Politics and Religion

Re: Comrade ickypus the GLOAT lies to cover up his lies.
followme 12 reads

Speaking of twisting, distorting, misrepresenting ickypus the GLOAT is the queen of that.
I never said, you never said you never go there....Never.

Yes you have said many times and LIED many times that I go to urban dictionary to steal words and phrases. You have no knowledge or way of knowing if or when or why or how often I go to urban dictionary. And that is an irrefutable fact.

You just wallow in a make believe world of your own braggadocios, self-absorbed, self-aggrandizement, self-praise and delusions of grandeur to cover up your inferiority and you try so, so very hard to be relevant and failing miserably every time.    

At comrade ickypus the backstabbing, post pulling GLOAT we laugh


2024 = Trump270+

“If she were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis.  In that situation we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial.  

Her current scandals and controversies will continue throughout her presidency and will make it virtually impossible to govern.”

Now let’s change the pronouns in his words from feminine to masculine:
“If HE were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis.  In that situation we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial.  

HIS current scandals and controversies will continue throughout HIS presidency and will make it virtually impossible for HIM to govern.”

The words Trump said about   Hillary Clinton also apply to him too!  Trump should not run because, in his own words, it will be “virtually impossible for HIM to govern.”

that Clinton got a pass because she has always been part of the DC swamp, while Trump is convicted of on the basis of much less egregious conduct because he's an outsider and therefore poses a danger to the career swamp inhabitants.

All on charges MUCH more serious than what he was convicted of in NY. Lucky for him, judges that he appointed in FL and DC (in this case SCOTUS) have delayed these cases until after the election. But he's obviously guilty, especially in the documents case. The only thing that will keep him out of jail in these other cases is if he wins and drops the charges against him

...where Biden is coordinating these prosecutions from out of the White House. Which is unprecedented. It makes Watergate look like peanuts.

The Shoe Goblin did it earlier today to search for GOP scandals, he can do it for this too.  

In the meantime, they don’t sound very hopeful, do they?

Or maybe he just discovered it on The Urban Dictionary like SwallowMeat does.
How creative. LOL.
A quick check shows I'm right. Again. Poor Willy.
"Shoe goblins
A derogatory term for Middle Eastern people
PersonA: “They’re such a shoe goblins”

PersonB: “They stole my shoes a week ago”
by Honda__Civic__ September 14, 2022"

…on the basis that it’s racist. Fine. Your new name is Shoe Gnome.

Willy hates being called a racist. But he is, among many other things including sexist.
Willy has me confused with someone who cares what he's called by Wankers, Weasels and the Witless.

followme12 reads

He is always projecting.

He admits he did not know what “shoe goblin” meant, in his words “a quick check”. He admits he went to urban dictionary like he is always accusing others of doing.  

Comrade ickypus is now Coronated TER GLOAT (credit to Todd Blanche for the acronym)  

2024 = Trump 270+

And he mis-represents my use of The Urban Dictionary. In fact, he is lying about it. I never said I never went there. I have said many times that YOU go there and steal words and phrases because you have ZERO imagination and creativity. And this is entirely TRUE.
SwallowMeat, our foremost purveyor of twisted half-truths is proven AGAIN to be a blatant, serial LIAR.
Next he'll tell us he knew what "shoe goblin" meant. And that will be another lie.
SwallowMeat is a lying POS.

I want to apologize for calling you a Shoe Goblin. I will never call you a Shoe Goblin again. Or a Shoe Gnome. Or a Shoe Curmudgeon. Or a Shoe Gremlin. Or a Shoe Troll. Or a Shoe Gopher. Or a Shoe Marmot. Or a Shoe Nematode.  

I’ll just stick with Shoe Weasel.

you also love defending our leader board liar.
Way to go Dubya. Eat this!

followme13 reads

Speaking of twisting, distorting, misrepresenting ickypus the GLOAT is the queen of that.
I never said, you never said you never go there....Never.

Yes you have said many times and LIED many times that I go to urban dictionary to steal words and phrases. You have no knowledge or way of knowing if or when or why or how often I go to urban dictionary. And that is an irrefutable fact.

You just wallow in a make believe world of your own braggadocios, self-absorbed, self-aggrandizement, self-praise and delusions of grandeur to cover up your inferiority and you try so, so very hard to be relevant and failing miserably every time.    

At comrade ickypus the backstabbing, post pulling GLOAT we laugh


2024 = Trump270+

He wrote: "He admits he went to urban dictionary like he is always accusing others of doing." That is tantamount to saying I never go there. But perhaps English is SwallowMeat's second language.
So, yes, SwallowMeat is a LIAR.
As for the Urban Dictionary, are you now asserting you don't go there and take words and phrases? If not, how come ALL your little endlessly-repeated phrases can be found there? So, no, it's NOT "an irrefutable fact."
To cap it all off, SwallowMeat repeats the lie that I pull posts. I don't.
SwallowMeat does a great job at exposing himself as this board's biggest liar.

Posted By: inicky46


 To cap it all off, FOLLOWME repeats the lie that I pull posts. I don't.

More shoeweasel Hairsplitting. Of course you personally don’t go pull posts as in you have access to the websites inner workings but it’s super interesting how when you really get your ass beat? Things just go away…

Kinda like you should

You just proved you have NO IDEA and no way to PROVE if anyone pulls posts around here.
PS: I never get my ass beat, especially by mental defectives like you and the other righties here.
You make SwallowMeat look even worse when you do such a pathetic job of white-knighting for him.

Comrade ickypus the GLOAT as always retreats to his fantasy world  
Yelling screeching lie in all its forms.
Dishonestly misrepresents, distorts, twists what has been said as  

I never said, implied or suggested directly or indirectly in any way shape or form that I never go to urban dictionary, however…
You have no idea how, where or when I get the lines/phrases I use. Just because something is in urban dictionary does not mean that is where I got it. the fact that you say all my phrases are there would tell us that you do not know what they mean and you have to look them up, otherwise how/why would you know they are there.  

I will now allow you the last word you so desperately thirst for  (Imagine that someone whose life is so empty, so desperate, so pathetic, he has to have the last word in a thread on a fuck board, yes you are definitely laffy’s replacement)   as I have pity on you and have fun watching you humiliate yourself, pretend to win, self-aggrandize as you will again try so very hard and fail to be relevant.

The angriest poster ever on TER frantically writhes and twists and deflects. And FAILS. As always, just adding unprovable assertions backed up by ZERO.
Except for a weak meme to bolster his ridiculous claim that he's won the argument.
Just another feeble attempt that only exposes his incompetence.
Don't worry, Swallow, I'll help you out. Here....take it!

It’s racist! 🫨🫨🫨… 🤯

Ya know I’ve spent ALOT of time in the Middle East and I’ve never heard the term shoe goblin applied to anyone of middle eastern decent. Fucking savages yes but shoe goblin? Never. Willy’s right you had to go to urban dictionary to find that. Willy got it Becuse he thinks your small in satire.  

But face it icky any pejorative we give you? Is well deserved. Your not a good person nor are you a productive member of society or a patriot.  

Your the type of person Sam adams was describing here.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsel or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

Samuel Adams

I've been to the Middle East, too, and never heard that term until Wanker used it, so bring it up with him.
It's also hilarious to be called names by such an ignorant low-life as you, the fake soldier.
As for Sam Adams, I've studied his life and have no doubt he'd call you an ignoramus and a coward. And a fraud.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: "small in satire?" LOLOLOLOL! Looser fails again!!!
I've been to the Middle East, too, and never heard that term until Wanker used it, so bring it up with him.  
 It's also hilarious to be called names by such an ignorant low-life as you, the fake soldier.  
 As for Sam Adams, I've studied his life and have no doubt he'd call you an ignoramus and a coward. And a fraud.
Poor icky… so easy to pull his strings 🤣🤣🤣  

Icky says he studied Sam Adams huh? I bet that was while he was in the waiting room while getting his deferment paperwork filed…

Icky claims to have been to the Middle East huh? When was that on the discovery channel? Or maybe YouTube?

As for Sam Adams? He was absolutely describing people like icky.

Sure you were just pulling my strings, Loooooser. Just like you lied about your fake military service. As for the mid-East, I was first there in 1971.
PS: I strongly recommend Schiff's "The Revolutionary: Samuel Adams."
It won't make you smart. Nothing can do that. It may make you less ignorant.

great things like this, but I think it's because he had a lot of down time on his hands while he waited for the yeast to do its job at the brewery.  

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