Politics and Religion

Re: C’mon post-puller-jake
followme 22 reads

C’mon post-puller-jake

Show you a post you pulled, when you pull a post it and all the replies to that post are gone.  
Unlike brokeback boy I do not copy/paste posts and catalog them on my computer.  

You seem to be really upset about being called out on this. You are not the only one who pulls posts.  Your companion brokeback boy and cheesy (before brokebackstabber stabbed chessy in the back) are known to do it too.

Having said that do not stop whining, crying, squirming and throwing temper tantrums it is funny watching, sad and pathetic but fun to watch.

You’re Welcome
At Post-Puller-Jake We Laugh

JakeFromStateFarm618 reads

But wasn't he sure there were millions of fake votes that kept him from winning the popular vote?

Seeing as how there is literally video evidence of it.

"They put them in a bus and bus them around from poll site to poll site."

Fortunately, the Founding Fathers put up a HUGE impediment to voter fraud. It's called the Electoral Collage. We got to see it in full swing in 2016 as California stuffed the ballot box.

Oh, and that's not why the Electoral College was created. You are dumber than a post, UsedUp.

Donnie is also rapping up his Wonderland panel of inquiry..seems the Mad Hatter actually was laundering money after all..

The only purpose of this fraudulent commission was to make sure Democratic voters can't cast a ballot.....

Kris Kobach is nothing more than a modern day Gestapo henchman....

Yes the panel was dissolved and you dishonestly imply the investigation was too however the investigation continues under Homeland security.

Read your link.

You’re Welcome

The "investigation," now hidden within Homeland Security, will be a fraud and will disappear without a trace.  Something you yourself should do.
In Swallowpee We Distrust

so now you try to cover it up and walk it back. Nothing new there.  

When you sat the investigation will disappear without a trace, you mean like some of your posts.

You’re Welcome  
Post-Puller-Jake the board Laughing stock

Show me ONE post you can prove I pulled.  You can't.  And you know it.  Ergo: you LIE.
Oh, and also you put up lame memes from some meme generator site and think you've got game.  But you have none. ZERO.
So you lose on all counts.
Poor, lying, gameless swallowpee.
In Lying Swallowpee We Distrust.

C’mon post-puller-jake

Show you a post you pulled, when you pull a post it and all the replies to that post are gone.  
Unlike brokeback boy I do not copy/paste posts and catalog them on my computer.  

You seem to be really upset about being called out on this. You are not the only one who pulls posts.  Your companion brokeback boy and cheesy (before brokebackstabber stabbed chessy in the back) are known to do it too.

Having said that do not stop whining, crying, squirming and throwing temper tantrums it is funny watching, sad and pathetic but fun to watch.

You’re Welcome
At Post-Puller-Jake We Laugh

Except another weak-assed meme you created.  You sure do spend a lot of time following me around with your weak-assed shit.
But thanks for reminding everyone how deep I am under your thin skin. You really must hate it that I've dubbed you swallowpee.
Poor, pathetic, pants-wetting old geezer.

...And yet every shift I have to moderate this board I'm transported back in time.

Grow up. All of you. The fact remains that 95% of posts are pulled by us, and none of you have the slightest clue what you're talking about in this regard.

There will be no more bullshit tonight. You will post about politics or you won't post. Consider this a final warning to all.

86H13LTP16 reads

in exchange for votes is acceptable .  

You're fucking clueless!

So by executive order, he cancels his own " Voter integrity commission" . So what's that now, executive order number 2,489?
So when he brags that he's sign more executive order then any president does this one count? Is he pulling a Moses Malone on us??? Padding his own stats???
The fucking ego...but we know what this so called "commission" was all about. Just throwing red meat to his "Meathead Base"..and they still buy this shit. In "fucking" creditable.

The faux investigation has been shit-canned because it was Bannon's idea and because many states refused to give it any information and also sued it.
As one former government lawyer said: “The abrupt abandonment of the commission makes clear that it had become a thoroughly discredited body that could not find evidence of mass voter fraud,” Ms. Gupta said. “The commission itself was unable to justify its existence as a result.”
Another legal expert said: “The commission was poorly organized and conceived,” he wrote.
He added, “It made rookie, boneheaded mistakes about handling documents used by the commission, again in violation of federal law. It did not seem to have an endgame.”
"Thoroughly discredited." Sounds like Swallowpee, the Lying Liar.

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