Politics and Religion

Re: Herman Cain and Condeleza, Rubio We need the: humor lol:D
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 129 reads

Rice would never run or be nominated for a plethora of reasons.  She has a phatt life at Stanford and making speeches that idiots pay for shoveling her bullshit and pretending she didn't lie her assoff to kill thousands of soldiers in Iraq and was part of the most destructive war management team in history under goofass bush.

Rubio has the chance of an ice cube in Cuba or hell getting the nomination.  His ideas are sytemically stupid on everything from health care to immigration.  He basically lied about his journey from Cuba.

And Herman Cain is happily ensconsed ironically as the replacement for racist Neal Boortz goofier than ever in a lucrative gig for Cox Media's WSB Radio, and making speeches for the Sarah Dumbfukah crowd that adores them.

These will not be the GOP candidate who we will slam dunk defeat in 2016 and 2014 will be fun too.  

Happily, most of you  have many diverse ways to pursue pleasure before you will be reminded of the stark reality of what happens to GOP House and Senate in 2014.

Let's hear it for Ashley Judd to unseat the idiot Minority Leader in Kentucky and of course for #1 seeded UL to win at the Ga. Dome on April 8.

Just sayin'

OkHereGoes243 reads

Sure they will, they will just call him an Uncle Tom.

Posted By: bigvern
It goes against what they believe in.

goodtimesaddict184 reads

Why worry about Laffy?  If THESE are your nominees, you have much bigger issues.  Cain can't win an election let alone a nomination.  Rice?  A black woman?  Do you seriously think the Koch brothers and the powers that be in the GOP will ever allow A BLACK WOMAN to be there nominee?!  HA!  And as for Rubio, MY GOD that would be hilarious.  Remember, I'm Republican, and even I see through his sh*t.  If you guys aren't aware, dude is CUBAN - not Hispanic.  HUGE difference.  Hispanics in our area don't exactly love Cubans.  Plus he's a buffoon.  Do I know who should be the nominee?  Nope, and I don't pretend to, either.  But I can guarantee that if Rubio wins, the Dems will laugh all the way to the White House.  And I can guarantee you the powers that be will not let a Cain or a Rice be the candidate.

Rice would never run or be nominated for a plethora of reasons.  She has a phatt life at Stanford and making speeches that idiots pay for shoveling her bullshit and pretending she didn't lie her assoff to kill thousands of soldiers in Iraq and was part of the most destructive war management team in history under goofass bush.

Rubio has the chance of an ice cube in Cuba or hell getting the nomination.  His ideas are sytemically stupid on everything from health care to immigration.  He basically lied about his journey from Cuba.

And Herman Cain is happily ensconsed ironically as the replacement for racist Neal Boortz goofier than ever in a lucrative gig for Cox Media's WSB Radio, and making speeches for the Sarah Dumbfukah crowd that adores them.

These will not be the GOP candidate who we will slam dunk defeat in 2016 and 2014 will be fun too.  

Happily, most of you  have many diverse ways to pursue pleasure before you will be reminded of the stark reality of what happens to GOP House and Senate in 2014.

Let's hear it for Ashley Judd to unseat the idiot Minority Leader in Kentucky and of course for #1 seeded UL to win at the Ga. Dome on April 8.

Just sayin'

Herman Cain?  The ship has sailed!  He zero chance of being considered viable candidate.

Condeleza Rice has a better chance but I don't think she has the desire for the commitment to run for elective office.  Also she would be forced to answer some questions about the Iraq War, that she would prefer not to address directly.  

Marco Rubio is not black.  He is a White Cuban.  Should not be on a list of possible black candidates.

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