Politics and Religion

Re: Americans are gathering outside the White House in celebration
BoratObama 1653 reads
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BenFranklinJournalist 2270 reads
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SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1738 reads
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Yes, but if there were any real justice, his body would be given to the family of 9/11 victims for them to defile in any way they see fit, and when they are done with it, shove whatever is left up the ass of a pig, and bury it.

If wish were fishes....

AZ Misty See my TER Reviews 960 reads
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inicky46 61 Reviews 2007 reads
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Well, it's about time, though it's hard to feel any joy.  I hope they got Al Zawahiri, too.  But all it makes me think about is the people who died on 9/11.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1214 reads
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US personnel have OBL's stinking corpse.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1500 reads
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There's nothing bad enough that could have been done to him.  But the irony is that he died when he had already become irrelevant.  Yes, Al Queda is still dangerous.  But what is happening across the middle east is a repudiation of all Bin Laden stood for.  It is a demand from the masses for democracy, which is the opposite of what he stood for; a return to sharia law and the Caliphate of the 13th century.  Now the real danger in that region is Iran, with its nuclear ambitions.  But good for the people who made this happen.  I assume it was the CIA but we'll see.

Salaam_Aleikum 978 reads
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A_true_Patriot 1004 reads
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A_true_Patriot 877 reads
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does any one have a count on  how many soldiers died to accomplish this task? Oh wait the Iraq war wasn't to find Binladen, looks like the real evil is still alive & well.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1494 reads
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Well, according to those who can read the Koran in Arabic, it's really 72 raisins.

inicky46 61 Reviews 916 reads
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Right!  I await the conspiracy theory from mein.  Lemme see...the CIA cloned DNA material from other family members and grew a body in a Petri Dish.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1157 reads
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Right! Just like Arabs gather in the street baying for blood.  I mean, I'm glad the guy's dead, too.  But somehow high-fiving in the street about it seems weird.  Oh, well, can't wait to see pictures of OBL's bod.  One story says he was shot in the head.
Remember the motto of the Seals:  

"Navy Seals.  When it absolutely, positively has to be destroyed overnight."

Snowman39 1897 reads
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Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1907 reads
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Right now I'm looking at Americans of different races and beliefs waving American flags and celebrating together.  They are celebrating the death of an enemy of America.  There is nothing weird about it.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1605 reads
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I mean once it's been photographed and DNA tested.  Are we going to just keep it in some deep freeze?  Like maybe with those aliens from Area 51? What for?  While it might be satisfying to let some hogs eat it (Wu's pigs, for all you "Deadwood" fans), we obviously can't do that.  I'm thinkin' just cremate him with TV camera documentation, then dump his ashes somewhere they can't be worshiped.  A toilet would be nice.  Any ocean would do. The Atlantic is big.  If lots of Islamic militants want to go there (like, say, somewhere south of Greenland) that would be convenient.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1969 reads
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I am very happy he's dead.  But the idea of a bunch of kids high-fiving and acting like it's spring break does seem a bit gross.  If you like it so much, go out there and join them, tough guy.  I'd just like to shake the hand of the SEAL who popped a cap in OBL.  
"When it absolutely, positively must be destroyed overnight."
Now THAT's a fucking motto!
THAT's tough.  Raging around in the streets like a bunch of freakin' A-rabs ain't tough at all.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1401 reads
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Yeah, it's just too damn bad it took so long.  I wish they'd gotten his ass in Tora Bora back in 2000.
PS:  One of OBL's sons was killed with him.  I hope OBL lived long enough to see it.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1202 reads
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You are so disturbed.  Nobody is trying to act tough.  They are happy.  You must be the life of the party.

anthony6 41 Reviews 1127 reads
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i dont agree with most of what cartman says, but geez inicky...
something lame for someone lame...(click link)
i for one am content to see so many people elated. this country needed a win, and bad.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1328 reads
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cheap sentimentality and baying over spilt blood is just as lame as it was in ancient Rome. When I see Arabs chanting and screaming and burning the American flag it makes me sick. This looks disgustingly similar. Partying about this? I'm really glad he's dead...but partying????  Pathetic.

-- Modified on 5/2/2011 12:51:46 AM

anthony6 41 Reviews 1332 reads
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i see people coming together in mass, rejoicing.
if i see a drunk fuck and arrests, then i'll say your right and thats pathetic.  
so far it looks peaceful, people are happy, no flag burning. don't know whats wrong with you.
just know, you are probably in the extreme, minuscule minority with your sentiments.

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