Politics and Religion

Port strike starts, Biden vows non-interference
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 94 reads

First wide spread Port strike in 50 years.  

Ohhhh this is going to change things! The United States is a house of cards thanks to lean 6 sigma!

are not as impressed with the wage gains under the Biden/Harris administration that Nicky has bragged about the past few days.  Nicky said 1.3% was good, but the dockworkers just turned down a 50% increase.  

Within a few weeks, prices will start rising for consumers in the US, the same consumers that will be voting in November.  Biden and Harris have both announced that they will be MIA and not get involved.  You already know the contradiction that is "real leader Joe" but we are learning that Kamala will be a do-nothing leader as well if elected.  More Biden/Harris inflation is on the way.  Watch your own purchasing power evaporate, my friends.  

The best scenario would be if dealmaker Trump volunteers his services as a mediator and settles the strike before the election.  If that happened, Kamala would still be lucky to take California and New York.  

And they’re striking for a 77 percent increase ?? The turned down a 50 percent increase !!
And you guys bitch about hooker rates..
I guess when your last pay raise was .,, when ?

Over a 5 year span. $5 per hr each year. The ones in question are making around 80k. Which is still good.  
But the crane operators are the ones who really make the big bucks now. I'm not sure their pay will change. They do well. And they get some extended breaks as well. Time actually doing the job is shorter than most.
I've toured MSC hq in Charleston and several large southern ports. Those ports are pretty crazy how they operate.

Its all generational, past down from grandfather to father to son, uncle to nephews. You won't see "Want Ads " on Indeed. Tickle down employment.
And they're of course against automation....Job security. Its worse then the federal system.

I heard from guys I know that have applied, but didn't have a "connection."   One guy was flat-out told that he needed to have a few recommendations or referrals from guys who already worked there.  It's harder than a non-Italian trying to get into the Mafia.  

Funny mispelling of Home Depot.  
These are apparently the top entities importing.  However I wonder how they compare to the aggregate of smaller companies not listed.

Bob's is great!

Posted By: lester_prairie
These are apparently the top entities importing.  However I wonder how they compare to the aggregate of smaller companies not listed.
Disclaimer: I am not Bob. I do not work for Bob's. I do not benefit in any way from endorsing Bob's in this post.  
EDIT: Changed image link to load more quickly.

-- Modified on 10/1/2024 1:26:14 PM

Because.....No Body Beats the Whiz.

-- Modified on 10/1/2024 5:23:00 PM

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