Politics and Religion

Re: Not the point? (All Politicians Ask For Money)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 242 reads
1 / 18

Trump met with oil execs and asked them to contribute $1 billion to his campaign.  In exchange, Trump promised to cut their taxes and scrap all of the environmental rules and policies put in place by Joe "Steward of the Earth" Biden.  

Righties love Trump because they're low-information voters who are too dumb to know Trump is fucking them in the ass.

inicky46 61 Reviews 11 reads
2 / 18

A bit premature but a clear indication of how corrupt he is.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 12 reads
3 / 18

The horror. Remember, Big P. CO2 emissions do NOT cause climate change. But mining lithium is a disaster for the environment. Windmills kills a shit load of birds. All to produce energy that's not even remotely as efficient as hydrocarbons. Quadrillion times less efficient than hydrocarbons. Which, I'll remind you, do NOT cause climate change.  

Guess what else Trump is considering?

inicky46 61 Reviews 11 reads
4 / 18

Bluster all you want about climate change, this is about offering a corrupt quid pro quo: give me a billion-dollar campaign contribution and I'll deregulate you. That's it.
Nice Dodge, Willy!

cks175 43 Reviews 13 reads
5 / 18

Trump has railed against Biden’s environmental EOs since they were issued. They will be rescinded whether BIF Oil contributes a billion or not.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 13 reads
6 / 18

Let’s not forget that the price of petrol has been a major contributing factor in overall inflation. It made shipping costs go sky high, which has raised the price of everything from groceries to construction. A price we’re all paying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. More CO2 is *beneficial* to the planet. More CO2 means a greener healthier world. We’re paying more money to subsidize inefficient energy that is not only harmful to the environment, but hinders the world from becoming greener, which in turn stabilizes the environment and allows life to flourish. But not only that, it allows our economy to flourish too.

inicky46 61 Reviews 12 reads
7 / 18

He asked for money in return for lifting the regs. You can dodge that all you want but that's the bottom line. Trump is nothing if not transactional.

cks175 43 Reviews 13 reads
8 / 18

And there’s a transactional motive behind it. Trump just says the quiet part out loud.

inicky46 61 Reviews 11 reads
9 / 18

No politician but Trump asks for money and tells you he'll do to earn it. Saying "the quiet part out loud" is why Trump is under so many indictments.

cks175 43 Reviews 9 reads
10 / 18

Do you want the DOJ to prosecute him for making a campaign promise?

inicky46 61 Reviews 9 reads
11 / 18

But I'm not surprised someone as partisan as you are would imagine I would.

cks175 43 Reviews 11 reads
12 / 18

You complained about Trump’s corruption. Should there be a legal remedy? If you think that Trump’s “quid pro quo” with Big Oil is legal, than the answer is no. If you think the quid pro quo is illegal, than prosecution is an option. The DOJ would need to way the pro and cons of opening up yet another Trump prosecution.

inicky46 61 Reviews 11 reads
13 / 18

Where did I imply you said I did? In fact I said "I imagine." But I guess it had too many syllables for you.

cks175 43 Reviews 13 reads
14 / 18

Nicky’s twice asked if prosecution is appropriate for Trump’s comments to the oil company executives. He’s apparently too flustered to provide a direct answer.

I imagine him muttering
Orange Man bad! Orange Man Take Bad People Money. Orange Man Sets World On Fire

inicky46 61 Reviews 9 reads
15 / 18

I'd have thought you could do better. If my replies haven't been clear to you, then you should ask for a refund from the school that granted you a GED.

cks175 43 Reviews 9 reads
16 / 18

*pats Nicky on the head*

We’re now up to three attempts for the old man to answer a simple question. But he would just rather sputter insults.

It’s a very simple question with an as simple follow up. Were Trump’s actions (a campaign promise paired with a request for financial support to his campaign) legal or not? If not legal, how would old Nicky like to see the Biden administration respond?

inicky46 61 Reviews 17 reads
17 / 18

And he's so deluded he thinks he can force me to answer his questions. But the answers would be obvious to him if his reading comprehension was normal.
Poor ChicKie just doesn't get it.....

cks175 43 Reviews 12 reads
18 / 18

*pats Nicky on the head*
The old man talks about delusion when he’s the one thinking we are here trying to “force” him to do something he doesn’t want to do.

The reason that Nicky doesn’t want to answer the question is because he knows what Trump did is perfectly legal, which makes Nicky’s complaint about it look a lot like “Get Off My Lawn!!”  🤣

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