Politics and Religion

Mike Johnson, Sunday on Fox News…
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 183 reads

“I spent hours with the President on Friday…he’s 100% with me.”

Tuesday a reporter asked Trump: “Are you going to protect Speaker Johnson?”
Trump replied: “Well, we’ll see what happens with that.”

That’s what Johnson gets for running down to Mar-A-Lago to suck Trump’s johnson.  

And then he goes into a racist rant about the Speaker of the House performing oral sex on a former President. What a loon. The racial hatred Big Burrito feels for Trump is beyond belief.

You’ve been on TER for almost 15 years and for some reason you apparently think I am Latino.  You really are a “baboso.”

Your racist hatred towards Trump has blinded you and turned you insane.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: I have “racial hatred” for Trump???
You’ve been on TER for almost 15 years and for some reason you apparently think I am Latino.  You really are a “baboso.”
Why do you hate Trump? I mean seriously? what has Trump done that affected you personally SOOOOO BADLY that you would have this much Hatred for the man?

…willy explains why my hatred for Trump is based on “racism.”

Your racist hatred for Trump is unending Big Burrito. Everyone knows that the Democrats hate Trump for one reason and one reason only: the color of his skin.

Even with an explanation, I’m sure that comment flew over his head.

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