Politics and Religion

Just saw an AP news report . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 211 reads

that says, "Biden just signed a TOUGH new executive order that limits entry of asylum-seekers to 2500 per day."  So the Prez thinks that cutting illegals crossing the border to just under 1,000,000 a year is being "tough?"  What a fucking snowflake.  Tough is what Trump was in managing the border.  

The fallacy in this is that not all places where illegals are crossing the border lately are being manned by border patrol.   If an illegal crosses border and no one sees him, does it count towards the 2500, or is this just a "bonus" wetback for the Dems?  They showed video on the local news in California a few days ago of illegals crossing in CA, sitting down and waiting for the border patrol to come and take care of them, and the BP never came, so when it started to get late in the day, they got up and started heating further North.  This executive order is just more cannon fodder for Trump to destroy Biden in next month's debate.  

...Chicago and many others large cities. Re-elect Biden and tens of millions more illegals will infest our country, hopefully to all the leftist Dem cities, let THEM drown in this sewage! Only President Trump can save America from this invasion, you have been warned!

that Biden is using OUR tax money to create future Dem voters out of the illegals.  

"Only President Trump can save America from this invasion, you have been warned!" - What about the strongest border security / immigration reform bill in decades that had bilateral support and was expected to pass until Trump told his minions that he wanted them to vote against it in order to keep it as a campaign issue for another 10 months?

Posted By: BathtubGin
Re: Illegals have ruined already...
...Chicago and many others large cities. Re-elect Biden and tens of millions more illegals will infest our country, hopefully to all the leftist Dem cities, let THEM drown in this sewage! Only President Trump can save America from this invasion, you have been warned!

the daily border crossings at 5000/day.   Now Biden is down to 2500/day and it's still a bad idea.  It doesn't matter anyway.   It's too little too late.  When Trump gets in the border will be CLOSED to illegals.  These invaders should keep migrating West until they can swim.  Lol

It wasn't the strongest in decades.  Trump securing the border under his watch was the strongest response in decades.  

My comment was about "the strongest border security / immigration reform ***BILL*** in decades." which is how many analysts, historians, and experts referred to  it.
YOUR reply was about "Trump's ***RESPONSE***" which was NOT legislative. It was a series of over 400 Exec Orders, some of which were overruled by SCOTUS.  
The ability of POTUS to control a budget is very limited using Exec Orders. CONGRESS controls the purse strings. POTUS can fiddle a little bit with allocations, depending on how the legislation has been written. E.g., POTUS might be able to shift  money from A to B or C if the legislation says "$X for A, B, and C." If Congress said, "$X/3 for A, $X/3 for B, and $X/3 for C" then POTUS can't change the allocations and can't change the total amount $X.
The bipartisan Lankford immigration reform BILL should have been passed and signed into LAW.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Because THAT bill called for capping . . .  
the daily border crossings at 5000/day.   Now Biden is down to 2500/day and it's still a bad idea.  It doesn't matter anyway.   It's too little too late.  When Trump gets in the border will be CLOSED to illegals.  These invaders should keep migrating West until they can swim.  Lol  
 It wasn't the strongest in decades.  Trump securing the border under his watch was the strongest response in decades.  
When it comes to answering Qs or replying to posts about bills and legislation, are you giving lessons to Boebert or is she giving lessons to you?
Colorado CD4 Debate: Holtorf asks Boebert about her record of passing BILLS

Trump didn't need Congress to do anything to secure the border. Why did Biden? IMP, this is the weakest shit I've ever seen from you, and that's saying something. Here you are just totally spewing DNC propaganda word for word. Just a brain dead unthinking robotic parrot.  

The endless siege of illegals wasn't an accident. It wasn't Biden making a mistake. IT WAS DONE ON PURPOSE. Why would the guy who purposely allowed illegals to flood into the country need "the strongest immigration bill EVER" to stop what he's been doing on purpose since he got in the White House?

This is like a serial murderer telling his victim's families, "If you want me to stop murdering people, pass my anti-murder bill". And then upon reading the bill you find out it legalizes....you guessed it....murder.  

The fact of the matter is deporting all these illegals will not be enough. We will need to prosecute Democrats for facilitating this. And not just Democrats. Bureaucrats. NGOs. Hotel chains. Mayors. Airlines. Every single person who is currently enabling this human trafficking needs to be prosecuted.

RespectfulRobert8 reads

Ironic ins't it? They told us under the Trump admin to look at the border guards, as they backed Trump. Well guess what? The border guards backed the bi-partisan bill you speak of. Then of course, bc orangeman said border bill "bad", the sycophantic weasels all ran away from it as well as the wishes of those very same guards they loved just a few years ago. smh

that he was powerless to do anything about immigration while millions of criminals poured across our border.  Now, all of a sudden, five months before the election, he says he can fix it.  Are you suggesting he should be believed on this duplicitous, pandering statement?  Just how gullible are you, Robert?  

Anything less that closing the border completely and rounding up the criminal aliens and sending them home won't be enough.  Who, besides Robert, wants more of their tax money to go to the additional 175,000 illegals that will be allowed to come in WITH asylum between now and election day under this executive order?

please show us proof that Biden ever said anything like "that he was powerless to do anything about immigration." I know that early in his administration he said it was "a crisis."
Just hoping this isn't simply another example of you pulling shit out of your ass and hoping someone doesn't call you on it.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: I'm not certain you're wrong on this but
please show us proof that Biden ever said anything like "that he was powerless to do anything about immigration." I know that early in his administration he said it was "a crisis."  
 Just hoping this isn't simply another example of you pulling shit out of your ass and hoping someone doesn't call you on it.
He never said the exact words that he was powerless to stop immigration but he’s blamed the republicans and trump for the border crisis while allowing millions to pour across the border illegally. Which btw is proof positive that the left doesn’t care about anything but their power. Creating this situation has lead to countless murders, rapes and human trafficking of kidnapped children and the left is absolutely silent on it!

Leading up to Biden’s eventual executive action, the president previously denied that he had the ability to take action on the border, instead blaming Congressional Republicans for the ongoing migrant crisis.

Biden said in January that he had exhausted all options to solve the border crisis and would need more “power” to solve the crisis.

“Have you done everything you can do with executive authority [on the border]?” a reporter asked Biden as he walked out to Marine One on the South Lawn.

“I’ve done all I can do. Just give me the power. Give me the border patrol. Give me the people. The judges. Give me the people who can stop this and make it work right,” Biden responded.

...only true leftists believe Biden has handled the border well. The bottom-line to all this, Biden let over 10 million illegals into OUR country the past 3.5 years. Now five months before the election he's try to correct what he and his administration allowed to happen. Anyone with any common sense can see through this and oh heaven forbid Biden tricks enough voters and gets re-elected. If he does, expect at least 20 million NEW illegals during a second term and the leftists and socialists will have won, changing OUR country forever...YOU have been warned!

Will Biden have a better chance of getting this through? Imagine if the courts DON'T block this.It'll make trump look more like the incompetence fool that he is..
Stay Tune...the political theater continues...so don't get excited...yawn

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