Politics and Religion

“Four More Years. Pause.” - Biden.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 236 reads

Maybe I need to bring back “Brain Dead Biden”.

Posted By: willywonka4u

Maybe I need to bring back “Brain Dead Biden”.
Ok that was REALLY BAD, time to take bets on how much longer Joe Joe the Potato lasts...  

Who here thinks he makes it to the election?  

You know Kamala rolls over every morning and is sad she hasn't been woken up in the middle of the night to the news Joe Joe has slipped on one of her banana peels she has left on the stairs for him.

Yes, Biden fucked up.  Maybe he didn't practice with the teleprompter or maybe "pause" wasn't in parentheses.  Doesn't matter, he fucked up.  However, I won't say: "But...but...Trump."

What I will say is: "But...but...LOSTSON!!"  
Look at the subject line of his post --  "GADS ! ! !"
Hey LOSTSON - What...The...Fuck does "GADS" mean?!?!  Unlike Biden, you had all the time you wanted to compose your post and you still wrote "GADS ! ! !"  Not only that, you used all caps and exclamation points to show everyone just how stupid you are.  It's like shining a spotlight on your stupidity.

Take my advice - stay in your lane, bro.  Don't use words that exceed your limited vocabulary.
Egad, you're dumb!!  ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!

Posted By: BigPapasan
What...The...Fuck does "GADS" mean?!?!  
Take my advice - stay in your lane, bro.

To answer your question Jabba, gads means;

“an expression of surprise, anger, or emphasis:”

No Biden didn’t fuck up, he showed us just how B A D bad can be.  

My lane? LOL 🤣🤣🤣  oh if you only knew what my lane is Jabba 😆  

Your lane however, is seriously on a treadmill and you obviously ARE NOT there!  



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