Politics and Religion

The big news the last few days . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 220 reads

has been the universities and high schools setting up programs to help distraught students to deal with Kamala's election loss.  Georgetown University announce the creation of "self-care" suites where students can go and grieve in a safe space.  Other institutions have made similar accommodation for distressed students.  

This is a product of running a campaign about "feelings" and emotions rather than issues.  If Trump had lost, his followers would have gotten over it quickly and soldiered on, because his campaign was based on facts and issues.  Kamala's campaign required followers to make an emotional investment in her joy and feelings platform, so it stands to reason that her losing was an emotional blow to her followers, much like having a pet die suddenly.  

This brings me to the question of why our educational system is producing so many young adults with no backbone that can't cope with life's disappointments?  They seem ill-prepared to face the challenges that we all routinely face as we move through our lives.

A man just killed his family in a murder suicide here in Minnesota.  It's being reported he had made anti-Trump statements in the past.  Apparently he had a history of mental illness -- so it is not clear what his major motive was.  However it is possible that this drove him over the edge.
This is why I do not gloat on forums like this about specific individuals.  You never know who is going to flip out and do harm to themselves or others.   I keep my comments to the candidate, the campaign, the public perception, etc and not the supporters.

Do you mean like Trump and his MAGA cult members did in 2020?

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
This is a product of running a campaign about "feelings" and emotions rather than issues.  If Trump had lost, his followers would have gotten over it quickly and soldiered on, because his campaign was based on facts and issues.
"Gotten over it quickly"? Trump declared victory on Tuesday night and demanded that states in which he was ahead "Stop counting the votes!" (States in which he was trailing were encouraged to keep counting.) And that grievance continued into and all through the 2024 campaign, complaining about 2020 and planting the seeds for more of the same had he lost. Trump hasn't gotten over 2016 OR 2020 and he is going after anyone who he thinks dissed him.
"Facts and issues"? Trump and his cult continue to claim that 2020 was stolen: Jewish space lasers: Italian satellites; voting machines CHANGING THEIR VOTES (exposed as lies in 2024); machines miscounting ballots (CLAIMED by a Republican voting supervisor and EXPOSED when the same voting supervisor was recorded on video surveillance stuffing ballots into his pockets before they could be machine counted; he has been charged and he pled NOT GUILTY because "he was testing the system".  Ask Fox about "facts and issues." FACT: Fox settled the Dominion defamation lawsuit about telling lies about their voting machines for nearly $1B and other cases (Smartmatic) are still pending.  
"Gotten over it." "Facts and issues." MAGA lies and falsehoods continue, even after Trump won.

2020.  Why does it STILL matter to you what happened in 2020.  As Kamala wanted, we have turned the page on the incompetence visited upon us the last four years, and NOW we have voted to unburden ourselves from what has been, namely Joe and Kamala.  You should be experiencing the JOY that she wanted for us.  I know I am.  

"still matter to you" = me? TRUMP told Joe Rogan that he is going to release a huge pile of papers that will prove that he won in 2020. Trump has NEVER conceded 2020. His only official statement after the 2020 election (I forget the timing: a few WEEKS after the election) was, "I will not be returning to the White House for a 2nd term." Is that a concession? TRUMP revisits 2020 in his fever dreams every night and now he will prioritize bringing you and his cult "your revenge and your retribution."

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: You still haven't gotten over . . . .
2020.  Why does it STILL matter to you what happened in 2020.  As Kamala wanted, we have turned the page on the incompetence visited upon us the last four years, and NOW we have voted to unburden ourselves from what has been, namely Joe and Kamala.  You should be experiencing the JOY that she wanted for us.  I know I am.  
I'd like to ask you (businessman CDL) here and now to state your position on tariffs.  
1. Will Trump implement his tariff policies? Y or N
-- You can read that as "Will Trump BE ALLOWED to implement his tariff policies BY HIS PUPPETEERS?"
2. Do you support Trump's campaign-promised tariff policies? Y or N
3. Do you believe Trump when he says that China will pay the tariffs? Y or N
4. Do you accept that tariffs are NOT paid by the foreign exporters but are paid by the US importers who pass along their increased costs to the American consumer? Y or N  
I'd like to see your primary answers (Y or N), even if you want to throw in some qualifications, e.g.,  
"Y, I believe Trump when he says China will pay the tariffs, BUT Trump is wrong." Etc.

First of all, we already know what Trump's followers would do if he'd lost. They did it on Jan. 6, 2021. Not to mention the idea that Trump's "campaign was based on facts and issues." Seriously? Did you watch any of his meandering, rambling, often incoherent "speeches?" As far as facts go, all he talked about was deporting millions of people and raising tariffs, both of which would be economic disasters. Well, now we'll see what happens.
Does CDL have Red Goo running out of his ears?

RespectfulRobert11 reads

Massive inflation along with a massive loss of labor that would kill businesses in agriculture, restaurant, hotels, casinos, gardening, etc.

Remember when the Republicans used to be the party of fiscal responsibility? The deficit hawks?

...tired leftist argument for open borders, "your fruit and vegetables will be so expensive" LOL! Guess what boy WE the People finally have had enough of illegals ruining countless neighborhoods across America. If the cost of produce goes up, so be it...the voters have spoken!

So now you cavalierly say "so be it." Well, fine, just don't whine about it when you're called to account.

Trumps followers would do if he lost.  We know what they did LAST TIME, and that didn't work out so well for the participants.  A repeat of that would be stupid and I think most people know it.  

Do you realize what the topic was?  I was asking about the way educational institutions are treating their students who are distressed that Kamala lost.  Your post is nothing but Trump, Trump, Trump.  I take it that means you have nothing substantive to add to the topic?  How sadly shallow.  Lol

Especially on the subject of shallowness. I'd say shallow is tut-tuting over what part of your question I chose to answer. Personally, I don't give a single fuck about what colleges do.
PS: Are you aware that "Trump, Trump, Trump" is the President-Elect? Talking about him is hardly evidence of TDS so unbunch your tighty-whities.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Judge not, lest ye be judged.
Especially on the subject of shallowness. I'd say shallow is tut-tuting over what part of your question I chose to answer. Personally, I don't give a single fuck about what colleges do.  
 PS: Are you aware that "Trump, Trump, Trump" is the President-Elect? Talking about him is hardly evidence of TDS so unbunch your tighty-whities.
You should be worried about whats going on, on college campuses Also... Y O U of A L L people whining about being called a TDS sufferer, MFP, Ickus, I've said it before I'll say it again. On your death bed, you're going to croak out "BUUUUUT   T R U M P ! ! !" shit yourself... and then die.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion

has been the universities and high schools setting up programs to help distraught students to deal with Kamala's election loss.  Georgetown University announce the creation of "self-care" suites where students can go and grieve in a safe space.  Other institutions have made similar accommodation for distressed students.    
 This is a product of running a campaign about "feelings" and emotions rather than issues.  If Trump had lost, his followers would have gotten over it quickly and soldiered on, because his campaign was based on facts and issues.  Kamala's campaign required followers to make an emotional investment in her joy and feelings platform, so it stands to reason that her losing was an emotional blow to her followers, much like having a pet die suddenly.    
 This brings me to the question of why our educational system is producing so many young adults with no backbone that can't cope with life's disappointments?  They seem ill-prepared to face the challenges that we all routinely face as we move through our lives.
When did helicopter parenting really take hold is the question. I'm going to postulate that a good chunk of this was after 2007 when the iPhone came out followed by the iPad. Phones and tablets made the internet even more accessible and gave rise to social media which has been net, net not such a great thing after all.  

In the grand scheme of things, that's when and why America took a left turn.

Good lord , could you be a bigger snowflake?
Go find your safe space. Do it now.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Holy SHIT! Your boy just won the fucking election but you're still WHINING?
Good lord , could you be a bigger snowflake?  
 Go find your safe space. Do it now.
Thank You for proving my point.  

- S I G H -

You are correct about one thing Ickus.  

Donald J Trump Won the election, and it seems to have seriously warped your perceptions.  

Did I forget to mention?


D J T Won the election. For the next 4 years, I will be greatly delighted to remind you of that fact.  

You may now return to being horrifically butt hurt about that fact.

You complained above about comments on your "gotten over it quickly" and the Trump campaign's "facts and issues."  
Then you post, "Do you realize what the topic was?  I was asking about the way educational institutions are treating their students who are distressed that Kamala lost."
**IF** you meant to limit the topic to complaining about GU and other schools, colleges, and uni's offering post-election care why did you include the other topics in your OP?  Repliers are only allowed to comment on ONE part of your post but NOT another?  
The only thing I am expecting at this point is a Trump-like "I never said that." even though your OP and followup posts are there for all to see.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion

has been the universities and high schools setting up programs to help distraught students to deal with Kamala's election loss.  Georgetown University announce the creation of "self-care" suites where students can go and grieve in a safe space.  Other institutions have made similar accommodation for distressed students.    
 This is a product of running a campaign about "feelings" and emotions rather than issues.  If Trump had lost, his followers would have gotten over it quickly and soldiered on, because his campaign was based on facts and issues.  Kamala's campaign required followers to make an emotional investment in her joy and feelings platform, so it stands to reason that her losing was an emotional blow to her followers, much like having a pet die suddenly.    
 This brings me to the question of why our educational system is producing so many young adults with no backbone that can't cope with life's disappointments?  They seem ill-prepared to face the challenges that we all routinely face as we move through our lives.
And now I will comment on a 2020 Presidential candidate so ill-prepared and "with no backbone that can't cope with life's disappointments" in a legal and ethical manner. ("I will accept the results if  I win. I will not accept the results if I lose.") Cue the responses: "But Trump! But Trump! But Trump! CDL meant to be describing young adults, not a 79 yo baby, so leave Trump out of it!!"

If a state counts votes quickly you can be reasonably sure the vote wasn’t tampered with. If you take 5 days to count the vote, then people ought to wonder why.  

If you count 60% of the vote, and you don’t know what the other 40% will be, and you want to steal the election, then the less you pad the vote with fake numbers, the less likely you are to get caught. So if you add just enough to win, you’re more likely to get away with things.  

But there are still tell tale signs. Like when the top of the Democrat ticket gets 81,000 fewer votes than a down ticket Democrat.  

As they say in chess. Checkmate.

Slow counting is very suspect and certainly more likely to allow cheating -- it's also a national embarrassment.  Florida proves that slow counting is not unavoidable, but in fact, a choice by dishonest politicians.
In the specific case of Kari Lake, which I haven't followed closely, I've heard she offended the McCain loyalists and had a few other unpopular views.  So it is not a total shock at ticket splitting in her case.  
She's also not the only Republican to run behind Trump's results.  
I'm not saying it's not about cheating, but there could be other factors.

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