Politics and Religion

Re: So let's look at Trump and his family history with no blacks in their buildings.
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 3523 reads
1 / 38

HollyWhite  pays healthy athletic actors millions to portray people in wheel chairs, when there are many, hungry, physically challenged artistic humans already living in a wheel chair, hoping to find a part, that would be thrilled  to participate  in a major movie.
   When  a Michael Jackson comedy movie is made, naturally the Brits follow HollyWhite's lead and  hire a pasty pale face white guy who looks more like a sick Al Pacino to play Michael's  part.  
   I have no doubt, when MAGA President Trump is on the job, the propaganda and rampant discrimination against Black people is going to be stifled, big time.  

bigguy30 356 reads
2 / 38

I guess you forgot he got sued by the federal government.
Also I bet these two woman would have been on his list back then too!
This is why President Elect pee is a joke!

-- Modified on 1/11/2017 11:38:59 AM

brooks5 463 reads
3 / 38


that's enough for this guy to hate him

he likes his Pres to be at least half-black! ;)

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 342 reads
4 / 38

The article is about Trumps father, but, the author points out, at the time a 17 year old Donald Trump visited his father's building sites in his fathers Cadillac driven by a black chauffeur.  Cmon dumb,ass you'll have to do better than this.

Posted By: bigguy30
I guess you forgot he got sued by the federal government.  
 Also I bet these two woman would have been on his list back then too!  
 This is why President Elect pee is a joke!

-- Modified on 1/11/2017 11:38:59 AM

brooks5 341 reads
5 / 38

so you're gonna be "lost" or "clueless" or blinded by your "white priviledge" or  . . . .  

another oft repeated banal "insult"

he's just about to prove me right! ;

bigguy30 518 reads
6 / 38

Since you are having a hard time undertanding the article.
They clearly point out Donald Trump took over his father business in the next paragraph.

He continued the company’s practice of turning away potential black tenants was painstakingly documented by activists and organizations that viewed equal housing as the next frontier in the civil rights struggle.

The Justice Department undertook its own investigation and, in 1973, sued Trump Management for discriminating against blacks. Both Fred Trump, the company’s chairman, and Donald Trump, its president, were named as defendants. It was front-page news, and for Donald, amounted to his debut in the public eye.

This one response comment explains why you don't have a job and your personal stupidity.

Posted By: ROMMEL
The article is about Trumps father, but, the author points out, at the time a 17 year old Donald Trump visited his father's building sites in his fathers Cadillac driven by a black chauffeur.  Cmon dumb,ass you'll have to do better than this.  
Posted By: bigguy30
I guess you forgot he got sued by the federal government.  
  Also I bet these two woman would have been on his list back then too!  
  This is why President Elect pee is a joke!  
 -- Modified on 1/11/2017 11:38:59 AM
-- Modified on 1/11/2017 12:56:44 PM

bigguy30 370 reads
7 / 38

Just another two fools wrong and agreeing with each other.

Posted By: brooks5
so you're gonna be "lost" or "clueless" or blinded by your "white priviledge" or  . . . .  
 another oft repeated banal "insult"  
 he's just about to prove me right! ;)  
-- Modified on 1/11/2017 12:55:01 PM

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 419 reads
8 / 38

Good thing you sent a picture because your comment is completely unintelligible.  Dumb,ass.

brooks5 713 reads
9 / 38

to go along with "lost" and the others

told ya so, he proved me right yet again

let's see if he has any new stuff, shall we?

brooks5 400 reads
10 / 38
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 396 reads
11 / 38

Big guy, I know you are smarter than any liberal on P&R, other than  Jake.
 Acting  dumb isn't appealing or profitable unless you're a comedian or in a HollyWhite movie playing  Meryl Streep.  

 First of all President-Elect Trump is not his father.  
  I've been in many of Trump properties , there's an abundance of Black people working with our MAGA team.
   I wasn't part of the MAGA organization in the late 60's early 70's.  
   I have no doubt a majority of our country had racist tendencies back then.
   I seriously doubt President-Elect Trump was ever a racist.

The NYTimes is like most racists attempting to disguise their own  racist agenda  by throwing out racism charges at the innocent, hoping it will stick and divert attention from their own covert racist actions.

 Dana Canedy  a very  successful, exceptional, well known Black journalist was leaving  the NY Times because of NYT disregard for diversity.  
  I heard from a reputable anonymous source the Times paid her big bucks to stay and not speak of their racism.
  Ernestine Grant and Marjorie Walker, black women who work in the NY Times filed a multi million class action lawsuit alleging that NYT  introduced a culture of “deplorable discrimination” based on age, race and gender at the newspaper,”




  The NY Times article you linked to shows no credible evidence MAGA President-Elect Trump is racist. Some key words from your biased article below.  

"The Justice Department undertook its own investigation and, in 1973, sued Trump Management for discriminating against blacks. Both Fred Trump, the company’s chairman, and Donald Trump, its president, were named as defendants."

 "Rather than quietly trying to settle — as another New York developer had done a couple of years earlier — he turned the lawsuit into a protracted battle, complete with angry denials, character assassination, charges that the government was trying to force him to rent to “welfare recipients” and a $100 million countersuit accusing the Justice Department of Defamation"

"When it was over, Mr. Trump declared victory, emphasizing that the consent decree he ultimately signed did not include an admission of guilt"

"While there is NO evidence that Mr. Trump personally set the rental policies at his father’s properties, he was on hand while they were in place, working out of a cubicle in Trump Management’s Brooklyn offices as early as the summer of 1968."

"there has been no suggestion of racial bias toward prospective residents in the luxury housing that Mr. Trump focused on as his career took off in Manhattan in the 1980s."

   In closing, if you'd rather  continue  living  on the left wing White Propaganda Plantation, that's your prerogative.
   If you would rather not be held back in the closet and hoping to join a diversified  team,  MAGA  Trump Industries are interviewing and hiring qualified Black employees on a daily basis.
   Ask yourself,  What have you got to lose by joining our winning team

bigguy30 486 reads
12 / 38

So ebonics is too advance for both of you too.

Posted By: brooks5
 dumb ass
-- Modified on 1/11/2017 1:27:58 PM

bigguy30 537 reads
13 / 38

I know they are not Quad and you can think for yourself.
The same applies with me and I don't need to form a opinion on someone race.

Also I can see a lot of hypocrisy.
It's pointing to facts that happen and on file Quad.

Most Trump supporters have a issue with people of color.
This is a fact Quad and Trump own actions prove that too!

So this is not the NY Times doing this but Trump and his father back in the day.
Posted By: quadseasonal
 Big guy, I know you are smarter than any liberal on P&R, other than  Jake.  
  Acting  dumb isn't appealing or profitable unless you're a comedian or in a HollyWhite movie playing  Meryl Streep.  
  First of all President-Elect Trump is not his father.  
   I've been in many of Trump properties , there's an abundance of Black people working with our MAGA team.  
    I wasn't part of the MAGA organization in the late 60's early 70's.  
    I have no doubt a majority of our country had racist tendencies back then.  
    I seriously doubt President-Elect Trump was ever a racist.  
 The NYTimes is like most racists attempting to disguise their own  racist agenda  by throwing out racism charges at the innocent, hoping it will stick and divert attention from their own covert racist actions.  
  Dana Canedy  a very  successful, exceptional, well known Black journalist was leaving  the NY Times because of NYT disregard for diversity.  
   I heard from a reputable anonymous source the Times paid her big bucks to stay and not speak of their racism.  
   Ernestine Grant and Marjorie Walker, black women who work in the NY Times filed a multi million class action lawsuit alleging that NYT  introduced a culture of “deplorable discrimination” based on age, race and gender at the newspaper,”  
   The NY Times article you linked to shows no credible evidence MAGA President-Elect Trump is racist. Some key words from your biased article below.  
 "The Justice Department undertook its own investigation and, in 1973, sued Trump Management for discriminating against blacks. Both Fred Trump, the company’s chairman, and Donald Trump, its president, were named as defendants."  
  "Rather than quietly trying to settle — as another New York developer had done a couple of years earlier — he turned the lawsuit into a protracted battle, complete with angry denials, character assassination, charges that the government was trying to force him to rent to “welfare recipients” and a $100 million countersuit accusing the Justice Department of Defamation"  
 "When it was over, Mr. Trump declared victory, emphasizing that the consent decree he ultimately signed did not include an admission of guilt"  
 "While there is NO evidence that Mr. Trump personally set the rental policies at his father’s properties, he was on hand while they were in place, working out of a cubicle in Trump Management’s Brooklyn offices as early as the summer of 1968."  
 "there has been no suggestion of racial bias toward prospective residents in the luxury housing that Mr. Trump focused on as his career took off in Manhattan in the 1980s."  
    In closing, if you'd rather  continue  living  on the left wing White Propaganda Plantation, that's your prerogative.  
    If you would rather not be held back in the closet and hoping to join a diversified  team,  MAGA  Trump Industries are interviewing and hiring qualified Black employees on a daily basis.  
    Ask yourself,  What have you got to lose by joining our winning team ?    
-- Modified on 1/11/2017 1:45:54 PM

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 563 reads
14 / 38

* advanced.     Dumb,ass.

Posted By: bigguy30
So ebonics is too advance for both of you too.  
Posted By: brooks5
  dumb ass
-- Modified on 1/11/2017 1:27:58 PM

brooks5 520 reads
15 / 38

it just gripes him that Barack is half-white

makes BFRG schizophrenic ;)

brooks5 371 reads
16 / 38

"he be . . . "


"she be"

in a sentence

"Hillary, she be having her ass kicked by Trump"

am I close? ;)

bigguy30 503 reads
17 / 38

Posted By: ROMMEL
Good thing you sent a picture because your comment is completely unintelligible.  Dumb,ass.

bigguy30 491 reads
18 / 38

Just remember to put everything together clown.
Then maybe you can find a job in the future. Lol

Posted By: ROMMEL
 * advanced.     Dumb,ass.  
Posted By: bigguy30
So ebonics is too advance for both of you too.  
Posted By: brooks5
   dumb ass
 -- Modified on 1/11/2017 1:27:58 PM

bigguy30 353 reads
20 / 38

I guess you missed your meds.
So it's time for another meltdown from you.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

JakeFromStateFarm 362 reads
22 / 38

And such creative ones, too!  As much has he's humiliated by both left and right you'd think he might learn to STFU. But what fun would that be.  Thanks for noticing, dunceboy.
Please don't ever learn to write.

bigguy30 377 reads
23 / 38

Since you act like a unstable child on this site.
I have to write on your level of understanding clown.
You should have  learned that already.

Also if you keep acting like a immature baby.
Just expect the same in return.
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
And such creative ones, too!  As much has he's humiliated by both left and right you'd think he might learn to STFU. But what fun would that be.  Thanks for noticing, dunceboy.  
 Please don't ever learn to write.

2465305 70 Reviews 479 reads
24 / 38

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
And such creative ones, too!  As much has he's humiliated by both left and right you'd think he might learn to STFU. But what fun would that be.  Thanks for noticing, dunceboy.  
 Please don't ever learn to write.

JakeFromStateFarm 438 reads
25 / 38
JakeFromStateFarm 286 reads
26 / 38

When a branch turns against him, he gets embarrassed. Then he pulls one of his posts at the top and it all goes away.  Then it's much easier for him to put himself to sleep while sobbing softly into his pillow.

bigguy30 528 reads
27 / 38

This video sums you up perfectly.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
It is so much fun to watch you flail around.  Are you drunk?  

bigguy30 378 reads
28 / 38

It's a reason you earned the name suspect Jake.
So crying to support on here to remove threads and acting like it's me is comical.
I will say it again make sure you take your meds.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
When a branch turns against him, he gets embarrassed. Then he pulls one of his posts at the top and it all goes away.  Then it's much easier for him to put himself to sleep while sobbing softly into his pillow.

bigguy30 319 reads
29 / 38

So I know both of you are weak and need a reason to hide.
When exposed on here running for help is your thing.
The only difference is you also run from providers too. Lol
I believe we call that frauds.

Posted By: SoleSurvivor
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
And such creative ones, too!  As much has he's humiliated by both left and right you'd think he might learn to STFU. But what fun would that be.  Thanks for noticing, dunceboy.  
  Please don't ever learn to write.

-- Modified on 1/11/2017 8:09:10 PM

DaffysDinkyDick 359 reads
30 / 38
JakeFromStateFarm 428 reads
31 / 38
JakeFromStateFarm 379 reads
33 / 38
bigguy30 364 reads
34 / 38

I am enjoying your new weekly meltdown on here again.
Also trying to insult someone without ever seeing them proves you are a clown!
You are so weak. Lol

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Gawd, you're fat.  
-- Modified on 1/12/2017 12:11:08 AM

DaffysDinkyDick 326 reads
35 / 38

Weren't you the clown who hid for 6 weeks post election? And aren't you the asshat who thinks "know" means "no?" Inquiring minds would love to know!!

JakeFromStateFarm 433 reads
36 / 38
bigguy30 251 reads
37 / 38

You should really change that name clown!

Posted By: DaffysDinkyDick
Weren't you the clown who hid for 6 weeks post election? And aren't you the asshat who thinks "know" means "no?" Inquiring minds would love to know!!

DaffysDinkyDick 359 reads
38 / 38

Moronic pussy like you seem to be? Does my handle insult a butt buddy of yours? Awwwwww.....you'll get over it. Loser.

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