Politics and Religion

Please take my picture down immediatamenteregular_smile
OSP 26 Reviews 2086 reads

Didn't we just have a lecture about this? lol
I can't be the only old fogey who remembers......right? lmao

mrnogood4414 reads

Not only did I call this meltdown, and who the players would be down to the states with municple bankruptcy http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/viewmsg.asp?MessageID=152178&boardID=39&page=

and in this post I called BofA would go down too http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/viewmsg.asp?MessageID=149191&boardID=39&page=

yesterday in a post GG removed I even called QE3 - and all the way you guys have ALL acted like I dont know what in the fuck I'm talking about..

could it be that it is actually you that has no clue whats goin on?

Now what you can expect next is crime, brown outs, even black outs of 911 services, schools to close in some places, race riots (in fact these are already happening) http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=milwakee+race+riot  in millwakee they're happening more and more because they're broke and their infastructure is allready broken down -

black flash mobs is chicago and phildelphia http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/25/us/25mobs.html

and this list could go on, and on..

Point is the states have benn going broke for a while, and this is why this is happening..More and ore draconian measure's will be put in place like curfews at 8, and arresting the parents if the child is caught not following it..

Shit like this is gonna begin to happen, more and more..

state Taxes, rent, all rise high, hyperinflation, the price of EVERYTHING is gonna skyrocket..

Welfare chicks wont stop coming but they will not go as far, by a long shot..

Basically the government is defaulting, by means of hyperinflation..

While the states fall to shit, and things get worse and worse..Like in lodon where youth who feel hopeless have burnt down almost half of london..and the government is gonna call in the troops..

That is martial law folks..

But as the states fall apart we will watch the federal government take over the states to ''save us'' -

Problem - states are broke

reaction - high crime, not enough police, lawless

solution - federal take over of the states

and eventually we will watch the federal government get a loan from the world bank, or IMF, and be globalized

-- Modified on 8/9/2011 2:12:15 PM

From your source:

""In our view, this leaves open the possibility of further asset purchases ("QE3") should the economic outlook deteriorate further from here.""

Did you ever read your cite?

mrnogood1509 reads

So we are gonna see 25% inflation, before he rolls it out (this way we're begging for it)

Bernanke IS telling investors and bankers he will do it...That's ALL they need to hear..

If he didn't say that - today would have been the day the dollar died..

Problem- inflation

Reaction- prices sky rocket

Solution- qe3

-- Modified on 8/9/2011 2:20:42 PM

From your source:

""In our view, this leaves open the possibility of further asset purchases ("QE3") should the economic outlook deteriorate further from here.""

Did you ever read your cite?

Priapus531308 reads

Ok, folks, calm down, it's only a pic from a movie.

I hope I don't get moderated for this, but was too priceless to pass up-------:)

-- Modified on 8/9/2011 2:14:51 PM

Didn't we just have a lecture about this? lol
I can't be the only old fogey who remembers......right? lmao

mrnogood1496 reads

Look what Obama said to trick people like you?

'He said ''we will always be a Aaa country''

How outragous, he would say that, in the midst of a downgrade, AND municple brankruptcy..

This is a LIE, and propaganda..

But they say this crazy shit, in hopes you will believe it...

This keep you confused, you never know whats going on..

ALL media does this to when they cover the news..What's the point of watching news that has to be so fair they give you all sides, and some how ALWAYS miss telling you the real news because of covering what actually happened, the cover both sides..

They get to frame the arguement this way..They create the right, and the left, and the sheep just fall in to which ever side they feel they belong to..

Never ONCE thinking for themself - always letting the news define their battles and pick their sides..

Priapus531960 reads

but, it's spelled " outrageous","municipal" & argument".

Just sayin'-------

Proof positive that we DO have an educational crisis in this country---------:(

-- Modified on 8/9/2011 2:44:08 PM

Priapus531116 reads

-- Modified on 8/9/2011 2:40:41 PM

4thGradeEditor1686 reads

You missed    "always be {a} Aaa country"

You missed    " brankruptcy"

You missed     "Never ONCE thinking for {themself} - always letting the news define their battles and pick their sides"..

Priapus you are Proof Positive just because you  you went to college, doesn't qualify  you to be a professional  editor.
 Carry on with your 3rd grade spelling class.
              Yep.. You know who I am ..



Priapus531464 reads

She also misspelled "London".

I hope I don't get fucking moderated for this,
but, from the style of writing, I'd say 85%
chance that it's TJ.

I post like 10 times,in 30days. Some moron couldnt fugure out how I wasnt on top 10 on sports board. I think it was inicky the jealous redsox fan. Next time you come to nyc I will take you where rich people watch game in big bad bronx. Lets see how long priapous can go without double posting or ww whinning. Sometimes I,wonder what hell does ww and priapus do with there free time, they must be locked up in there parents basement. Maybe next time I hit jackpot in vegas I will see priapus at buffet table with osp. You see all my friends here osp,gagambler,ww,priapus,inicky. Gator is only cool guy.

Posted By: 4thGradeEditor

You missed    "always be {a} Aaa country"

You missed    " brankruptcy"

You missed     "Never ONCE thinking for {themself} - always letting the news define their battles and pick their sides"..

Priapus you are Proof Positive just because you  you went to college, doesn't qualify  you to be a professional  editor.
 Carry on with your 3rd grade spelling class.
              Yep.. You know who I am ..


-- Modified on 8/9/2011 5:07:59 PM

JLWest1266 reads

The debasement of the the dollar means the Gov gets to fund is debts cheaper. The biggest looser here is people who live on a fixed income and the poor.

The Fed yesterday basically said were out of the game untill after the elections. There is one thing the Fed policy can't combat and that is the Federal Debt. Because congress really didn't cut anything in the budget deal it tied the FED's hands.

So the the Fed said it's your problem POTUS, now get off your ass and do something or fce a depression. Ben also said we are in a recession.

At this min. the Fed chairmain is meeting the POTUS.

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