Politics and Religion

"We've been systematically misled (about marijuana) for nearly 70 years"...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2283 reads

...Dr. Sanjay Gupta apologizes for his previous views on marijuana.  He doesn't agree with its classification as a Schedule 1 substance.  He also disagrees with the DEA's claim that "marijuana is in the category of the most dangerous drugs that have no accepted medicinal use and a high potential for abuse."

Somewhere, willy is celebrating.

This is so important that a recognized doc and celebrity discuss this openly.  I know so many people who have benefited from medical marijuana (or non medical) including my friend who was dieing of cancer and eventually did die...but at least died a peaceful, pain-free death.  If only more MDs would speak up about the benefits of mj, more people would take it seriously.

from accidental prescription drug overdose.  Never, in 70 years, has this doctor been able to find a case of accidental drug overdose from weed.

The truth is coming out, and the people that it helps will surely never take their foot out of the door.  Madiso

It's just Sanjay Gupta admitting that he's a liar. Years ago I read the actual Congressional transcripts when marijuana was first effectively made illegal back in the 30's. The reasoning for doing this was because it was highly addictive (it's not) and would make "negro men so arrogant as to step in white women's shadows".

The fact of the matter is that the drug was popular among Hispanics, and particularly among Jazz musicians. The only reason why it ever became illegal was because of racism.

they have been using it for 1000’s years. They smoke at night after dinner and get a good nights sleep without worries.

Wester corporate mafia have created lots and lots of disinformation/misinformation from Palm Oil, Corn Syrup, pharmaceuticals, natural cure’s and everything in between to sell some crap they invented in a Lab.

I don’t trust any of these findings, they are all funded for promoting something the corporate mafia is making or planning to.

Just look at all the Designer Drug ads, if you don’t fall down die or don’t 1000 potential side effects, you may feel good for sometime but you will addicted for rest of your fucking life so, you will keep giving us the money till you fucking dies.

The western corportate mafia will find a way to make tons of dollars.  I can even visualize vending machines, where you insert your drivers license and medical license, and out pops a pack of medical cigarettes or chocolates.  Or, us using our mandated healh insurance, and going to the doctor saying "hey doc, it's time to renew my prescriptions" :)

But, whatever happens in politics regarding this.  It will never change my view of it's benefits.  I have a friend that had a liver transplant.  I met him through a fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous (go figure).  He now smokes weed and it keeps him from rejecting his transplant.  

For myself, I go on my back porch every morning, watch the sun come up with my coffee and smoke.  I take a shower and I am able to completely adjust my neck, shoulders, back under the warm water.  I drive to work in silence and notice nature all around me.  I come home, go on my front porch, have a smoke, take a shower and it's like a reset with my brain.  I am able to let stuff go.  When I am in a thinking mood, I can usually see another perspective.  Life is terribly difficult and hard, and weed helps me cope.  I sleep like a baby

Wants you on anti anxiety pills and sleeping pills. Dependency is the aim, so others can then make money off you for detox and rehab. A little bit of an edible gives me a great nights sleep and no sleeping pill hangover in the morning.

1st Gupta is a media/big pharm shill, and a moron for taking so to reach this conclusion.
  (I have to question his motives)

2nd Thanks to insurance companies, and the ACA you still can't get a job while using medical, or  
       medicinal marijuana, as if they're mutually exclusive.

3rd Marijuana is still illegal for me to posses.

Can I now contact the judge, who told me when I was young, that my smoking of marijuana supported terrorism, and tell him he was wrong?   This was way before 2001.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Dr. Sanjay Gupta apologizes for his previous views on marijuana.  He doesn't agree with its classification as a Schedule 1 substance.  He also disagrees with the DEA's claim that "marijuana is in the category of the most dangerous drugs that have no accepted medicinal use and a high potential for abuse."

Somewhere, willy is celebrating.

It makes one feel "good' and "content". It's neither physically addicting nor narcotic.  
But Phizer, Amgen, Lilly and the rest of Big Pharma cannot hold a monopoly on it.  
No wonder it it was deemed illegal 80 years ago.  

It is against the Corporate ethos too allow the people something that gives pleasure or relief and not require fiscal enslavement to the corporatocracy.

If is legalized, wouldn't everybody win.  the government would get fee's and taxes, the farmers would profit, and the creative endeavor capitalists could go crazy with ideas.  the only one's that don't want it legalized are the growers selling at high rates for their trouble and risks.  Even decimalizing is major positive steps against the for profit prisons.  We were born to experiment with our bodies, and weed is harmless

felatto69751 reads

anyone that has cable tv and watches the history channel knows that they made weed illegal after they said booze was no longer illegal. who the fuck are they to tell us what flower we can pick and smoke? Or for that matter who we can have sex with.  

and they want you to take these pills, they are doing a big experiment and the sheep are the guinea pigs.

But they have no problem losing money because of it. The number of Americans incarcerated on drug charges that only involved weed is through the roof and it's all at our expense.

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