Politics and Religion

Re: 52% of GOP believes in creationism & doesn't believe in evolution
Priapus53 6001 reads
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findings found in the link below :

GAG, don't you feel uncomfortable aligning yourself with these folks sometimes ?----LMAO !

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 2970 reads
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The problem with polls like that is that wording is important. I believe in God, therefor I believe in Creationism. I also believe in micro evolution (notice the use of lower case).

The Theory of Evolution however, is entirely different. It is, as its name states, nothing more than a theory. It is unproven, and therefore should be treated with a high level of skepticism, the same as any other theory. Particularly in light of the fact that not only is there no proof that the Theory of Evolution is correct, there can't be any proof of it, because we are talking about micro evolutionary changes over not just millennia, but over thousands of millenia. So all we can ever do is theorize.

It is not those who view Evolution with skepticism you need to worry about, but those who are positive the Earth is only 6,000 years old. They are putting their faith in an archaic collection of myths and folklore as a source of information, while dismissing proven scientific data because it is contradictory to their faith.

mattradd 40 Reviews 1054 reads
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I know a fair bunch of Christians who are also Republicans, and most of them tell me that they believe evolution is a part of God's working his creation. As Sins said, just a very, very small portion of the Christian community believes in pure Creationism.

OSP 26 Reviews 1289 reads
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He's a fucking visitor to this country anyway. LOL If you wish to have a one-on-one conversation with him, get his number and spare us the bromance efforts.

What I found interesting was how close the numbers were even as most polls skew their results by way of selective control groups. My guess is that soon enough another biblical prediction will come true. "The persecuted church". The bible is very clear that one day ALL THINGS once considered acceptable, proper behavior and moral correctness will take a turn for the worse. Meaning, the opposite will be more acceptable and the former will be considered evil or just flat out wromg.

YES; we are products of our experiences(thus Gamblers disdain for anything faith based)and our habits and up-bringing. Does that surprise you?

We are being brain-washed to accept post-modernism. Plain and simple.

Back to the feudalistic nature that permeates this board.

Priapus53 1289 reads
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But, each to their own. "Bromance" ?!---WTF-----one atheist communicating to another-----------dude---what is this?! You been reading your favorite passage, "Levitius" from the Bible ?!  Personal experiences make us religious or not----
is this some sort of innovative epiphany you're stating here ?

Btw, on other subject, how do you feel about military repealing DADT ?----------I hate to ask---------:(

-- Modified on 12/20/2010 5:06:52 PM

Priapus53 2763 reads
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take a look at em; cuts both ways-----:)

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1418 reads
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"The Theory of Evolution however, is entirely different. It is, as its name states, nothing more than a theory."

Like the theory of gravity?

"It is unproven, and therefore should be treated with a high level of skepticism, the same as any other theory."

It is so incredibly proven, that it's laughable to debate it.

"Particularly in light of the fact that not only is there no proof that the Theory of Evolution is correct, there can't be any proof of it, because we are talking about micro evolutionary changes over not just millennia, but over thousands of millenia. So all we can ever do is theorize."

Watch the video link below for a tiny bit of the evidence that prove evolution is true.

I suspect that you confused evolution with abiogenesis.

-- Modified on 12/20/2010 10:10:27 PM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 3252 reads
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I suspect it's none. I also suspect that a decent number of them profess to believe in a God because it sells well.

"Just because, according to the book of Exodus, a deity gave Moses some tablets upon which was written "thou shalt not murder" doesn't mean that murder becomes a good idea if you don't follow that particular deity."

Everyone knows that murder isn't a good idea. You don't need a deity to behave decently.

"The appeal of Creationism is that it sets man apart from Nature, making it a unique creature created in the image of something higher to which Man may aspire."

Much of the problems in the world comes from the belief that human beings are separated from nature.  

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1632 reads
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...that given that the religiousity of Republicans are far higher than Democrats, that their elected representatives would reflect that.

I've noticed that crazed religious types are frequently in the middle of sex scandals. My theory is that their faith makes them go mad.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1966 reads
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Evolution is nothing more than natural process. Nature evolves and you evolve with it. Is god really have human shape, or did we make that up. Egyptians thought their God was not of human shape.

We can sit here and go back and forth about micro and macro evolution. The truth is everything in nature is evolving, call it what you may, as it was for billions of years, one fine day, continents will break off, start to drift, rivers may change course and a super volcano like the one that created Lake Baikal could erupt putting earth in darkness for 1000 years.

Actually, there is 1000 year period in which most of the humanity vanished mostly and only few (1000's) survived.

All in all, we don't know as much we think we do but we argue about things we don't have a clue about.

Fair_Use 29 Reviews 1302 reads
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OSP 26 Reviews 2278 reads
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I was just funning with ya' about Gambler. He's a big kid. He doesn't need my ASSistance! lol

I didn't say experiences make us faith-based. I said our experiences serve to mold us.

My opinion of military politics is an old fashioned one i'm afraid. Again post-modernism is going to destroy traditionally based successes. I don't feel that the inclusion of women and gays in the combat zones is going to serve any purpose other than eliminate hurting someones feelings. When are people going to learn that PC mandates only make the US more volatile.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1082 reads
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... believe in a God, or at least profess such belief? Like nearly 100%?

Plenty of unscientific stuff to go around.

The fact that something is unscientific, btw, doesn't mean it is necessarily invalid under various scenarios.

Just because, according to the book of Exodus, a deity gave Moses some tablets upon which was written "thou shalt not murder" doesn't mean that murder becomes a good idea if you don't follow that particular deity.

The appeal of Creationism is that it sets man apart from Nature, making it a unique creature created in the image of something higher to which Man may aspire.

However, those who agree with Nietzsche that "God is dead" may also agree with his character Zarathustra ... "I bring you the Superman!"

Even sans deity and creationism, mankind will either strive upwards or return to the primordial ooze from whence it arose as a series of mutations from a piece of eel sputum.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1792 reads
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But what makes you think that the Republican liars are being any more honest about their religiosity than the Democrat liars?

Surely, their propensity to be caught with their pants down would indicate they don't believe very strongly. Yes?

"Much of the problems in the world comes from the belief that human beings are separated from nature.   "

We agree.

Priapus53 3290 reads
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which proved we evolved from monkeys. In the case of hillbillies, 100% concordance rate-----;)

BreakerMorant 633 reads
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evidence that proves the "Theory" of Evolution? I'm curious. Us hillbilly folk, don't do much book learnin'.

Caerus 1925 reads
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platypus"which proved we evolved from monkeys"

 Gleefuly I jump for Joy
 When you say "we", it doesn't include me.

God woke up in the niddle of the night
He decided to make the Light
For two long days he made the Heavens
Trillions of planets, only one Mars
His reach extended beyond the Stars

On the third day, God had a plan
Conjured up Earth with water galore
The winds started churning with a loud uproar
He slept through the night wanting much more

On the fourth day he invented the Fly
They flew from the clouds high in the sky
Flies explored all over the Earth
Their excretement soaking the rock
With high winds and wetness some turned to dirt

On the fifth day God was still bored
He made the jungles and banana trees
He thought to himself there must be more
He took two flies, changed them to monkeys  
He named them Willy and Pri
They swung from the trees
Up high in the sky

On the sixth day God thought to himself
I need someone to talk to me
He looked at his monkeys in the tall trees
He gave them a voice,
The monkeys were pleased

All through the day and longer nights
The Monkeys would scream for attention
Look at me over here said Willy,
No look over here said Pri
They slobbered on each other like pigs in mud
Willy and Pri truly best Buds
Though they still felt neglected
God had no time to feel their rejection
He thought to himself
I need a correction

On the seventh day six thousand years ago
God thought of a better plan
The monkeys are starting to stink
And get on my nerves
He sat down to think
I will make two humans
One that is strong
And one with curves
Suddenly he made everything right
In the flash of a light
God made Adam and Eve
Renamed his monkeys Missing and Link

         signed Neptune

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1065 reads
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No Willy, I am not at all confused with abiogenesis. I am alst not confused about what constitutes theory and what constitutes Law in the scientific community. It appears that you are.

It is not the theory of gravity, it is callled the Law of Gravity for a reason. The reason why we call it the Theory of Evolution, and not the Law of Evolution is because the theory still has enormous gaps in it which we have not yet been able to fill in. There may come a day when those gaps are fully explained, but that day is not here yet, and quite likely may never happen. In order for the Theory of Evolution to be proved, we need to explain how micro evolutionary processes can result in the long term of the addition and/or subtraction of whole chromosomes. Science cannot explain or even theorize how that process occurs. Science cannot explain how a species can diverge into two separate species to the point that genetic differences no longer allow interbreeding of the separate species.

I'm not saying that the Theory of Evolution is wrong. I think its a viable theory. At the same time, there is no doubt that it will be subject to change and revision as scientists continue research. If the Theory of Evolution was settled Law, no furhter changes would be necessary. But the long and short of it is, I take the objective scientist point of view, I don't "believe" in the Theory of Evolution. I leave the leaps of faith necessary to "believe" in something up to the various thumpers - both the bible thumpers, and the science thumpers who substitute blind faith in heretics for blind faith in a mysterious sky being.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 2647 reads
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I know two things for absolute certain when it comes to God:

1. There IS a god
2. I ain't it

Anything beyond that is pure speculation, and supreme arrongance on the part of us mere mortals.

Actually, there were at least two times in the history of mankind when humans were wiped out nearly to the point of extinction. It is possible that there may have been other incidents.

As I clarified in my response to Willy, we know for certain that inter-species evolution occurs because we can easily observe it in our natural world. A pack of wolves for instance, seeking new food sources, moves into an area that tends to have longer and colder winters. Within just a few generations, the offspring of those wolves will grow thicker pelts, and their metabolism will alter to allow them to store fat more efficiently, while becoming more efficient at conserving body heat. Evolution in action. We still do not fully understand though, how natural responses to changing environmental factors becomes encoded into our DNA. Nor do we understand how DNA can become so altered overtime that interspecies breeding eventually becomes impossible, thus creating a distinct new species from its progenitor. Understanding evolution goes beyond the simple concept of natural selection, and thoe are puzzle pieces we are still trying to put together.

There may come a day when we do fully understand the process that makes evolution possible. But that day is not yet here, and it may never be here. Until we can fully explain and understand the 'HOW' of evolution, it remains a fluid, evolving theory, containing inaccuracies which are corrected as we learn more, updated to include new information, and expanded as needed. In essence, The Theory of Evolution, is itself, still evolving.

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 1435 reads
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-- Modified on 12/21/2010 6:08:50 PM

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 2305 reads
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"Everyone knows that murder isn't a good idea".

Damn, willy, I could swear that many threads ago you said that committing murder was a 'right'.

"Much of the problems in the world comes from the belief that human beings are seperated from nature".

Does that mean you are saying that humans have no soul, or spirit? Do you believe in an afterlife? Most religions do, in some manner. Non-religious societies also believe in it.

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 1316 reads
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and you're still a 'work in progress'. Lmfao. (Couldn't pass that one up).

MattClark 3 Reviews 1930 reads
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SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1506 reads
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LOL I did answer your question. God exists, I ain't it, and that is as far as I go. Who/what created man? God did. I keep things annoyingly simple.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2521 reads
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"Damn, willy, I could swear that many threads ago you said that committing murder was a 'right'."

It is a right. It doesn't mean it's just.

"Does that mean you are saying that humans have no soul, or spirit?"

Why would we? Do other mammals have these mysterious souls? Has anyone ever examined a soul? Studied it's characteristics? If souls exist, then where are they?

If you mean, a metaphoric soul or spirit, then sure, we have that. But it's nothing more than abstract thoughts that human beings share that evolved as a consequence of human beings using group strategies for survivial.

"Do you believe in an afterlife?"

No. Why would any rational person?

"Most religions do, in some manner. Non-religious societies also believe in it."

Richard Dawkins discussed the evolutionary reasons why religion developed in the human species in The God Delusion. It's worth the read, albeit that he's a bit long winded from time to time.

...of course that's the pot calling the kettle black, lol.    

-- Modified on 12/21/2010 9:19:17 PM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 2294 reads
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I am not saying there isn't a god. There seems to be many versions of God depending on one's perspective so, which one created man?

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 3551 reads
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Posted By: SinsOfTheFlesh
I know two things for absolute certain when it comes to God:

1. There IS a god
2. I ain't it

Anything beyond that is pure speculation, and supreme arrongance on the part of us mere mortals.
Actually Number 1 is also pure speculation. As for arrogance, let me dust my balls off first.

BreakerMorant 1063 reads
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does that prove? A cow is still a cow, a monkey is still a monkey. Domesticated animals have been around for over 6,000 years, breeding have been done on horses since humans learned the science of animal husbandry. Tell me, your a smart fella, how come a horse is still horse, unless of course your talking about Mr. Ed? If the theory of evolution is valid, we should by now be having talking animals.

BreakerMorant 2085 reads
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and the the theory of evolution? The second Law of Thermodynamics states the universe is going from order to disorder while the Theory of evolution states a being is going from imperfection to perfection. Those are two diametrically opposing viewpoints. and by the way in the hierarchy of scientific proofs a scientific law is true, while a theory is yet to be proven. Per Charles Darwin we should by now have found the missing link. According to the fossil record, scientists have yet to find the missing link. So tell me how much of the earth do we have to excavate for scientists to finally conclude there is no missing link and thus no theory of evolution?

Priapus53 1583 reads
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Also, evolution takes millions of years, case in point; horses evolved from the now extinct miniature horse, the Eohippus ( pictured below ).

You're making the same idiotic point about evolution that your presidential hopeful Sarah Palin made.

"Alex Keaton", youre an idiot.

-- Modified on 12/22/2010 6:38:43 AM

GaGambler 1840 reads
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You insist there is a god simply because you have no other explanation, that certainly doesn't make it so.

I don't have a fucking clue who "created man" or more appropriately, who created life as we know it? but of course neither do you, you are just scared to admit it.

I won't rule out the possibility of some type of godlike entity, but I will say that the chances of their being a vengeful, all knowing, all seeing God that needs to be worshipped, is such a ridiculous concept it shouldn't even be worthy of consideration.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1242 reads
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I'm not insisting anything. Its not up to me what you believe. I only shared what I believe. I said I know for certain that God exists. While it may be a certainty for me, I am also aware that it is still a leap of faith. There can never be any proof for or against the existence of God. Therefore both belief and lack of belief are leaps of faith based on facts not in evidence. The only conclusion possible that requires no faith whatsoever, is to say "I don't know". Me, I choose to have faith that God exists, and if He exists, then I reckon he must have made us. Perhaps in a drunken stupor for all we know. Look at the platypus after all. God was either drunk, or he's got a sense of humor.

But yes, I keep it simple, and go no farther than a certainty in the existence of God. I agree that its fair to say God probably isn't of the hellfire, brimstone, and lightning bolt variety. He's God after all. If he's so powerful that he could create this big beautiful world, and everything in it, then he certainly doesn't need his ego stroked by our sycophantic adoration. Again though, that's my opinion. I suppose if I wake up in hell one day with Hitler on one side, and Stalin on the other, then I'll have to admit I was wrong.

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