Politics and Religion

Question for democrats/libs.....hypothetical situation.
jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 6640 reads
1 / 33

Lets say, for whatever reason, (pick your own reason), Obama does not run for POTUS in 2012. Other than Hillary, who would be your most likely choice to vote for, and why? I see no one on the left except Hillary that would be electable. Reid, Pelosi, Biden, Emmanual, Cuomo, not gonna happen.

Priapus53 1179 reads
2 / 33

As of now, either voting 3rd party, or not at all.

Hillary's not gonna run, though she polls much better against GOP field than BHO ( see below link )

Reid & Pelosi are too old & unlikeable to secure the nomination.

As for Biden & Cumo, perhaps 2016. Slim pickens up there & I can't come up with any other nominees.

Lastly, JF, your Governor, Chris Christie said "GOP faces uphill battle against Obama."

I was surprised he said that.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 965 reads
3 / 33

Some folks are getting too old to run. Nader and Hiliary come to mind.

There's a few Dems I wouldn't mind running. Bernie Sanders. Alan Grayson. Dennis Kucinich. Barbara Boxer. Russ Feingold. I wouldn't mind seeing Howard Dean run again, although he's getting a bit old too.

But Pelosi, Reid, and Emmanual aren't even Presidential material. Neither is Cuomo, IMO, and would never win the nomination. Biden probably wouldn't either.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1119 reads
4 / 33

Grayson just has a set of balls on him.

That's the major problem with our two political parties. The GOP is all balls and no brains, and the Dems are all brains and no balls. :)

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1316 reads
5 / 33

like a really strong group.

Grayson??? Fuck, he's a bigger nutcase than you. Kucinich?  Has tried and never gotten anywhere.  Boxer?  Maybe the most unlikeable Senator in D.C. Feingold?  He's done. And way too liberal to ever get elected. Dean?  Most embarrassing candidate of all time.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1653 reads
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Priapus53 1442 reads
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You'll find as as many of those as Jewish Sports legends,good Asian drivers & Italian war heroes-------;)

Priapus53 1927 reads
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As for Feingold, I think he has good 2nd shot for Wisconsin, either taking on Pasty faced governor Walker or a 2nd Senate run.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1807 reads
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And Wisconsin is the only state that would elect Feingold to anything . . . .

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 728 reads
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states. Wisconsin and Minnesota are the only two that regularly can get a left-wing liberal voted in.  Except of course when a Chicago guy can use his big numbers to get elected in Illinois.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1781 reads
12 / 33

It remains worth asking Which of the libs is still juiced up on enough kool aid to stiill vote for mister hope ychangey

inicky46 61 Reviews 1573 reads
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And there isn't one of them I'd vote for.  But what's the point, Obama will run and has a good shot at winning.  Cuomo will be a very good future candidate.  He's the only Democratic Governor to take on his deficit, cap property taxes and take on the state unions.  If he keeps it up, he'll be a very strong candidate.  Wouldn't it be interesting if 2016 saw a Cuomo vs. Christie race?  The debates would especially be fun.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1037 reads
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NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2285 reads
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inicky46 61 Reviews 2209 reads
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Here's my candidate, wiseass!

-- Modified on 11/17/2011 4:21:00 PM

St. Croix 1164 reads
17 / 33

You mention 4 current Jewish baseball players, and you have the audacity to leave out "The Hebrew Hammer". And the 4 you mention are not even in the same league.

St. Croix 1348 reads
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Think real hard. Who is one of the best players in MLB? He might even be this year's MVP.

Fuck it!!!! It's Ryan Braun you putz!!! And yes, he too is called "The Hebrew Hammer". Maybe it's because he plays for Milwaukee, and another player used the term Hammer, or "Hammerin"

Braun is just another SoCal stud.

P.S. Looks like you and everyone in New York were Tebowed tonight. You and everyone in NY should be embarrassed.

-- Modified on 11/17/2011 9:20:31 PM

Timbow 1100 reads
19 / 33

Posted By: willywonka4u
Some folks are getting too old to run. Nader and Hiliary come to mind.

There's a few Dems I wouldn't mind running. Bernie Sanders. Alan Grayson. Dennis Kucinich. Barbara Boxer. Russ Feingold. I wouldn't mind seeing Howard Dean run again, although he's getting a bit old too.

But Pelosi, Reid, and Emmanual aren't even Presidential material. Neither is Cuomo, IMO, and would never win the nomination. Biden probably wouldn't either.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1115 reads
21 / 33

I must say, Willy, that's the best and truest oversimplification of the two parties I've heard in a long time.

Timbow 1470 reads
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Posted By: inicky46
I must say, Willy, that's the best and truest oversimplification of the two parties I've heard in a long time.

Makwa 18 Reviews 1536 reads
23 / 33

ANY Democrat is better than a Republican!

inicky46 61 Reviews 1205 reads
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you have impeccable taste.  I love Katsumi.  If I were POTUS she would be First Concubine.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1215 reads
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Thanks for pointing that out.  In fairness, Maher probably got it from his writers.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1667 reads
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Jewish Sports Legends
1) Sandy Koufax
2) Hank Greenberg
3) Lots of boxers back in the 30s
Italian War Heroes
1) Garibaldi
2) Julius Caesar
Good Asian Drivers
You got me there.
But Gambler claims to be half Asian and a good driver.
I have my doubts.

-- Modified on 11/17/2011 8:08:29 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1163 reads
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science, medicine, physics, literature and many other unmanly, useless things.
BTW, re race car driving, did you know Sterling Moss is Jewish?  Jody Schechter, F1 World Champion for Ferrarri, too. Then there's Mark Spitz, football great Sid Luckman and, for you hockey fans, the Nystrom brothers.  For current baseball fans there's Kevin Youkilis, Ian Kinsler, Jason Marquis and Gabe Kapler.  For everybody else, just listen to Adam Sandler.

-- Modified on 11/17/2011 11:35:16 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1359 reads
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inicky46 61 Reviews 899 reads
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The Youk is the fuckin' Hebrew Hammer, not this clown!

inicky46 61 Reviews 938 reads
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Yeah, forgot about Braun.  As for the Jets, I'm not embarassed but they sure as hell should be.  A truly pathetic performance by "Dirty Sanchez."  He is regressing.

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 2574 reads
32 / 33

Maybe Bloomberg will switch parties again. He sure as hell isn't a republican.....no way, shape, or form.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1112 reads
33 / 33
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