Politics and Religion

Clinton advisor Reich calls for the arrest of Elon Musk
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 216 reads

"Regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X." -- Robert (Third) Reich.
In UK people are being arrested for memes.
France arrests free speech platform Telegram CEO.
Brazil blocks Twitter/X.
Biden administration pressured X and other platforms to censor (many complied.)
New York times publishes opinions calling for abolition of the US Constitution and free speech.
Progressives are moving in all areas to eliminate freedom of speech.  Including packing the US Supreme Court to put "limits" on speech.  

It’s like they think they can only win if they’re the only ones who are allowed to talk. You can’t have a free society without free speech. That should tell you everything you need to know about the left.

I haven't seen Reich interviewed on this and wonder if he said it in anger, or walks it back at some point or whatever, but if he is serious, he is dead wrong on the issue.

The number one reason why I was left wing when I was younger was because at the time the right (often the religious right) were pro-censorship. I don’t like people burning American flags, but it’s a 1st Amendment right. How many Rock The Vote commercials were there fighting against this? The left were the embodiment of protecting free speech. The free speech movement even began at Berkeley.  

But not no more. The woke mind virus poisoned the left, and now they hate free speech and they’re trying to crush it around the world. In Brazil, in Canada, in the UK, in France and even here at home. The left not only oppose free speech but they want to put people in prison for fighting for it and practicing it.  

That, more than anything, is why I became a conservative.

It's why I became libertarian. In the modern era rightwing ideologies are more open to individual liberties, so I support many Republicans. (The usual idiots will claim Nazis are rightwing, but Nazi is "national socialism" which is not rightwing and certainly not libertarian.)
Trump is a populist. He's rebranding the GOP. Which is why the corrupt establishment fights him so hard. They lose power. I don't agree with every populist position, but it is a quantum improvement over the leftwing authoritarianism.

"The usual idiots will claim Nazis are rightwing, but Nazi is "national socialism" which is not rightwing." You'll need to provide some sources for those claims. The proper emphasis is "NATIONAL socialism" not "national SOCIALISM." I refer you to wikipedia:
"Nazism is the **far-right** totalitarian socio-political ideology and practices associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany. During Hitler's rise to power in 1930s Europe, it was frequently referred to as Hitler **Fascism**. The later related term ***"neo-Nazism"*** is applied to other **far-right groups** with *similar* [not necessarily identical] ideas which formed after the Second World War when the Third Reich collapsed.
"Nazism is a form of ****fascism****, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship, fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism, anti-Romani sentiment, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism and the use of eugenics into its creed. Its ****extreme nationalism**** originated in pan-Germanism and the ethno-nationalist Völkisch movement which had been a prominent aspect of German **ultranationalism** since the late 19th century."
"Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines fascism as “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that **exalts nation** and often race ***above the individual*** and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, ***severe economic and social regimentation***, and ***forcible suppression of opposition.***
"Fascism is a **far-right**, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, egalitarianism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism, fascism is placed on the **far-right wing** within the traditional left–right spectrum." [Hmm ... no mention of being "opposed to libertarianism" on that short list. Whaddy think: are fascists PRO-libertarianism or ANTI-libertarianism?"

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Free Speech is the defining issue.
It's why I became libertarian. In the modern era rightwing ideologies are more open to individual liberties, so I support many Republicans. (The usual idiots will claim Nazis are rightwing, but Nazi is "national socialism" which is not rightwing and certainly not libertarian.)  
 Trump is a populist. He's rebranding the GOP. Which is why the corrupt establishment fights him so hard. They lose power. I don't agree with every populist position, but it is a quantum improvement over the leftwing authoritarianism.
Also from wikipedia:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
         Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
         Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
         Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
See my posts on "Trump Screws Business Partners ... Again"

Communists killed 10x more people than fascists. Surely those wiki entries will be 10x more harshly critical of communism. Let's find out!

to attract working class Germans to the party. But there was nothing remotely "socialist" about the party or its philosophy.The word "Nazi" comes from the German spelling of "National."
Also, Wanker and his righty pals don't seem to comprehend the difference between socialism and communism.
That said, the death toll from Communism is huge.
1) The Ukraine Famine of the 1920s.
2) The Gulag
3) The Maoist Chinese Communist predations.
4) The Cambodian killing fields.
And those are just the ones with death tolls in the millions.

And how is twitter handled there? Does Russia give twitter free speech?? I doubt it but maybe someone more knowledgeable then me can chime in?
And feel free if you have knowledge on how North Korea handles twitter as well.

...at least from a few Russian hookers I've known is that Telegram is much more popular there than Twitter/X. And Telegram is a free speech platform. Putin doesn't like it. Generally, Russians have free speech rights, but it's considered vulgar to talk about politics, much like it is in a lot of circles in the USA. While people do criticize Putin, most Russians 1) like Putin and 2) don't like to criticize him publicly. This is always done in private.

Tell that to Alex Navalny. And lots of people in the gulag.
And all those people who have drunk the wrong tea or fallen out of windows. Or fallen out of the sky like Pregozhin.

You didn't see all the anti Ukraine war activists rounded up and thrown in jail in Russia? How did you miss that? Wily you have said some crazy shit in the past but that is a wowzer, bro.

I’m just going by what a couple Russian hookers told me. They said if you avoid talking politics, you can say whatever you want.

"They said if you avoid talking politics, you can say whatever you want."
In what dictionary is THAT free speech? ... Oh, ... The Putin Dictionary.  
According the MAGA Dictionary, free speech means being able to "say whatever you want" as long as it isn't critical of Trump, disparaging of Trump, ridiculing Trump, pointing out the lies of Trump, ... [it's a longer list]

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Russians have free speech rights?????????
I’m just going by what a couple Russian hookers told me. They said if you avoid talking politics, you can say whatever you want.

You don't need a "spell checker." You need a "nonsense checker."

In the West you can’t say anything disparaging about all kinds of protected groups be it from racial minorities to homosexuals to trans people. Hell, if you refuse to bake them a cake they’ll never stop suing you. In Russia you can say whatever you want except endlessly shitting on the most beloved man in the country. Plus Russia isn’t falling apart due to endless immigration. The government works on behalf of the citizens instead of trying to screw them over. The street are clean and crime free. Groceries are affordable. Moscow is a gorgeous city. They have well kept roads and beautiful women. Boston and Baltimore is filled with potholes, illegals, crime. The quality of life is higher in many parts of Russia than it is in the USA.

That's why Russians are fleeing their country to come to the West, like the US, because it's so good in Russia. smh

Russians don't "love" Putin.  They fear and loathe him.
The government doesn't give a shit about its citizens. It sends them off to an illegal war to die in "meat assaults."
It's true there's no "endless immigration" because no one wants to go there.
The country is rife with alcoholism and the economy is moribund because of its low birth rate.
The Russian government is a cabal or oligarchs who work only on behalf of themselves.
If Wanker thinks Russia is such a paradise compared to the US why doesn't he move there?
Question: why doesn't SwallowMeat call Wanker a "pinko" or "comrade?"

Putin consistently has far higher approval rates than any US President. When his approval rate was at the lowest 77% of Russians approved of him. For most Russians their economy is in better shape than our own. Most countries in Eastern Europe are lovely, especially compared to the crime infested hell hole that’s become the West. Crime so low people don’t have to worry about locking doors.

You've got to be a troll if you believe fake polls that give Putin a high approval rating. The Russian economy is smaller than that of Spain, which is tiny by comparison. It's growing now only because of the artificial stimulus of war spending.
You are right about Eastern Europe though. But that's only because they are now free of Russia.
As some have said, Russia "is a gas station with nukes."

"Freedom House rates people’s access to political rights and civil liberties in 210 countries and territories through its annual Freedom in the World report. Individual freedoms—ranging from the right to vote to freedom of expression and equality before the law—can be affected by state or nonstate actors. Click on a country name below to access the full country narrative report."
[Global Freedom Scores] [Internet Freedom Score] [Democracy Score]
"Countries with Freedom of Speech 2024
Russia 2023 34.77  
USA 2023 71.22 "
[I leave it to willy to guess which is better, a high score or a low score.]
"Freedom of expression index, 2023
Based on the expert estimates and index by V-Dem. It captures the extent to which people can voice their views and the media can present different political perspectives. It ranges from 0 to 1 (most free)."
Russia 0.10
USA 0.93 "
"The Dictator’s Dilemma: A Theory of Propaganda and Repression.
Repression and propaganda complement each other under dictatorships; with a higher level of repression, the leader’s marginal supporter is more disposed towards support and, therefore, can be more heavily manipulated."
[Simply: "The dictator's dilemma: To win with 95 percent or 99?"]

This started as a topic about censorship in the west. How the hell did Putin come up?

willy brought up Communism. Hpy followed that by naming Russia. willy was the first to mention Putin and his extraordinary popularity according to Russian polling. I then mentioned "The dictator's dilemma: To win with 95 percent or 99?"

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: How the hell
This started as a topic about censorship in the west. How the hell did Putin come up?

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