Politics and Religion

Possible preview of this week's debate
DavieD99 156 reads

I'm actually hoping for a legitimate debate. I won't hold my breath though.  
However In this clip, it sounds as though Kasie Hunt had no intention of letting this guest, Ms Leavitt speak. The minute she began to answer, Ms Hunt just shut it down.  
I'm curious if the debate may be a similar event.

She looked like a fucking moron there. 🙄🙄🙄

Why is the left so in love with limiting free speech? I mean hey college kids can chant from the river to the sea and death to America, HERE IN AMERICA… but a Trump employee pointing out the extreme left wing bias of the moderators?

Oh fuck not shut that shit off right now!

The intro was video of Trump's comments about the upcoming debate.
Hunt's QUESTION was: "What do you expect from Joe Biden?"
Rather than ANSWER the question, Leavitt attacked Hunt's CNN colleagues Tapper and Bash.  
Hunt asked her to stop attacking Tapper and Bash and to answer the Q about Biden (and Trump) at the debate.
Leavitt was cut off and invited to come back when she wanted to talk about Trump (and Biden).  
EVEN FOX IS CUTTING OFF TRUMP HIMSELF and his cult supporters when they start going off the topic (and off the rails).  
Fox News Quickly Cuts Away From Trump Speech After He Rips Into Network and Touts Tucker Carlson.
Fox’s Maria Bartiromo Confronts MTG on Her Failed Move to Oust Speaker Johnson
Baritromo: "You have been unable to secure the border. ... You are creating disruption ..."
Fox News Anchor Apologizes for Co-Hosts Cutting Off Gingrich’s George Soros Rant
Fox hosts have interrupted Comer, more then once, with "WHERE'S THE EVIDENCE????"  
Comer Tells Newsmax, ‘I’ve Quit Going on Fox & Friends Because of Doocy’
"... During an interview with Comer about his House investigation into President Joe Biden on Wednesday, Bolling said, “Forget the Democrats like Dan Goldman who say there’s no evidence. My concern is when the media, especially the conservative media, starts siding with the Bidens. Listen to Steve Doocy over at Fox saying you don’t have evidence.” ..."

Posted By: DavieD99

I'm actually hoping for a legitimate debate. I won't hold my breath though.  
 However In this clip, it sounds as though Kasie Hunt had no intention of letting this guest, Ms Leavitt speak. The minute she began to answer, Ms Hunt just shut it down.  
 I'm curious if the debate may be a similar event.
One of my concerns: The mic will be cut but Trump will STILL be shouting from the sideline "Crooked Joe!" "Liar Joe!" etc. and it will audible over Biden's mic and interrupting Biden's time to reply or state a position. I can actually imagine Trump screaming even stupider things -- "Hay Joe, my hands are bigger than your hands!! Neener, neener!!" -- and then deny it after the debate: "Biden seemed distracted at various points during the debate and shouted at you to shut up but your mic was cut off." Trump: "That's right. I didn't say anything. Joe has dementia and he was hearing things." "Mr. Trump, we have the tapes of your voice coming through on Biden's mic. Other people on the set said you were shouting at Bidne. And that you were quite loud." "FAKE NEWS! Fake news! Whaaaa! Waaaaah!"

Posted By: impposter
Re: I also want a legitimate debate.  
The intro was video of Trump's comments about the upcoming debate.  
 Hunt's QUESTION was: "What do you expect from Joe Biden?"  
 Rather than ANSWER the question, Leavitt attacked Hunt's CNN colleagues Tapper and Bash.......
Perhaps you should listen to it again?  
In this particular part of the interview, Ms Leavitt replied....
“Well, first of all, it takes about five minutes to Google ‘Jake Tapper, Donald Trump’ to see that Jake Tapper has …”
Ms Hunt didn't care what the rest of the sentence was. What was Ms Leavitt going to say? We don't know. Ms Hunt never had intentions of letting her finish.
On a side note, that was a broad display of very unprofessional journalism. Maybe Ms Hunt knew she had no good defense? I don't know.
My point was, will the debate sound a lot like this? I hope not. But........
I do like the idea of cutting the mic when it's not your turn to speak.  
Both candidates have an uphill battle. Trump needs to control his outbursts and limit his sideways comments about Biden. That will help him gain some trust with those who are on the fence.  
Biden.... he needs to be able to survive this period. No note cards or teleprompter or cue cards will be a bad thing for him. If he begins fumbling his way through it, he will NOT gain much trust from those on the fence.  
The question is, who has the tougher of the uphill battles. To me, the answer is clear.

Hunt 1:15 "What do you expect from Joe Biden?"
Leavitt: 1:16-1:22 " “Well, first of all, it takes about five minutes to Google ‘Jake Tapper, Donald Trump’ to see that Jake Tapper has …”  
[Hunt is no doubt thinking, "I can see where this is going. Time to get on track" and then Hunt says ...]
H: 1:23-1:30 "Ma’am, I’m going to stop this interview if you continue to attack my colleagues,”  
Meanwhile, L already started to talk over H during that 1:22-1:30 span:
L: 1:23 -1:28 "consistently disabused Donald Trump and compared him to Adolf Flter [sic] ...
L: 1:30-1:35 "No, I am stating that ...
More talking over each other  
L: 1:37-1:44 "I am stating facts that your colleagues have said in the past. Now, as for the ..."
And the interview comes to an end.

Posted By: DavieD99
Re: I also want a legitimate debate.  
... Perhaps you should listen to it again?  
 In this particular part of the interview, Ms Leavitt replied....  
 “Well, first of all, it takes about five minutes to Google ‘Jake Tapper, Donald Trump’ to see that Jake Tapper has …”  
 Ms Hunt didn't care what the rest of the sentence was.
Because she knew what was about to come 1 second later.  And it did.
What was Ms Leavitt going to say? We don't know. Ms Hunt never had intentions of letting her finish.
Hunt DID seem to know and she was right.  
How going after Newsmax for dissing Trump?
Newsmax Runs Awkward Chyron During Trump’s Lies
"Conservative network Newsmax appeared to ***pre-empt*** Donald Trump’s possible repetition of his baseless 2020 election fraud claims during the former president’s live telephone interview on Tuesday.
" “Please Note: Newsmax accepts the 2020 election results as legal and final,” read a chyron that appeared on screen during the presumptive GOP presidential nominee’s conversation with guest host Corey Lewandowski, his 2016 campaign manager."
Maybe they should have let Trump rant away for 3 minutes before running the chyron?

Posted By: impposter
Re: I also want a legitimate debate.  
Hunt 1:15 "What do you expect from Joe Biden?"  
 Leavitt: 1:16-1:22 " “Well, first of all, it takes about five minutes to Google ‘Jake Tapper, Donald Trump’ to see that Jake Tapper has …”  
 [Hunt is no doubt thinking, "I can see where this is going. Time to get on track" and then Hunt says ...]  
 H: 1:23-1:30 "Ma’am, I’m going to stop this interview if you continue to attack my colleagues,”  
 Meanwhile, L already started to talk over H during that 1:22-1:30 span:  
 L: 1:23 -1:28 "consistently disabused Donald Trump and compared him to Adolf Flter [sic] ...  
 L: 1:30-1:35 "No, I am stating that ...  
 More talking over each other  
 L: 1:37-1:44 "I am stating facts that your colleagues have said in the past. Now, as for the ..."  
 And the interview comes to an end.
How much time did you waste transcribing that?

Imp… it, W A S  A  L I T T L E  B I T C H  M O V E !  

Nothing more nothing less and your defending it.


…quoting Impp’s post and expecting anyone to read it AGAIN?

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: How much time did you waste…
…quoting Impp’s post and expecting anyone to read it AGAIN?
I expect no one to read it Alain… 🙄 It was rhetorical.  As for the amount of time it took?  
LESS than it will take for you to get on you treadmill!  

Get to it fatman slim!!

And now the MAGAs are saying that Trump should boycott the debate because Leavitt was cut off because she wouldn't answer the question and, instead, wanted to use the opportunity to trash Tapper and Bash on CNN itself. She can trash Tapper and Bash from every other MAGA platform -- and she does!  
But it gives Trump an excuse not to show up.

Posted By: LostSon
Re: I also want a legitimate debate.  
Imp… it, W A S  A  L I T T L E  B I T C H  M O V E !  
Nothing more nothing less and your defending it.

Mr Imp. You just said the exact same thing twice and never really addressed the questions. No reply needed. We get to watch the debate tonight so we'll see how it turns out.

I hope somewhere in Biden opening statement, if there is one he'll say to the camera.. "Where have we come to as a country where the nominee for president from the republican party in a convicted felon"...man that's gansta shit, end of game.

"Joe, do you really believe that your uncle was eaten by cannibals?"  That puts the ball back in Biden's court, and voters will have to decide whether they believe the conviction was a set up and eventually overturned, and that Trump will be a more cognitively aware leader of the free world than the guy who thinks his uncle was eaten by other humans.    

opened an online pull for his viewers asking whether they will get cognitively impaired Joe at tomorrow night's debate, or the jacked-up Joe from the State of the Union.  Over 90% predicted it would be jacked-up Joe because he doesn't have a chance unless they spike is juice with something.  The remaining question is, will they risk giving him enough of a jolt to last the entire 90 minutes?  

I even watch that.
But in your world, its Hannity so it must be right.
So if Biden mops the floor with trump, there's your excuse??.....Ok, I guess

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re:  On Hannity last night...?? Man I'd be embarrassed to admit that
I even watch that.  
 But in your world, its Hannity so it must be right.  
 So if Biden mops the floor with trump, there's your excuse??.....Ok, I guess
If Biden Mops the floor with Trump?  


-- Modified on 6/26/2024 9:04:49 PM

I know this is a big wish and I do not expect much from the moderators.  I am not concerned about the mics being shut off at the end of each of Trump's and Biden's time for responding.  I would like to see the exact same questions presented to each candidate to be able to compare their responses, basically apples to apples.  However I expect CNN to provide softball questions to Biden, and ask nothing of Trump but questions pertaining to all his BS show trails.  A debate is supposed to provide competent, discussions of opposing views of a centralized topic.  Joe Biden and crew are complete cowards, and do not have the balls to go head to head on any issues this country is experiencing daily.  Joe needs an entire week and 20 people to prep him for a debate, Trump is ready to go any time anywhere.  Nothing but cowards!  They got rid of Jamaal Bowman but are afraid to get rid of Alexandria Cortez in New York.  Stupid Cowards.  

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