Politics and Religion

Still no proof of wiretapping!
hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 947 reads

There is no proof and there will be no proof as this thing never happened.   I hope Barack Obama sues this Clown for all the $billions he is worth for libel, slander and falsely accusing the former President of doing something he did not.

Only the True Trump Devotee's! ;)

You know! The one's who fell for his shtick!   "I play to people's fantasies. ... People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular." From Trump's "The Art of the Deal."

Sure fags can marry, but now they have to deal with eight years of Trump.

Can you imagine a marriage where both of the men bitch about Trump non-stop?

Trump's unsubstantiated claims that Obama wiretapped him?

TwoMints188 reads

Honestly how do you survive day to day?

This is the first president entering office that's in favor of gay marriage. What crap have you fed that led you to believe that he's against gays?  It's all crap. Maybe you should reconsider where you are getting your info..

Posted By: EuroModelsShown
Sure fags can marry, but now they have to deal with eight years of Trump.  
 Can you imagine a marriage where both of the men bitch about Trump non-stop?

Mr.M.Johnson258 reads

Meaning, he wants everyone to forget this 'cause whatever investigation there is will prove that Trump made this shit up

Trump got it from a totally fabricated Breitbart article.  It would be very rare indeed for any President to order wiretapping of anything.  That's not really his function.  Based on rules established during the post Nixon era, if the president were to order a wiretap for some reason, it would still have to be based on a court order by a judge having jurisdiction.  That would leave a mile long paper trail.  

Of course if it was a black bag operation such as what Trumpy is imagining, there would be no paper trail, but what would be the point of that.  Any information gleaned from such an operation could never come to the light of day for risk of getting caught.  Nobody would ever know about it unless an actual participant came out and confessed.  If that was the case, at this point everybody would know who that person is and what evidence he has.

There is no such person or any such evidence.  If I were a gambling man, from Trumpy's past behavior, I'd bet that he is engaging in some illegal wiretapping of his own.

That somehow there is a recount and Hillary wins.  

Proof will never come out to THE PUBLIC, it makes the intelligence community look really bad. Obama is not going to sue anyone simply because it will go to court and he will have to testify under oath that he did not nor was aware of it.  

Good try though...now back to your fake news reports. Dems are so gullible and the media knows it.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
There is no proof and there will be no proof as this thing never happened.   I hope Barack Obama sues this Clown for all the $billions he is worth for libel, slander and falsely accusing the former President of doing something he did not.

Serious Q:  

If there was court authorized intelligence gathering on some Russkies, AND
If one or more of those Russkies were monitored talking with Trump people in Trump tower,  
Then, would anyone consider that to be a wiretap of Trump (or his staff)?  

I don't think so. If it actually happened, I think they are "caught" in the wiretap, but they are not the direct target of the wiretap.  

Compare it to LE busts of MPs or agencies. They get warrants to gather evidence on the agency (e.g., a Greek Goddess's Companions from a few years ago). If I happen to contact them or get a call back from the agency, am I the target of the warrant or just caught up in it?

Posted By: hwy2heaven
There is no proof and there will be no proof as this thing never happened.   I hope Barack Obama sues this Clown for all the $billions he is worth for libel, slander and falsely accusing the former President of doing something he did not.

TwoMints320 reads

What would Bill Clinton say?  

It seems pretty clear that Flynn was operating out of Trump Tower so the tap plausibly happened while he was there. They also wiretapped (that includes internet/email records by definition) a computer server in Trump tower.  I don't think that D's actually understand that he had the proof. It won't satisfy you but will hold up in the court of public opinion.

The bigger issue which no one on the left seems to care about is that leaking of the transcripts of Flynn's conversation(s). That's a serious Felony. What Obama did was open the raw information to a bunch of agencies and lowered the security clearance for those that see that information. Why he did that is an open question though the right has pushed that he did it to cover the tracks or to open up the field of possible leakers.  

Congress can ask Trump all they want for proof, he doesn't have to provide it. If it exists he likely can only provide it to a hand full of people with that security classification level.  They are also a co-equal branches of the government and their is little they can actually do to him short of impeachment. That won't happen.  All giving the info may by an issue of any investigation going on. Who knows.

The thing about the tweets is it was a brilliant move. It changed the direction of the investigation. It changed the story line. If they prove that he wasn't tapped, he simply says I'm sorry. End of story. If it's true, it opens up a real issue for the Democrats.  The heavy hitters from the last administration are set to testify in 8 days?  They will all to a person say that there was and is no evidence of a connection between Trump and Russia. They already have. It'll lead on all MSM. CNN will be forced to cover it. Ending this witch hunt.  

The truth is if they don't fix that health care bill, Trump will get killed by his base. I really hope he's listening, Ryan is an asshole cuck for even putting that shit out.  Maybe that's his play. The reform will fail. Obamacare will fail and they will try to lay it back on the D's for it's failure. Doubt it works.  R's own healthcare now. They said they'd fix it. They had better and it better be something other then that shit cuck Ryan put out.  At this point they'd be better off just fixing Obamacare. If it's not going to be a straight forward intelligent fix, fix that stupid bill the D's passed in the dead of the night. D's would have to vote for the fixes. They cannot let it die.

Posted By: impposter
Serious Q:  
 If there was court authorized intelligence gathering on some Russkies, AND  
 If one or more of those Russkies were monitored talking with Trump people in Trump tower,  
 Then, would anyone consider that to be a wiretap of Trump (or his staff)?  
 I don't think so. If it actually happened, I think they are "caught" in the wiretap, but they are not the direct target of the wiretap.  
 Compare it to LE busts of MPs or agencies. They get warrants to gather evidence on the agency (e.g., a Greek Goddess's Companions from a few years ago). If I happen to contact them or get a call back from the agency, am I the target of the warrant or just caught up in it?
Posted By: hwy2heaven
There is no proof and there will be no proof as this thing never happened.   I hope Barack Obama sues this Clown for all the $billions he is worth for libel, slander and falsely accusing the former President of doing something he did not.

Would you care to explain how Russia influenced the Electors, and so called U.S. Democracy, something not a single other nation on earth wants anything to do with.

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