Politics and Religion

...The Godfather of ...
mrhuck 15 Reviews 1138 reads

...fake news Donald Trump, I wish I were the first to credit our soon to be liar in chief with that handle but Micheal Moore beat me to it. How ironic it is that now the Donald is crying fowl for the very practice that he advanced with his birther scheme against Barack Obama.

FatVern351 reads

I see you lack critical thinking skills.

Every media out voluntarily ran the story, you can't blame Trump for making the birther story news. Most media outlets were probably paid to run the story.  

Even Bill Maher, yammered on about the birthed story, if Bill hated the story, or didn't believe it, why did he always talk about it?

The media is to blame. Looks like another flop for Michael Moore.

...fake news Donald Trump, I wish I were the first to credit our soon to be liar in chief with that handle but Micheal Moore beat me to it. How ironic it is that now the Donald is crying fowl for the very practice that he advanced with his birther scheme against Barack Obama.

the media didn't make donal trump talk about birtherism.  Trump could have talked about a lot of other things but he chose to perpetuate that crap for years even after Obama released his birth certificate.  We are responsible for the things we say...not the media

FatVern393 reads

Sure He said it, but I stand by my previous comment on the issue.

The media decides what is going to be news.  

Why did NBC, CBS, and ABC run the story for eight years straight, when they never believed the story? They wanted the ratings, any network could have filled the 18 second block to run any story they want. They chose the birther issue(fake news) over real news.  

You Are Fake News!!! :-D

Holly shit, the amount of time the far left news organizations spent on the issue(fake news they didn't believe to begin with) was unfuckingbelievable.

Below I linked what appears to the first BC post, two lib posters said it was a non-issue in 2008. Why did the media continue covering what the majority of Americans believed was fake news, for eight more years?

Posted By: munchinmuffin
the media didn't make donal trump talk about birtherism.  Trump could have talked about a lot of other things but he chose to perpetuate that crap for years even after Obama released his birth certificate.  We are responsible for the things we say...not the media

You still don't get it.  Trump is responsible for what he says.  Whether news reports cover it or not.  He knew it was a false statement and he kept on saying it.  The story from the media was his constant refusal to acknowledge that he had been proven wrong.  To this day, when Trump is shown he is wrong he is incapable of admitting it.  A classic symptom of narcasism.

...is just a commercial industry printing or broadcasting what ever they believe will bring more followers to their venue & more money from sponsors, & of course the Donald IS responsible perpetrating the birther falsehood.

Doesn't matter if he was born in Honolulu, Jakarta or Nairobi, he's the worst president in history.  Eight more days until bathhouse Barry is finally gone.  Swamp drainage is right on schedule.

Posted By: mrhuck
...fake news Donald Trump, I wish I were the first to credit our soon to be liar in chief with that handle but Micheal Moore beat me to it. How ironic it is that now the Donald is crying fowl for the very practice that he advanced with his birther scheme against Barack Obama.

Mr.M.Johnson219 reads

more prolific Tweeter than Trump.  That would really piss Donald off!  Trump will lose at his own game!

-- Modified on 1/12/2017 3:14:02 PM

It'll be fun to watch.  Trump will never hold back and Obama's going to get his feelings hurt.  Take away the press , his TelePrompTer and his sycophants and Obama's just a frustrated crybaby with a legacy of failure.  He'll hang around until he realizes no one cares what he says anymore.  Won't take long.  Swamp drainage is right on schedule.

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
more prolific Tweeter than Trump.  That would really piss Donald off!  Trump will l;one at his own game!

bigguy30265 reads

He will not last past four years.
Also the Trump cult better hope the CIA does not find more Russian dirt on this clown.
I cannot wait for them to expose him even more and of course you are supporting a liar as President.

Posted By: ROMMEL
It'll be fun to watch.  Trump will never hold back and Obama's going to get his feelings hurt.  Take away the press , his TelePrompTer and his sycophants and Obama's just a frustrated crybaby with a legacy of failure.  He'll hang around until he realizes no one cares what he says anymore.  Won't take long.  Swamp drainage is right on schedule.
Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
more prolific Tweeter than Trump.  That would really piss Donald off!  Trump will l;one at his own game!

Mr.M.Johnson245 reads

75 straight months of increased GDP
15 million jobs added - unemployment is less than 5% which is full employment
20 million more people have health insurance
No wars or attacks on U.S. soil

And, here's my fav "failure:".  Stock market has tripled under Obama

Nonsense.  Obama put himself on the ballot with Hillary and was repudiated right along with her.  And, according to Obama, Hillary was even more qualified than him. LOL.  With all of Obama's brilliance the DNC is ruined.  Thanks Obama.

Mr.M.Johnson185 reads

That the craziest nonsense I've heard in a LONG time! - thanks, though, I needed the laugh!

bigguy30217 reads

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
That the craziest nonsense I've heard in a LONG time! - thanks, though, I needed the laugh!

FatVern269 reads

Has there ever been a time when GDP didn't grow?

The only thing I ever hear is that growth slows.

Don't forget all those countries that are now a democracy, thanks to liberation under the Obama Administration.

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
75 straight months of increased GDP  
 15 million jobs added - unemployment is less than 5% which is full employment  
 20 million more people have health insurance  
 No wars or attacks on U.S. soil  
 And, here's my fav "failure:".  Stock market has tripled under Obama!  

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