Politics and Religion

House Republicans cave again on spending, spurning Trump.
inicky46 61 Reviews 71 reads

Trump had told Speaker Johnson to nix any spending bill that didn't contain a provision requiring ID to vote. Setting aside for a moment on whether such a provision is a good idea or not, this is another cave for House Republicans and Trump. He looks weak. As usual.
When will Republicans learn this subject is a loser for them?

Now it goes to the Senate, where quick approval is guaranteed.
Republicans hang their heads.

We're not losing the house for you. Suck it up buttercup.But in typical trump fashion he wanted a shut down just to sow chaos.
I mean has there every been a ex/former president who roots against us, just to make himself look good.
I bet the dow going over 42K  and the feds lowered the rate really pissed him off...Guys, he ain't on our side.

Trump is already the King of Pinocchios, having been awarded 10s of 1000s of them by the Washington Post and other fact-checkers.

Posted By: followme
Re: who lit the fuse on your tampon

ANOTHER!!!!!!!.... political hack post by the biggest political hack on earth.

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