Politics and Religion

Re: 2016 = The burnt, eviscerated necrotic corpses of Wall Street Banksters hanging from the streetred_smile
hitallbuttons 415 reads

Hope it happens!

followme2204 reads

Since all non-essential personnel will be furloughed, that would mean obama would be furloughed. Now would be a good thing.

2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

...if it lasts long enough, I'm going to have to explain why I can't pay my mortgage.

Here's why: It's not as if this vote is to fund the government for another year.  This is about funding previously Congressionally authorized programs until Dec. 15th.  Does anyone really believe that on Dec. 14th the Republicans won't be demanding more concessions on Obamacare, and on and on?  Of course not.  So better to let the shit hit the fan right now.  Two out of three Americans don't think defunding Obamacare is worth it.
Bottom line: we have the weakest Speaker of the House in History, held hostage by around 30 of his most extreme members.
2014=Speaker Pelosi, Parte Deux.

kicked in the teeth again, by the Repubs, like the last time he gave ground.

just the Republicans.  He's apparently forgotten that.  How scary that he's third in line to the Presidency!!

St. Croix490 reads

What is she...80 years old? Can't tell these days with all that cosmetic surgery. When was the last time she blinked? I think it was in the 90s.

Congress needs a dose of Walter White. Yep, I'm a Breaking Bad fan.

...No complaints about their age?  So you're sexist but only ageist when it comes to women.

No jabs at john Boehner for his orange skin?

Sexist - Discrimination based on gender http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sexist

I don't think he said anything a bout Pelosi, regarding her gender.


Posted By: BigPapasan
...No complaints about their age?  So you're sexist but only ageist when it comes to women.

No jabs at john Boehner for his orange skin?

Why should Boehner be made fun of, based on the color of his skin?

St. Croix419 reads

Now she doesn't even look like her species. What's with all the surgery? She's been stitched up so many times she looks like an AIDS quilt". Thank you Greg Giraldo from your comedy skit. Rest in Peace.

Shit....now I'm homophobic. Wait a minute! Homophobic, sexist and ageist! I just won the trifecta. All the years at Santa Anita and Del Mar race tracks, and all I had to do was bet on the Big Backstabber Political Correctness Stakes.

Exactly the same thought your Republican buddies are shaving and acting on it.  

2014 = Republicans Loose the house

digem-all403 reads

I just had to place 90% of my employes on leave without pay because of the shutdown.  Guess when I'll ever vote republican.....never!

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