Politics and Religion

PolitaFact Calls Obama baldfaced liar lying to women
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2608 reads

Type of thing you do with pawns....lie to them to get them riled up and in your camp...

It seems to be working!!!  Obama will say anything to get elected!!!

The ad from the Obama campaign said Romney "backed a bill that outlaws all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest."

The Obama campaign provides virtually nothing to back that up, however. It has no evidence that Romney explicitly opposed the exception for rape and incest. While he supported the "human life amendment," there are many versions and the most recent ones allow abortion after rape or incest. And it's worth noting that in 2011, Romney declared that has said he supports those exceptions.

In its effort to appeal to women, the Obama campaign has twisted Romney's position to a ridiculous degree. We rate the claim Pants on Fire.

and of course lapdog will whine about me not "me too'ing" the last 10 threads beating up romney...

Aikin sure helped your GOPussy brand the past couple days. Even Karl Rove pulled his funding from Crossroads Clusterfuck-S(hit).  That's really scraping shit off the bottom of the barrel.  Aikin probably lost his Senate seat to McCaskill over the weekend, and now it's been unearthed that HR 3 that imbecillic bill for "personhood" for the fertilized egg was co-sponsored by Ryan and Ryan lost a few million more women's votes this morning.

Take a pledge.  You'll take a flying leap when RyRom lose their ass.

Once again is your real name Needle-Dick Akin, because his real name might as well be Needle Dick.

a fucking liar...`what's next? telling women romney wants to kill their children?

Oh yeah, you've already said that.

Is there no lie you won't tell Jeffypoo?  

Your real name is Joseph Goebells because the answer is no. The bigger the lie the better for you.

Afterall, you are messenger for The Messiah and it's all for "the greater good",

i'm merely suggesting that if they are a "truth squad" for jeffypoos purpose of bagging on romney, i'd use his source to show where they say your messiah is lying too.

lay off the weed dude.

Last year, Ryan and Akin cosponsored a bill to prohibit taxpayer-funded abortions for rape victims. The bill sought to narrow the government's definition of rape — by literally rewriting it to the term "forcible" rape — in order limit federal funds for abortion coverage.

Ryan has stated in the past he opposes abortion even in the case of rape — a position which contradicts Team Romney's latest statement on abortion following Akin's comments.

Seizing on Akin's remarks, President Obama used him as an example of why GOP lawmakers — or furthermore any lawmaker — should not be involved in these personal decisions typically made after consulting with doctors and family members.

Priapus53266 reads

BHO has 53% of female, vote vs Romney's 44%, according to CNN poll ( see below link );yah---------you "know more than me"------LOL !

Anyway, Aikin will be gone by tomorrow---

a second quoting them.  They aren't even on my radar on purpose. My dog is more insightful and articulate that Blitzer or the rest of them, and sadly Erin Burnett has been engulfed with mission creep.

There are a ton  of other polls:

On August 13, The Wall Street Journal disclosed that "The latest Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll showed that President Obama leads Mr. Romney 54% to 39% among women. The gap gets truly staggering when it comes to college-educated women. Here, Mr. Obama leads 63%-32%."

And all the polls available now are pre-Todd Akin clustefuckville.

Further, Aikin hasn't lost any of the 36% who backed him in the primary. They love the "I'm dumb as a rock about  rape shit" Prissypussy.

Don't see you taking Nate Silver's job anytime soon. Don't forget to irrigate that catheter you have crammed up your little wee-wee and chained to this board.

Priapus53254 reads

JeffyPoo seems to be having memory , reading comprehension & neurological issues-----I'd recommend brain surgery for him, but in his case , that's a colonoscopy----:)

when a woman's  been raped good ole HB 3 despite Romney claiming they were for that exemption yesterday in New Hampshire.  Mitt-Bot doesn't exactly keep up with bills Ryan wrote and supported and neither does his highly paid staff which in July had funding 2:1 compared with Obama's. Whoops.

I'd like to note that the imbecile bug fucker made a fool of himself saying that I misinterpreted Ryan's bill.  I did not.

I wrote on that thread below this and I'm pasting: I didn't say anything about whether the mother's  life was threatened. I said that Ryan WROTE A BILL WITH AKIN FORBIDDING ABORTION IN THE CASE OF RAPE UNLESS THE LIFE OF THE MOTHER WAS THREATENED. RYAN'S BILL CONTRADICTED AN EXISTING LAW MADE BY THE SUPREME COURT STYLED ROE V. WADE.

"Truth is Ryan contradicted Romney's lie that they allow rape abortion exceptions
Last year, Ryan and Akin cosponsored a bill to prohibit taxpayer-funded abortions for rape victims. The bill sought to narrow the government's definition of rape — by literally rewriting it to the term "forcible" rape — in order limit federal funds for abortion coverage.

Ryan has stated in the past he opposes abortion even in the case of rape — a position which contradicts Team Romney's latest statement on abortion following Akin's comments."

Seizing on Akin's remarks, President Obama used him as an example of why GOP lawmakers — or furthermore any lawmaker — should not be involved in these personal decisions typically made after consulting with doctors and family members.

What I said was that Ryan  supported a bill that allowed NO ABORTION IN CASE OF RAPE unless the woman's life was threatened on penalty of prison for the doctor. And that's exactly what Ryan's bill said. It included the term "forcible rape" just as Aiken did.

NY Times article is here:

Romney Statement on Abortion Contradicts Ryan’s Earlier Stance

August 20, 2012, 1:33 am1 Comment
Romney Statement on Abortion Contradicts Ryan’s Earlier Stance
A campaign statement that neither Mitt Romney nor Representative Paul D. Ryan opposes abortion in rape cases contradicts Mr. Ryan’s earlier position on the issue.

The statement was issued late Sunday in response to a widely condemned comment earlier in the day by Representative Todd Akin, the Republican Senate nominee from Missouri, that in cases of what he called “legitimate rape,’’ women’s bodies reject a pregnancy. Mr. Akin was explaining why he opposes abortion in the case of rape.

“Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin’s statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape,’’ a Romney campaign spokeswoman, Amanda Henneberg, wrote.

Although Mr. Romney has stated this position before, Mr. Ryan, a seven-term congressman from Wisconsin, has opposed abortion in the case of rape. During his first run for the seat in 1998, The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported that he opposed abortions in all cases except to save the life of the mother.

More recently, Mr. Ryan was a co-sponsor of a House bill last year defining human life as beginning with fertilization and granting “personhood’’ rights to embryos, a movement that supporters say will outlaw abortions in all cases, and may also restrict some forms of birth control.

Furor over Mr. Akin’s remarks, which he later retracted, may bring new attention to the most uncompromising wing of the antiabortion movement, complicating the Republican ticket’s efforts to appeal to women voters.

President Obama, who has a commanding lead in polls with women, has already pressed the issue. The day after Mr. Ryan was announced as the vice-presidential pick, the Obama campaign’s Twitter account published a message:

Barack Obama
✔@BarackObama Make sure the women in your life know: Paul Ryan supports banning all abortions, even in cases of rape or incest.
12 Aug 12 ReplyRetweetFavoriteMr. Romney has had his own complicated history with the abortion issue. He was what he now calls “effectively pro-choice’’ early in his political career, but became an abortion opponent when he was confronted with a bill on stem cell research as governor of Massachusetts.

Since then, he has opposed abortion, but — unlike his running mate — has said the procedure should be legal in the cases of rape or incest.

That hasn’t stopped Democrats from using the issue against him, especially in the wake of Mr. Romney’s repeated promise to end federal funding of Planned Parenthood because the group performs abortions.

In an interview last March, Mr. Romney elaborated on his desire to end funding of programs that he deems unnecessary. “Of course you get rid of ‘Obamacare,’ that’s the easy one, but there are others,” he said. “Planned Parenthood, we’re going to get rid of that.”

That line has made it into several Democratic videos and ads.

A campaign commercial from Mr. Obama’s campaign went even further, accusing Mr. Romney of supporting “overturning Roe versus Wade” and alleging that “Romney backed a bill that outlaws all abortion, even in case of rape and incest.”

Aides to Mr. Romney have been particularly angry about that last charge, since Mr. Romney has said explicitly that he supports rape and incest exceptions. Independent fact checkers have said that charge is false.

to come up with that. Quote: "the Obama campaign backed up its ad by pointing to a 2007 debate when Romney said he would sign a bill that banned all abortions." And, all this time I thought all meant all!  ;)

Then they add: "But there was no specific bill and no specific language." So what? He said in a debate he would "sign a bill that banned all abortions." That's clearly his intent. And, any woman who reads this article will come away with exactly what his intentions are, no matter how hard Politifacts tries to "fit a camel in the eye of a needle." Especially when they hear about Ryan fetal person-hood support.

times he wants to ban ***all abortions***, and is the proud sponser with Clusterfuck Akin of HR 3 the brilliant "personhood" bill.

It would take a GOPutz Senate to pass any of their whackjob social shit, and that ain't gonna see the light of day.

Congradulations on flushing any chance of credibilty right down the toilet.

Sec. 308. Treatment of abortions related to rape, incest, or preserving the life of the mother

‘The limitations established in sections 301, 302, and 303 shall not apply to an abortion--

‘(1) if the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest; or

‘(2) in the case where a woman suffers from a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness that would, as certified by a physician, place the woman in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself.

Maybe lappydog can chase it down for you while he's bopping for Obama's turds.


Earlier today, Missouri U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) claimed that “legitimate rape” does not often lead to pregnancy because “the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” This is not the first time the biologically challenged senate candidate tried to minimize the impact of rape. Last year, Akin joined with GOP vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as two of the original co-sponsors of the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” a bill which, among other things, introduced the country to the bizarre term “forcible rape.”

Federal law prevents federal Medicaid funds and similar programs from paying for abortions. Yet the law also contains an exception for women who are raped. The bill Akin and Ryan cosponsored would have narrowed this exception, providing that only pregnancies arising from “forcible rape” may be terminated. Because the primary target of Akin and Ryan’s effort are Medicaid recipients — patients who are unlikely to be able to afford an abortion absent Medicaid funding — the likely impact of this bill would have been forcing many rape survivors to carry their rapist’s baby to term. Michelle Goldberg explains who Akin and Ryan would likely target:

Under H.R. 3, only victims of “forcible rape” would qualify for federally funded abortions. Victims of statutory rape—say, a 13-year-old girl impregnated by a 30-year-old man—would be on their own. So would victims of incest if they’re over 18. And while “forcible rape” isn’t defined in the criminal code, the addition of the adjective seems certain to exclude acts of rape that don’t involve overt violence—say, cases where a woman is drugged or has a limited mental capacity. “It’s basically putting more restrictions on what was defined historically as rape,” says Keenan.

Although a version of this bill passed the GOP-controlled House, the “forcible rape” language was eventually removed due to widespread public outcry. Paul Ryan, however, believes that the “forcible rape” language does not actually go far enough to force women to carry their rapist’s baby. Ryan believes that abortion should be illegal in all cases except for “cases in which a doctor deems an abortion necessary to save the mother’s life.” So rape survivors are out of luck.

And, of course, as we learned today, Akin isn’t even sure that “legitimate” rape survivors can get pregnant in the first place.

The Romney-Ryan campaign just released a statement distancing itself from the Akin-Ryan position on abortion in the case of rape: “Gov. Romney and Cong. Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin’s statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape.”

to ignore the whole second half of the piece which completely undermines your pathetic attempt to perpetuate the lie.

tsk tsk, now that's no way for such a staunch independant like YOU to act.

Which probably the standard you'd use for obama on say, gay marriage.

It's called consistency.

"More recently, Romney has made clear that he supports the exception for rape and incest. In 2011, Romney explained his position on abortion in an op-ed in the National Review. It begins with "I am pro-life and believe that abortion should be limited to only instances of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother."

2011. There are plenty of instances where Romney has flip flopped on an issue within days.

If you're just going to ignore the entire text of the article, or just choose to not read it, or just have trouble with palin english, that's not my problem.

The National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, a Washington-based advocacy group, has compiled the congressional bills in favor of an amendment dating back to 1973. Some of those bills have no exceptions for rape and incest. However, the most recent versions do.

In 2003 Rep. Jo Ann Emerson, R-Mo, introduced H.J. Res 9 which held that "no unborn person shall be deprived of life." However, the bill adds "nothing in this article shall prohibit a law permitting only those medical procedures required to prevent the death of the mother of an unborn person: Provided further, that nothing in this article shall limit the liberty of a mother with respect to the unborn offspring of the mother conceived as a result of rape or incest."

We asked Michael Taylor, Executive Director of the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, what that bill means.

"I’m not a lawyer," Taylor said. "But the way I read it, there’s an exception for the life of the mother and for cases of rape and incest."

Taylor’s site lists another occasion in 1989 when the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on the Constitution approved amendment language proposed by Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, that also included exceptions for rape and incest.

These versions predate the Republican Party platforms of 2004 and 2008 that endorse the "human life amendment." Rep. Emerson introduced the same amendment with the exception for rape and incest in 2005. So the main versions when Romney made his 2007 remark included the exception.

More recently, Romney has made clear that he supports the exception for rape and incest. In 2011, Romney explained his position on abortion in an op-ed in the National Review. It begins with "I am pro-life and believe that abortion should be limited to only instances of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother."

Romney NEVER backed a bill which would ****outlaw all abortions****

It's a lie.

Plain and simple.

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
Type of thing you do with pawns....lie to them to get them riled up and in your camp…
Good photo of a white supremacist bigot kid!! Priceless.

It seems to be working!!!  Obama will say anything to get elected!!!

The ad from the Obama campaign said Romney "backed a bill that outlaws all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest."

The Obama campaign provides virtually nothing to back that up, however. It has no evidence that Romney explicitly opposed the exception for rape and incest. While he supported the "human life amendment," there are many versions and the most recent ones allow abortion after rape or incest. And it's worth noting that in 2011, Romney declared that has said he supports those exceptions.

In its effort to appeal to women, the Obama campaign has twisted Romney's position to a ridiculous degree. We rate the claim Pants on Fire.

Needle, you post an article or post from a website that suppossedly list the "lies" and "exagerations" from politicians.  

you sift through and find one on Obama that, well, is not absolutely crystal clear, but you seem to skip over the dozens of posts on your website that clearly calls our Romney for lying.   And you come here and argue that Obama is a liar.  And make a big deal over it.... but if someone goes to look at the article, we first must go past the threads that proclaim Romney's also a liar.  

And now we have to argue who is the bigger liar?  Maybe they should just pull out their cocks and see who's bigger?  Romney's on a nasty campaign because he's slightly behind.  He's bouncing from issue to issue trying to find anything that sticks.  Yet he can't seem to stay on what he wants - unemployment- because of all these other fires he has to put out.  

Calling out Obama is just another shit pile thrown on the wall trying to make it stick.  If Romney was the king of credibility, this might stick.  But since he's running equally (or more) ads that are outright lies.... this entire argument that Obama's a liar is a joke.  Fuck man- find a real argument.

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