists like Mike Lukovitch in the AJC who won two Pulitzers.

1) The Daily Caller is a right wing piece of garbage and the Jackson Coker survey did not in fact say what nuguy thinks they said, and it was a relatively small sampling.  The ACA isn't even in effect except for small components until 2014.  And the vast majority of states are now quietly accepting medicaid expansion funds, just as I said they would when the Supreme Court upheld it.   The survey it quotes only surveyed .2% of the physicians in the US who work part time in ERs or part time covering physician practices when they're on vacation called locum tenens physicians.

There are currently nearly 1.2 million physicians in the US.  The study done by Jackson and Coker was based on 2,694 who returned the survey.  The majority of physicians who do part-time work part-time in ERs which is where Jackson got their population surveyed (I know them and I spoke with them) were not surveyed on who they will vote for but were surveyed on their perceptions of the ACA two years before it is to take effect.

A summary of the survey is here:

2) The American Medical Association, the American College of Physicians, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Surgeons, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the American Osteopathic Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American College of Cardiology all did surveys that heavily favor the ACA.  The AMA had almost 5000 physicians respond to an extensive survey, and 67% of them strongly favored the ACA.

In two other large polls of physicians, the majority supported the ACA:

Poll Finds 60 Percent of Physician Leaders Support Supreme Court Decision on ACA

Majority of Physicians Support Supreme Court ACA Decision

Even if the .2% had a majority who weren't voting for Obama, which was not one of the questions asked in the Jackson survey, that'd be a majority of .2% of the MDs in the US--a ridiculously fraction of 1% of physicians as a sample.

JeffEng16 22 Reviews 102 reads
6 / 18

99% of the links that buffoons Sappy, Mari, Nuguy, and NeedleBufoon  post are from right wing buffoon websites not media with a reputation because that's what right wing buffoons do.  It's a lot like Romney and Ryan running from even Fox when asked to explain how they are going to pay for the $7.2 trillion bill for extending tax cuts and doubling the defense budget.

The .jpegs are analagous to 3 year-olds with coloring books rather than Pulitzer winning cartoon satirists like Mike Lukovitch in the AJC who won two Pulitzers.

1) The Daily Caller is a right wing piece of garbage and the Jackson Coker survey did not in fact say what nuguy thinks they said, and it was a relatively small sampling.  The ACA isn't even in effect except for small components until 2014.  And the vast majority of states are now quietly accepting medicaid expansion funds, just as I said they would when the Supreme Court upheld it.   The survey it quotes only surveyed .2% of the physicians in the US who work part time in ERs or part time covering physician practices when they're on vacation called locum tenens physicians.

There are currently nearly 1.2 million physicians in the US.  The study done by Jackson and Coker was based on 2,694 who returned the survey.  The majority of physicians who do part-time work part-time in ERs which is where Jackson got their population surveyed (I know them and I spoke with them) were not surveyed on who they will vote for but were surveyed on their perceptions of the ACA two years before it is to take effect.

A summary of the survey is here:

2) The American Medical Association, the American College of Physicians, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Surgeons, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the American Osteopathic Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American College of Cardiology all did surveys that heavily favor the ACA.  The AMA had almost 5000 physicians respond to an extensive survey, and 67% of them strongly favored the ACA.

In two other large polls of physicians, the majority supported the ACA:

Poll Finds 60 Percent of Physician Leaders Support Supreme Court Decision on ACA

Majority of Physicians Support Supreme Court ACA Decision

Even if the .2% had a majority who weren't voting for Obama, which was not one of the questions asked in the Jackson survey, that'd be a majority of .2% of the MDs in the US--a ridiculously fraction of 1% of physicians as a sample.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 169 reads
8 / 18

...considering they're a bunch of free market fundies.

I gotta tell ya, all the bloviating in the world from the Cato Institute types doesn't change the facts that people who live in nations with (REAL) socialized medicine tend to live longer healthier lives than Americans do.

But facts never seem to faze the free market fundies.

pwilley 59 Reviews 101 reads
9 / 18

I know it's sometimes difficult to refrain from wanting to blast a pompous arrogant wind bag.  Particularly one who claims to be an expert in law, medicine, economics, language, and god only knows what else.  But you're wasting your time.  The good news is that he can't force himself to stop the personal attacks, the vicious sarcasm, and some of the other banter that is contrary to the boards rules and there are some folks taking notice.  Just let him continue to pave the path for his abrupt exodus.

nuguy46 91 reads
10 / 18
sappybullfighter 87 reads
11 / 18

Jeffy-Poo, how shall I say this?  I don't really take offence when you refer to me as a "right wing buffoon," or any of the number of hackneyed insults you manage to "borrow" from persons wittier than yourself-in fact, I take it a a dog-legged compliment that I've arrived at an opinion that you don't agree with.  

But, on the subject of the specific j.peg which I included in the post which you responded to, I must observe that you are simply full of shit and that your post exhibits a profound pathological constipation of your mind and diarrhea of your mouth.

The j.peg was a cartoon by Ralph Steadman.  He is British and his work has been current and has stood on the cutting edge of graphic design for decades.  His work has received many awards:

Francis Williams Book Illustration Award for Alice in Wonderland
The American Society of Illustrators' Certificate of Merit
The W H Smith Illustration Award for I Leonardo
The Dutch Silver Paintbrush Award for Inspector Mouse
The Italian Critica in Erba Prize for That's My Dad
The BBC Design Award for postage stamps
The Black Humour Award in France,
He was voted Illustrator of the Year by the American Institute of Graphic Arts in 1979.

Additionally, Steadman has become the "go to" illustrator of first choice for many artistic editors and his work has graced the front covers of many best-selling books, postage stamps, cd, dvd, and album covers, as well as numerous inclusions on the covers and within the pages of Punch, Private Eye, the Daily Telegraph, The New York Times and Rolling Stone.  His illustrations have provided the design focus of many popular films and ad campaigns of many products.

So please, show some respect to your betters.


sappybullfighter 147 reads
12 / 18

This could be fun.

Human Anatomy for $1000.  

The answer is: that portion of the Intervertebral Foramen (AKA Neural Foramen) NOT occupied by the spinal nerve.

The correct question?? (You're a fart smeller, Jeffy-Poo!  I'm assuming that you are already passing familiar with the TV game show, "Jeopardy" and how it's played.  Yes?)

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 98 reads
13 / 18

That, and working out the details of our little bet. So what's the word, Mime-guy?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 109 reads
15 / 18

As soon as you give me an answer on our bet, I'll be happy to talk about it.

pwilley 59 Reviews 126 reads
16 / 18

Willy, if he answers you on the bet, AND, if you actually describe what it is that Obama plans to do that sends those tingles up your leg enough to trigger you to impulsively push the Obama button, you will be the ONLY liberal on this whole stinking board who had the balls to do so.  I applaud you in advance if that's what you actually do.  But, remember one mention of Romney, Repubs, Bush, Reagan, or for that matter anyone but Obama, and you will have to sit in Rush's studio for a whole two hours.

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