Politics and Religion

Did Trump’s Conviction Just Get Nuked?
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 107 reads

Okay, so I’m no lawyer so I’m out of my depths here, but it looks like the judge in the NY case just sent a letter to the prosecutor and defense about a post they found on social media. I have no idea of the ramifications here, but they seem significant judging by the reactions I’ve seen from some people. A screenshot of the social media in question is posted below. Like I said I don’t know how this would impact the case, if at all. I think I should mention the post on social media happened before the verdict was reached.

Most likely this post is bullshit and probably fabricated by one of Willy's bosses on a Russian troll farm. Also, it's 18 days old, so if it's true why isn't it a gigantic news story? Oh, and clearly the judge didn't do anything about it.
This whole thing smacks of bullshit and lies, Willy's forte.

And all because a woman couldn’t keep from gossiping. Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

And you haven’t even heard what a court just ruled on the mRNA vaccines. Say so long to legal liability protection.

It'll be noted that it was fake....poor willy, getting his info from infowar, facebook or the local drunk.

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: When willy wakes up tomorrow It'll be noted that it was in fact real, us lefties are getting our blue koolaid from all normal sources.
Wow the corrupt judge in the case is noting this… 🫣

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