Politics and Religion

Politico: Trump Wipes Out Biden Cash Advantage
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A review of campaign filings to the FEC show that while Biden had a good fundraising month yet had major cash outlays, Trump had a great fundraising month of May and didn’t spend as much.

Just looking at large-dollar donations, the campaign reported receiving at least six times as many daily donations those two days compared to a typical day. And the fundraising spike was likely even greater, considering that doesn’t include unitemized donations of less than $200 or any donations that the joint fundraising contributions hadn’t yet transferred.

In total, Trump’s campaign and the RNC reported just over $170 million cash on hand combined at the end of May, overtaking Biden and the Democratic National Committee, which reported just shy of $157 million.
That’s one impact of the Bragg conviction, yet we’ve also seen an uptick in Biden support among independent voters in post conviction polling. The next inflection point will be the debate, where the bar has been set extremely low for Biden. Will be interesting to see 1) how the MSM spins the debate and 2) what impact the debate actually has when the voting public is polled.

Don't blame the MSM if Joe outperforms. Blame Republicans for telling us for months that Joe is essentially "Weekend at Bernies."

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: It is your side that has set the bar low for Joe.
Don't blame the MSM if Joe outperforms. Blame Republicans for telling us for months that Joe is essentially "Weekend at Bernies."
Joe is "Weekend at Bernie's."  

Pray he holds on! Kackles is in the wings rubbing her claws together waiting.

Hi there. Just wondering if can you explain this phrase..."if Joe outperforms"

I understand you and many others don't care for Donald Trump, and understood. But I feel like you may be giving credit to Joe for something he clearly is uncapable of doing simply because you don't like someone else.  

Joe is far past his time to outperform. I mean we all see him, we hear him attempting to address a crowd. We've all watched him turn to shake hands with thin air, just wondering why you would want to see that kind of leadership continue?

Or even heard the mindless gibberish? He wanders from thought to thought....He's left CEO's scratching their head as to WTF is he talking about?
I know both are old, I don't care for Joe but trump has lost his faculties. Pay close attention to what he's saying. And lets be honest here, if trumps past cabinet member won't support him what does that tell you? Do you really think trump is up for the office? I could use what Paul Ryan, a staunch conservative has said. That trump isn't fit to hold office. I'm sure all the deep staters her will say Ryan's a RINO...
I trust Joe to put together a good team. Trump, with his poor leadership will staff a administration of "yes men".

What I meant was outperforms "expectations." The Rs have set a very low bar for Joe, as they did for the SOTU and it made them look like fools when Joe crushed it. And it's not that I "don't care for Trump", as there are a number of people on my side that I don't care for. The difference is Trump is evil, a word I don't think I have ever used about any other politician.

Hor far is evil from corrupt? Is one much different from the other?

Trump is both which makes him uniquely wicked. Virtually all politicians are corrupt, as the job is corrupting, but very very few are evil and DJT is the worst of that lot.

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: Good point.
Trump is both which makes him uniquely wicked. Virtually all politicians are corrupt, as the job is corrupting, but very very few are evil and DJT is the worst of that lot.
Evil huh? Trump started no new wars… he ended isis and then got the fuck out of Syria,  pretty evil there 🥴

Biden has presided over two proxy wars plus the complete fuck up that is Afghanistan but hey he’s got the magic D Sooooo all forgiven right?

Ok. I suppose I'm just trying to identify the advantage to having someone like Mr Biden as president. The past 4 years have certainly not been a selling point. My questions are really about him only, however the replies are "Donald Trump is/did...."
I think you are trying to sell the theory that a rotten apple will be much better than a rotten tomato.
If that's our only choices why is one better than the other. (Hint: it's not)  

Imo the election will come down to 2 trains of thought.
1. I will vote for Mr Biden simply because I hate Donald Trump, and I'll vote for anyone else just so Mr Trump loses. (Happened in the last election too)
2. I'll vote for Donald Trump because Mr Biden is simply not mentally capable of being in charge of anything.  

If that's the line of thinking, which one will outweigh the other?

I am voting for Joe not simply bc I "hate Donald Trump", it's because Trump is a direct threat to democracy that Mr Biden is not. Don't confuse my bashing of Trump as my love for Joe, as I have no love for him.  
I have said repeatedly here that both men should step down, as neither are really worthy of the office of the presidency, but given the choice between the two I will take the guy who upholds democracy, who is not indicted in 4 separate cases, who was not found liable of sexual assault, who wasnt impeached twice, who hasn't filed bankruptcy 4 times screwing over thousands of small business owners, who doesn't mock our POWs, our KIAs and our brave people serving in the military, who isn't a slum lord, whose staff that works under him fully supports him, who didnt incite 1/6 and then watch our capitol police get bludgeoned and beat for 3 hours and did nothing and who is not evil. Really not much of a choice at all for me.

Mr Robert. I think you misunderstood my statement. I'm saying the questions were regarding Mr Biden. Your replies were more along the lines of "yes however Trump (fill in the blank)"
Not that I was intending to prove a point here. But if I were, you sure just helped me prove it. Nevertheless, we shouldn't beat this dead horse any longer. I think it still stands you're still trying to sell me on: a rotten tomato is better than a rotten apple. Maybe the bigger question here could be, is my apple actually rotten, or are you trying to convince me that it is? 🤔  
And, does middle class working America think the same?

I cant make you drink from it. Middle class America is split and thats why the election is a toss up.

Why? Because that's the choice we have. So why would anyone have an objection to "however Trump" or "however Biden?"
Yes, it's a VERY imperfect choice. But that's the choice we have. Given that, I'll take Biden all day long. It's not even close, for all the reasons Robert cited.
Republicans who still support Trump are simply in denial about all his disqualifying deficits. Shame on them.  
Not to mention the fact that, Republican blinders notwithstanding, Biden has actually accomplished a lot. The recent changes in the polls are beginning to reflect that.

Yes ma'am. I certainly understand. But couldn't the exact same be said vise versa?

Democrats who still support Mr Biden are simply in denial about all his disqualifying deficits?

I tried to give you a respectful answer. You were unable to reciprocate. Too bad.

I agree both candidates have serious defects and won’t be voting for either of them.

We know down ballot candidates won't get much if anything. And his stocks on DJT is bleeding money. Soon it'll be a penny stock listed on the pink sheets.
Number wise, it looks good and if was anyone other then trump then I'd be concerned but in reality...it's trump.... so its all a grift

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