Politics and Religion

Interesting Article On Racist Democrats
james86 47 Reviews 18110 reads

While the far Left among our friends on this Board are quick to attribute racism to Conservatives, it is actually our friends on the far Left who are most probably practitioners of that particular ill.

After all, America's most prominent racists today are Black so-called "leaders" in the grievance lobby, who want to visit the sins of my fathers (or others' fathers, actually) upon me, as a white male.  Oh, yeah, and Bobby "KKK" Byrd, who uttered the most famous recent utterance of the "n-word."

Here's a link to a recent article, demonstrating that the most recent beneficiary of racism was a Louisiana Demoncrat.

More far Left hypocrisy on display.

..which is quite simple-keep the @#$%^&* out of my lily white neighborhood.

The South used to be heavily Democratic, to punish the GOP for Lincoln freing the slaves, until LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Today's Southern Republican would have been a Dixiecrat 40 years ago. Same same but different, if you ask me. As John Edwards rightly noted a couple of months ago, "Working class whites have been voting Republican for 35 years now, and they have nothing to show for it." Except their lily white neighborhoods, of course.

As another famous Lousiana Democrat, Huey "Kingfish" Long, said it best, "It's better to keep the races divided. It just makes it easier to pick both their pockets."

While I hear parts of your rant, I think the talk radio folks have done a fine job of brainwashing you. These boys are super slick-anyone who doesn't agree with our far right, fascist agenda is a Communist, or worse, a liberal. Among those folks, I almost like Sean Hannity-he's very smooth. The rest are claimers, if you ask me.

Most of these angry white men re affluent family men who live in the burbs. I would prescribe to these men a nice, cool refreshing, professionally delivered BBBJ to take some of the edge off their frustration. Because why they're frustrated beats the hell out of me.

The difference is, YOU claim and have claimed several times that Republicans have NEVER done it.  Which is sheer nonsense - The same Southern strategy that worked for Nixon in 1968 worked for Bush I in '88.  Alas, I believe that Jindal was also a victim of it.

BTW, I supported Jindal, although I could not vote for him as I don't live in Louisiana, and he IS rather too devout in his religious beliefs for my taste.  I happen to know him - he's an alumni of the same University that I am, and I met him at my 20th college reunion, which happened to be his 10th reunion.  Fit that little factoid into your warped perception that I am an extreme Liberal, rather than the moderate Libertarian that I actually am.

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